I love that we have a fireplace in our bedroom! Such a treat, but the faux stone wasn’t really working for me. We almost took it all off in the same way we removed the fireplace surround in our living room.

Before going to all that trouble though, I thought it was worth it to try painting the stone first. At the very least I thought it would buy me some time. So Ali and I tackled the big, dusty thing. We just used white primer and small two-inch angled brushes. It took quite a few hours to get in all those nooks and crannies! I probably should have just sprayed the thing with my Critter, but I didn’t want to move all our stuff out and do all the prep work (lazy).

We got to about this point and I felt hopeful about the way the white would look in the room.
Then in the morning, the light streamed in through the windows and suddenly I LOVED our faux stone fireplace! With the white paint, suddenly the fireplace looked interesting and kind of cool! And I think the contrast against the dark walls (Benjamin Moore’s Knoxville Gray) is so pretty. I’m even liking the 80s palladian arch windows more now.

Originally the plan was to hang that giant carved mirror we had in the brownstone living room on the fireplace. It is just barely big enough to cover up the arch. I tried as hard as I could to get a nail or a screw into that faux stone but the masonry drill bit I had on hand just wasn’t cutting it. Then I thought to try the old peacock mirror, which was sitting on the floor in our office just down the hall. Admittedly I was in an ‘oh, just screw it’ mood, but I was actually pretty happy with how it looks inside the arch.

I spy quite a few things in these images that need to happen next – I need to finish baseboards (the other side of the room is done) and I desperately need to change out the ceiling fan (or maybe paint this one too? And just shorten the hanging rod).
I also still need to add panel board to the front of the stone on the hearth. The wood floors didn’t quite fit underneath the stone, so there are gaps on the floor that need to be covered. Plus I just think it would look good to have paneling here.

So what do you think of the peacock mirror in here? Should I still plan to cover up the arch with the big carved mirror after buying a new masonry bit? I’m leaning toward keeping this one up for now.

Looks so much better! Nice job. A client of mine has a similar faux stone fireplace, I'm definitely showing her these photos
I love this mirror and love the area that seems to be its home… its all gorgeous! BUT to be sure just have your husband hold the other mirror over this one and take a picture and be sure you don't like that option better. Personally, I like the mirror you have up better than the other option so I wouldn't change a thing! I have a big 80's window palladian thing going on in my family room… yours seems to "go away" w/ what you 've done…wish mine would!
I actually really like the mirror. I think it's more interesting than just a rectangular one. Looks like you got it on your world travels or something.
I think the larger mirror covering the arch is worth trying – only because the inset of the fireplace is brick while the inset of the arch is smooth and flat. I think it's too much so I'd want it covered. Or maybe painting it gray? Probably easy enough to test with photo shop. Love yor plan for the bottom!
You = miracle worker.
I love natural light so I would not cover the window arches. Based on that decision, I would keep the fireplace arch visible because it ties in with the arched windows. The peacock mirror looks good and allows space to put things on the mantel. Candles would so lovely there. Great idea on the panel. I love to see all you do with carpentry – clever lady!
You = miracle worker.
I love natural light so I would not cover the window arches. Based on that decision, I would keep the fireplace arch visible because it ties in with the arched windows. The peacock mirror looks good and allows space to put things on the mantel. Candles would so lovely there. Great idea on the panel. I love to see all you do with carpentry – clever lady!
Wow, I think it looks great! Way to think it through before doing away with it.
I love the white paint on the fireplace. I love the peacock mirror, but with all the texture of the fireplace maybe something simpler (like the carved mirror you've been talking about) would look more polished.
I like the peacock mirror over the fireplace. The carved mirror + faux stone might be TOO much texture? But who knows until you see it, I guess?
I personally love the outcome of the fireplace/mirror combo! But then I have an abnormal love for that mirror. No need to cover up the arched nook, in my opinion. Sometimes working with what you have gives a room more soul than if you follow "conventional" decorating practice. Looking great so far!
Love the mirror and think the paneling would be worth every bit if effort. I'd totally paint the fan for now and change out the shades. Love it all!
I think I'd like the other mirror better.
I say go with the carved mirror. I think it will make a bigger impact on the space. The peacock mirror gets lost inside the arch, and doesn't pop as much as the carved mirror would.
I agree with many others; I can't believe how great that Peacock mirror look in the alcove. I t really does pull all the architecture together and adds a unique vibe rather than reflect what everyone else in blogland is doing. However, it's your house and I so love your sense of scale that whatever you decide I'm sure I'll love. In any case you seem to change things around alot, so maybe just live with it for a while. The rug looks beautiful.
P.S I was just thinking how lazy you are.;)
I agree with many others; I can't believe how great that Peacock mirror look in the alcove. I t really does pull all the architecture together and adds a unique vibe rather than reflect what everyone else in blogland is doing. However, it's your house and I so love your sense of scale that whatever you decide I'm sure I'll love. In any case you seem to change things around alot, so maybe just live with it for a while. The rug looks beautiful.
P.S I was just thinking how lazy you are.;)
I agree with many others; I can't believe how great that Peacock mirror look in the alcove. I t really does pull all the architecture together and adds a unique vibe rather than reflect what everyone else in blogland is doing. However, it's your house and I so love your sense of scale that whatever you decide I'm sure I'll love. In any case you seem to change things around alot, so maybe just live with it for a while. The rug looks beautiful.
P.S I was just thinking how lazy you are.;)
It's way cool. Love the mirror. Dark "kick board" below would be elegant. I am loving seeing your project unfurl. Clever girl!
The painted stone is way cool. Love the mirror. A black 'kickboard' would be elegant beneath the fireplace. I am loving seeing this home unfurl. Clever girl!
I think it looks great! I love the white stone against the dark walls, and the peacock mirror looks pretty fab too! It's great that you were able to pull something awesome out of your limitations!
Everything you do looks marvellous and this looks marvellouser (don't you love my new word) All of your other ideas for the fireplace sound absolutely perfect. Betty from Ontario,Canada.
I actually love that mirror there. The painted stone is such a difference. I think a larger mirror would make the whole spot look so top heavy. How would you balance that out at the bottom? As it is now, it looks perfectly balanced with the mirror a similar width to the fire box. Love seeing what you do!
The peacock mirror looks absolutely awesome in that space. I say leave it! And yes, black paint would look amazing with the black granite. Love your photoshopping skills girl!
I really love the way it's coming together! I can see where the carved wood mirror would be amazing statement, but it might make that space feel dark and heavy again too. I love the trim you mocked up on the hearth. And I'm a fan of the red rug with the walls!
I like the white a lot. I'm not a big fan of painting over fireplaces white but this looks great! I LOVE the mirror! I think the panel at the bottom is definitely needed and I can't wait to see what you're going to do with the ceiling fan! You've been a great inspiration for me!
Jenny, check out this photo
peacock mirror in a white arched fireplace!
To be honest, while that peacock mirror rocks, I think it is too busy with the stone. I think something bold but simpler in style (maybe a modern wood sunburst mirror?) would be a better fit with the stone. Love the renovation and wish I could channel your energy!
So you only used primer and didn’t cover with paint?
Wow this is quite a few years ago … still like the look! I’m about to paint my faux stone fireplace a soft white. What paint or primer would you suggest? I’ve read several posts where people suggest different kinds of paint and I’m so confused :)