
Signing Off Early (and a little poll)

Last night was scary and weird. I have this problem where food gets stuck in my throat. Once a couple years ago an Ibuprofen liquid gel pill got stuck and it was very scary and painful. It happened again late last night and it looks like the pill did some serious damage to the lining…

Last night was scary and weird. I have this problem where food gets stuck in my throat. Once a couple years ago an Ibuprofen liquid gel pill got stuck and it was very scary and painful. It happened again late last night and it looks like the pill did some serious damage to the lining of my throat. I’m headed into a procedure that will help us know more. The whole thing feels silly and it’s just about the worst timing. Deadlines galore and new, exciting projects that need research (I’m excited to share a big one with you in two weeks), but all of that will have to wait while I focus on getting healthy for the next few days. Thanks for your understanding while I take a little break here, too.

When I come back I’ll be sharing some cool things we’ve done in our bedroom and (hopefully) some good progress on the chevron floors. Speaking of, I’ve waffled a lot this week with the angle choice – 22.5, 30 or 45 degree cuts.

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I like both the 45 and the 30 best for the space (the room is no quite wide enough for the 22.5 long slope). The two longest cuts in both the 45 and the 30 here in the photo below are what the finished cuts would actually look like (24″ long planks from miter cut to miter cut). You can see that the 45 degree angle makes for a much more narrow row than the 30 degree cut plank even though they are both 24″ long. Trigonometry at work!!
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What’s your preference?

And, of course, some of my inspiration images to take you on through the rest of the week. Have a good one friends. Wish me luck with this dumb throat thing. xo

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images found here, here and here – I’ll try to update the specific photos with links later. :)
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179 thoughts on “Signing Off Early (and a little poll)

  1. Please take good care of yourself and will pray for you these next few days. May you heal well and learn all you can to help the tough situation. Love the pics you shared here—whatever you pick will be fabulous!

  2. I love the 45! So so so sexy!! Very jealous of your flooring choices lol.

    And if I'm right it sounds like something that could lead to esophageal rupture which is no joke. Good luck with your testing and I hope it all turns out to be silly indeed :)

  3. No such thing as "dumb" when it comes to exploratory procedures. Take care of yourself first–there are a lot of people who need you and even more who are rooting you on–and the rest will fall into place, including those very sexy floor angles. I grew up in Europe and the 45 angle is a reminder of childhood spent in flats with high ceilings and those floors… Best of health and luck!

  4. Gorgeous floors, either way!

    I have the throat thing too. Or some throat thing. Once spent 7 hours with a piece of chicken in there. Awful. I hope they sort things out for you!

  5. Feel better! So sorry you are dealing with that; it sounds frightening and frustrating. And painful!

    I think I prefer the 45–it looks more like the inspiration pics to me.

  6. How scary and stressful! I'm so sorry. I hope it isn't too bad. As for your poll, I say 30. I'm so inspired by this project! We hope to build a cabin soon and these floors would be amazing! Can't wait to see it all unfold. Good luck and get well soon!

  7. So sorry to hear about your throat thingy!

    I think 30…since it's going to be a library with lots of books on the shelves. I think 45 would just be too much going on…that it would kind of look like lots of books on the floor, too…does that make sense? Though either way they will be gorgeous. Just my vote.

    Hope you feel better soon!

  8. Gosh, it's bound to be just beautiful either way! I think it just depends if you're looking for something striking and sharp, or something a bit more relaxed (the less angled). I really love the sharp angle, but either will be stunning.

    I'm so sorry about your throat! I know especially as moms and busy women it can be hard to take our own problems that seriously. I'll be praying it's nothing serious and that you are able to get some rest, while having enough time to get all of your projects done!

  9. Take good care!!! And don't worry about your adoring fans, we are not going anywhere. What's most important now is your healing process!! In my thoughts and prayers

  10. I have the throat thing thing, (crazy that so many other people have trouble with it too!!), but it's more like in my esophagus. I had a piece of pork chop get stuck so badly last year I had to have an emergency endoscopy done, it was insane! I still won't eat pork! It hurt worse than when I was in labor with my son!!

  11. All the best to you–get well soon! I have a similar problem, and I know how scary it can be when it happens. I don't mean to sound silly, but maybe it's your body's way of getting you to get some rest! (One would think it would pick a better way, though.)
    I like both angles, but I think I like the 30 degree the best. It's going to look wonderful either way!

  12. All the best to you–get well soon! I have a similar problem, and I know how scary it can be when it happens. I don't mean to sound silly, but maybe it's your body's way of getting you to get some rest! (One would think it would pick a better way, though.)
    I like both angles, but I think I like the 30 degree the best. It's going to look wonderful either way!

  13. I hope they 1) figure out what's going on & 2) they have a positive outlook on how to fix it! I'd love to hear what the end result is (I'm a medical student) if you're comfortable sharing. As for the flooring, before I believe I said the 30 but looking at this better visual I think I now say the 45. :)

  14. so scary! feel better. the house will happen, you can take a few days!! the floor will be bananas!!! hope you have a restful weekend.

  15. Jenny,
    I've had the same problem with my esophagus since high school, over 15 years ago. I used to go in for outpatient "throat stretchings" every 6 months. I stopped doing that once I got married and was cut from the parent's resources! For about 10 years I just dealt with the weekly lodging of whatnot, until 3 months ago when I swallowed an average sized 24 hour allergy pill. It was completely stuck in my throat for 8 hours and was not dissolving. I couldn't even swallow saliva! I finally had an upper GI endoscopy in the ER. The Gastroenterologist was shocked to find that my esophagus was the most constricted he had ever seen and could barely fit the scope down. He stretched my throat a bit during the procedure and also took a biopsy. I went in 3 weeks later to have it stretched more. It's a lot better, but not to where an average esophagus should be due to risk of rupturing.
    Long story short, the biopsy results showed that I have Eocinophilic Esophagitis. My doc prescribed a dose of Omeperazole every day until the end of time to keep my throat from reacting to acid reflux and constricting all the time. It's made a huge difference in how I feel.
    I felt I should tell you this in hopes that it can help you somehow. If nothing else, just know you're not alone in the weird throat drama! Unbelievably painful, no?
    After being a silent but avid follower of LGN for over 2 years, it's about time I give back and share some of my experience with you! Best wishes.

  16. Oh no! I hope you get well soon, Jenny. I'm not a designer, but my first thought was… Do either of these angles give you complete pieces on either side of the room? Your inspiration photos show full "v"s that terminate at the walls. I think I'd notice what the perimeter pieces look like more than the overall pattern. Take care!

  17. Jenny! As soon as I read the first sentence of your post, I gasped because what you described sounds so much like what my 4 year old son was diagnosed with when he was only 12 months old–Eosinophilic Esophagitis. After reading through the comments, it sounds like there are quite a few others out there who have had similar experiences. I wish we could start a support group! My son has had multiple endoscopies (and biopsies) and we were able to get his condition under great control through dietary changes alone (no drinking steroids!) after doing two different types of allergy testing. A good adult friend of mine always just told me she had allergies–once my son got diagnosed, I told her I was sure she had EE based on how she described her symptoms. Turns out, she was recently diagnosed with EE! A lot of adults who have gone undiagnosed end up having those procedures done where a balloon is used to open up the esophagus. In my understanding, this doesn't typically solve the problem for the long term. As a mom, I wanted to do whatever I could to find out the source of the problem and not just treat the symptoms. My son's diet is very limited, but it's worth it to me. I sure hope you can get some answers. Definitely do some research on EE and see if it sounds like what you experience. Take Care!

  18. The floor will look interesting, I don't think I had ever seen floor boards laid out that way.
    From your symptoms it looks like you must have some food allergies. A couple of years ago, I started getting a "scratchy throat" and "coughing fits" every time I had wheat crackers, and other gluten loaded foods. Turns out I was gluten intolerant.

  19. Scary is right! Albieght annoying- but the work isn't going anywhere! Here's to a speedy recovery!
    And for the record my vote is for the 30:) these floors are gonna be stunning!!

  20. Scary is right! Albieght annoying- but the work isn't going anywhere! Here's to a speedy recovery!
    And for the record my vote is for the 30:) these floors are gonna be stunning!!

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  22. Jenny, I am sorry about your throat. I am sure the doctor will know how to treat it. I prefer the old school kind of pills that taste awful. I just added a chevron floor to my den. I think the only way to go is at 45 degrees. My room is long and narrow, so I chose to have really long rows vs. the short rows. I think it makes a bigger impact. I can't wait to see how it looks!!

  23. So sorry to hear about your throat problems. I am amazed, reading the comments, how many people seem to be afflicted with a similar problem. I hope yours is easily remedied. Best wishes for a rapid and uncomplicated cure. I also can't believe what a lovely and long post you sent at such a trying and scary time. I think we are all addicted to your blog, so no worries, we will all be here and waiting whenever you are well enough to blog again. Oh, and I'm drawn to the 30. The 45 just seems too busy for me.

  24. My husband has this – an "esophageal shelf" where food and pills get stuck on the shelf. He takes a daily medication that works perfectly!

  25. So sorry to hear about your throat. Please relax and take as much as you need to heal. We will be back!
    I am lucky that this has never happened to me, but I do often have trouble getting pills down. I have to tip my head back so that they don't get stuck and stratch my throat. I've switched to chewable vitamins because of it.

    Lots of hugs and prayers.

  26. Good luck with the throat! When I just see the wood laid on your floor, I like the 30. But then your inspiration pictures seem to be more 45? It seems like that's the style you're inspired by, so I'd go with that!

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