I love that we have a fireplace in our bedroom! Such a treat, but the faux stone wasn’t really working for me. We almost took it all off in the same way we removed the fireplace surround in our living room.

Before going to all that trouble though, I thought it was worth it to try painting the stone first. At the very least I thought it would buy me some time. So Ali and I tackled the big, dusty thing. We just used white primer and small two-inch angled brushes. It took quite a few hours to get in all those nooks and crannies! I probably should have just sprayed the thing with my Critter, but I didn’t want to move all our stuff out and do all the prep work (lazy).

We got to about this point and I felt hopeful about the way the white would look in the room.
Then in the morning, the light streamed in through the windows and suddenly I LOVED our faux stone fireplace! With the white paint, suddenly the fireplace looked interesting and kind of cool! And I think the contrast against the dark walls (Benjamin Moore’s Knoxville Gray) is so pretty. I’m even liking the 80s palladian arch windows more now.

Originally the plan was to hang that giant carved mirror we had in the brownstone living room on the fireplace. It is just barely big enough to cover up the arch. I tried as hard as I could to get a nail or a screw into that faux stone but the masonry drill bit I had on hand just wasn’t cutting it. Then I thought to try the old peacock mirror, which was sitting on the floor in our office just down the hall. Admittedly I was in an ‘oh, just screw it’ mood, but I was actually pretty happy with how it looks inside the arch.

I spy quite a few things in these images that need to happen next – I need to finish baseboards (the other side of the room is done) and I desperately need to change out the ceiling fan (or maybe paint this one too? And just shorten the hanging rod).
I also still need to add panel board to the front of the stone on the hearth. The wood floors didn’t quite fit underneath the stone, so there are gaps on the floor that need to be covered. Plus I just think it would look good to have paneling here.

So what do you think of the peacock mirror in here? Should I still plan to cover up the arch with the big carved mirror after buying a new masonry bit? I’m leaning toward keeping this one up for now.

I love how the room is pulling together. That mantel has a spanish vibe that I kinda like and the mirror just do it great.
Amazing, as always :)
Lookin good! I do like the peacock mirror, though I'd love to see the other mirror there-it could add some nice texture. I like the peek of the rug, and the paneling idea is so smart. You're amazing!
I love how it's turning out and the peacock mirror adds a perfect touch to it also.
I love the painted stone — it looks so much better white! And I like the peacock mirror there — it's a perfect fit!
LOVE the painted stone! I would finish paneling and everything else before I decided on mirror. It's looking great though!
I think the peacock mirror is a happy accident. It's shape and design contrasts so prettily with the white faux stone. You're a wizard Jenny!
I'm not sure about the peacock mirror – I think with the colours and other features you've got going on, you need something that looks bolder and stronger, more purposeful. I think the peacock mirror is just a bit too small – it kind of washes out both the mirror and the fireplace instead of highlighting them both. I'd definitely be inclined to try the carved mirror. Could you maybe install it from where you've installed the peacock mirror? I'm not sure how it would work, but if you can drill into that wall, maybe there's a way to hang from the carved mirror from there as well?
Forgot to say – I am, of course, totally loving it. All of it! It's so fun to see all the progress, and I'm really impressed with how much you're updating. You must be exhausted!
The last thing I'd ever consider you is lazy, Jenny!! :-) looking good!
It really worked to paint the stone. I say go w/your original vision and cover up the arch. Think it will look even better.
I love that you painted the stone and worked with what you have first. You can always change it later if you really want to, but something tells me you have a million other projects going on. Your room is turning out beautiful and has an eclectic feel. So inspiring! I absolutely love your blog.
It is perfection! Stunning mirror.
Cover the arch with your original idea. It will be less busy.
You amaze me with all that you do.
I really like the painted fireplace, it gives the room texture. I love to touch things, and I know I would be touching this fireplace because of the texture. Great job as usual. I like the peacock mirror. I say live with it for a week or two and see how you feel.
I think I'd try the larger carved mirror. Although the peacock mirror looks lovely, the larger mirror might take it a notch up. Good thinking on the white stone!
I love it the way it is…of course I have a feeling you'll at least put the carved one up to see how it looks, but I'm digging the peacock. I'm amazed how much the white paint changed the look of everything. Another home run.
I love it, the white is such a pretty contrast to the dark walls. I would leave the peacock mirror too, it really helps pull in the arches of the windows. Beautiful room!
Wow, it looks fabulous! I really like the peacock mirror, but I'd give the larger mirror a try – I think it might elevate the space even more. Can't wait to see the 80's arches in the window covered with shades – that is such a brilliant, simple idea!
Loving the peacock mirror!!!
It looks so much better. We painted out stone fireplace white too. Such an easy fix. Ours was painted a really awful dusty rose. The walls in the second story were a really bright peach. Nice accent color, but every wall? I LOVE that peacock mirror too. Either mirror will look great though.
Hard to tell without seeing the larger mirror, but I'm really impressed with how well the peacock mirror works, and pulls the eye right past the arch. I think the black panel along the bottom will be gorgeous, and really ground the fireplace. I also love the gray walls – makes a large bedroom feel cozy and welcoming. So much fun to see it all coming together!
Its just perfect and gives my little gross fireplace hope. This Mom of four girls needs some inspiration all the time so thanks for this!
I think the mirror is just perfect in that spot!
Such a transformation! It doesn't even look like the same room!
Hi jenny,
I was just on west elm's site and saw that their faux marble throw pillows were on sale and remembered your post about wanting them for your room. Thought I'd let you know! p.s. love the peacock mirror! p.p.s. tried your DIY concrete idea in my kids' bathroom and love it. :)
i definitely vote big carved mirror rather than the peacock mirror. The peacock mirror looks like a place holder, albeit a very pretty one!
I think sometimes it's better to go with the architecture rather than fight it. So the round mirror, arched windows and fireplace all work together. I would also recommend checking out cool modern ceiling fans- there are some gorgeous ones out there and in AZ it is so nice to have a fan in your bedroom, as long as you have a remote to go with it!
What a difference painting the stone made! And for some reason, I really like that mirror there. The arch looked kind of weird before you painted the fireplace, but now it seems more integrated, and the peacock mirror is a good fit for the shape. Love it!
The white on stone solution looks great! I really like the peacock mirror, but I'm not crazy about the white behind it. What about making that the same grey as the walls?
I think you should keep the mirror and use the base of the arch as a mantle – I mean candles in the bedroom are awesome right – and how cool would it be to reflect them off the mirror. :)
I love the arch. I like how you've featured it with the peacock mirror. Keep that!
The white definitely looks better. This looks somewhat like my family room fire place. The problem with that lumpy brick/stone is that it gets really dusty and is hard to clean! I hate that. The only thing that come close to cleaning it up is the brush attachment on the vacuum.
Anyone have any tips for these? I'd love to find a better way to keep these clean.
I actually love the peacock mirror's oval shape, which gives reason to the archway in the fireplace.
Also, I never knew how I felt about painted stone or brick until you posted your photo to Instagram. Now that I've seen the whole thing, I can say I looove the texture. So interesting!
The paneling will look great, though. It will keep that texture in-check.
I vote for keep the peacock mirror. You can change it later if you get bored with it.
i like the peacock mirror there…. but what about painting the inset area the wall color or darker? just a thought…
Absolutely keep the peacock mirror! It looks very chic in the arch and I have greater confidence in those arches now, thanks to you!
I spy lavender!
Wow! Love it all!
Also, I have to agree with Tracy about working with what you have, first. It's a way of life and admirable to turn something ugly or so-so into something remarkable. I've seen you do it time and again so even as I read the posts and so many people say change the mirror, I stand by the peacock mirror because it honors what was and now looks fantastic!
Gorgeous stone… beautiful with white paint too! It really makes a statement. What a treasure!
I love how the circular mirror is the same width as the fireplace. I feel like a large mirror over the entire nook would overpower it. And holy cow what a difference that white paint makes! Gorgeous!
This glimpse into your bedroom reminds me of something out of a Serena & Lily catalog, and I mean that in a good way! Their adult spaces are always so tranquil and pretty. I am surprised to discover that I actually love those windows! Something about the BM paint and now-white fireplace combination. Really elegant. I think the peacock mirror works nicely. Since you are a photoshop master is there a way to play around with the mirrors via photoshop first and save yourself some potential backache?
I think the peacock mirror looks wonderful but what about painting the inside of the niche a dark or contrasting color as well to make it really stand out? Everything looks so pretty-you have more energy than a pack of 8 year-olds! :)
the fireplace looks great, as usual i'm so impressed with everything you do! my vote is to use the other mirror, i think the carving against the white stone would look fantastic.
WOW!! What a job and what a result!! I love the white and never would have thought (but hey, that's why you're the expert ;) It looks GREAT.
The peacock mirror looks pretty good up in there too!
oh man, jenny. this looks amazing. love love the white on the FP and the contrast of the walls. i actually like the mirror, but think the bigger one could be really cool. i vote to see it in photoshop first!!
I absolutely love the mirror in the little 'cave' and the covering up of the bottom stone looks so good! The white brightens the room up and it looks really great! I can't wait to see more, you're a genius.
I love how the mirror looks there! everything looks amazing, as always!
Like I have any clout, but still: carved mirror, without a doubt.
Love the mirror. It feels at home in Arizona and at home in your house. And the paint made a miracle!
Love the mirror. It feels at home in Arizona and at home in your house. And the paint made a miracle!