
Signing Off Early (and a little poll)

Last night was scary and weird. I have this problem where food gets stuck in my throat. Once a couple years ago an Ibuprofen liquid gel pill got stuck and it was very scary and painful. It happened again late last night and it looks like the pill did some serious damage to the lining…

Last night was scary and weird. I have this problem where food gets stuck in my throat. Once a couple years ago an Ibuprofen liquid gel pill got stuck and it was very scary and painful. It happened again late last night and it looks like the pill did some serious damage to the lining of my throat. I’m headed into a procedure that will help us know more. The whole thing feels silly and it’s just about the worst timing. Deadlines galore and new, exciting projects that need research (I’m excited to share a big one with you in two weeks), but all of that will have to wait while I focus on getting healthy for the next few days. Thanks for your understanding while I take a little break here, too.

When I come back I’ll be sharing some cool things we’ve done in our bedroom and (hopefully) some good progress on the chevron floors. Speaking of, I’ve waffled a lot this week with the angle choice – 22.5, 30 or 45 degree cuts.

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I like both the 45 and the 30 best for the space (the room is no quite wide enough for the 22.5 long slope). The two longest cuts in both the 45 and the 30 here in the photo below are what the finished cuts would actually look like (24″ long planks from miter cut to miter cut). You can see that the 45 degree angle makes for a much more narrow row than the 30 degree cut plank even though they are both 24″ long. Trigonometry at work!!
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What’s your preference?

And, of course, some of my inspiration images to take you on through the rest of the week. Have a good one friends. Wish me luck with this dumb throat thing. xo

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images found here, here and here – I’ll try to update the specific photos with links later. :)
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179 thoughts on “Signing Off Early (and a little poll)

  1. Thinking of you, feel better soon!

    To be most like the inspiration pic, I think you go with the 45 angle. Of course, just to be different, I like the 30 better. Both because it is a little different from all you see, and because I find the longer angle more gentle and relaxing.

  2. I say the 30 degree…it gets my vote!

    I do hope you feel better and I have a friend that that happened to in the past…very scary. I do hope you get to feeling better soon and I look forward to your return!!!

  3. I'm so happy you have this wonderful community wishing you lots of best wishes for a speedy recovery!

    I vote 30…the 45 reminds me of parquet floors in NYC apartments.

  4. I like the 30. It's less severe, but both are really beautiful. As another reader commented, hopefully that will mean you get the floor covered more quickly.

  5. Please take care of yourself and know that we are sending all good wishes! Drop a quick line when you can to let us know how things are going.

    As for the floor, it's going to be just gorgeous. WOW.

  6. Please get well soon. Sending healing thoughts your way. Your house looks gorgeous and you have done so much already. It's amazing and inspiring.

  7. Hope you feel better soon! Based on the pics, I prefer the 30 degree angle…it's a little less aggressive than the 45.

  8. That sounds AWFUL. I hope you feel better soon. On the floors, it looks like most of your inspiration pics were of floors with a 30 degree angle, so I would go with that one.

  9. That sounds AWFUL. I hope you feel better soon. On the floors, it looks like most of your inspiration pics were of floors with a 30 degree angle, so I would go with that one.

  10. If you plan to end the chevron with a full plank, wouldn't you need a custom angle based on the desired number of pitches (distance between chevron)and the width of your space? angle = acos (total width of room in inches/number of pitches/24" plank)

  11. Yikes! Don't worry, my friend had a similar throat problem and she was able to get fixed up and hasn't had any issues since. Get well!

    As for the floors, I'd go with 30 degrees :)

  12. How scary! I hope you make a quick recovery. Be sure to rest and put the house on the backburner for a little bit.

    I vote for the 30 degree cut. I find it's a little gentler on the eye, particularly if there's going to be a lot of it on the floor. Your floor is going to look spectacular either way.

  13. Oh no! Get well soon!

    I like the 45 degree cut. It's more pronounced so I think it will stand out in the room (in a great way)

  14. It's funny because I probably never would have thought of this myself and would have started lopping my boards at a 45 degree angle. However, I really like the 30 degree much better. That's my vote. Take care of yourself.

  15. Sorry to hear about your throat – I know how that goes! Take care of yourself – there's only 1 you – my mom always says that. And, I think I like the 30 angle, but it depends on the room size really – it looks like something for a smaller size room??? I'm sure what you choose will all work out – you always do such a great job and I've gotten so much inspiration from all your posts. Thanks and take care, Lisa

  16. Oh, no. So sorry about your throat problem. I sometimes choke on food (more than normal) and my husband thinks there's something wrong with me but I've never had anything get stuck. You poor thing. Good luck with your procedure and get well soon.

    Oh, and the floor – so hard to choose. I'm wanting to say 30 but not sure why I feel that way. It will be fab either way!

  17. Get well Jenny! I feel your pain. I don't know exactly what your problem is, but I had trouble swallowing my whole life, got food/pills stuck in my throat all the time. I finally had my throat dialated – twice. It's possible I'll need to do it again some day but for now it's great and has really helped. Procedure was fairly quick and simple. Hope you can find out what's wrong!

    Also…the 45. :)

  18. Look into Eosinophil Esophagitis. My adult daughter suffers from food impaction for many years and was recently diagnosed with this disorder. Hope you figure things out soon!

  19. My fiance had this issue and it turned out to be Eosinophilic esophagitis. Another person also mentioned this. He had been suffering for a long while and was even carted away in an ambulance after choking on meat in a restaurant. After about two months on Nexium, it's greatly improved. He could avoid the pills if he stopped eating gluten and every other thing he's allergic to, but it's simply not a convenient way to live. Good luck!

  20. I definitely vote for 45 degrees. It's the classic pattern and it will have a timeless look. 30 is not too bad as a second choice, but definitely not the 22.5 degree. Ick!

  21. Jenny: I like your blog and look forward to reading it. Our family has a throat issue also and it is worrying. My best to you ?? Jill.

  22. My friend's husband has the same issue. I cannot remember what it is called, but we live in Jacksonville & I think he is enrolled in a study group at Mayo for the disorder. Let me know if you want more info. & I can e-mail it to you. I know it was pretty scary for them for awhile, but I think it's under control now. Hugs to you! I will be thinking of you Jenny!

  23. Jenny,
    I hope you are feeling better. I have a similar problem with food getting stuck in my throat. Like another commenter bread and meat was the worst. I finally had some crazy "xray" of my esophagus and they told me I had a form of reflux. I am now on a "prescription" of Omeprezole(I buy the Target brand, it is way cheaper than the pharmacy version) I take one every day and it has definitely helped.

  24. hi there – just recently found your blog and am enjoying reading through back entries and getting inspired as i work on my own home projects! good luck with getting some help re your throat issues . . . as a few others have suggested, speak with your gastroenterologist (and possibly an allergist) about eosinophilic esophagitis – it's not well known but can cause symptoms like you describe. it's essentially an allergic reaction to specific foods in your diet – you may have no other reactions save for the build up of eosinophils in the lining of your throat which can then lead to narrowing of the esophagus and thus difficulty swallowing and food impaction. an elimination diet can help to pinpoint the allergens – there are a number of very common ones – along with biopsies to confirm the presence or lack of eosinophils, and then you can choose to either avoid those foods or medicate. a common treatment is swallowed flovent – an inhaler used in the treatment of asthma – the medication coats the throat and helps to block the eosinophilic reaction. just thought i'd share for whatever it's worth! best wishes – cathy

  25. hi there – just recently found your blog and am enjoying reading through back entries and getting inspired as i work on my own home projects! good luck with getting some help re your throat issues . . . as a few others have suggested, speak with your gastroenterologist (and possibly an allergist) about eosinophilic esophagitis – it's not well known but can cause symptoms like you describe. it's essentially an allergic reaction to specific foods in your diet – you may have no other reactions save for the build up of eosinophils in the lining of your throat which can then lead to narrowing of the esophagus and thus difficulty swallowing and food impaction. an elimination diet can help to pinpoint the allergens – there are a number of very common ones – along with biopsies to confirm the presence or lack of eosinophils, and then you can choose to either avoid those foods or medicate. a common treatment is swallowed flovent – an inhaler used in the treatment of asthma – the medication coats the throat and helps to block the eosinophilic reaction. just thought i'd share for whatever it's worth! best wishes – cathy

  26. My sister in law has that same problem. It's weird. I hope you get better soon!
    My first impression was 30 degree is the one.

  27. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

    The 45 angle gives you a busier pattern than the 30 angle, so it would depend on how you are going to decorate the rest of the room. If you are going minimalist, I'd go with the 45 angle. If there will be other things going on in the room, the 30 degree angle will fight less for dominance, and the room won't be so busy.

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