Give Aways

StickyGrams in My Office

I’ve been making some progress on my office lately and I’m excited to share some of my projects so far! I made it a goal to get the space all set up and in good working order before the new year. There’s lots to do still, but this credenza area is pretty close to done!…

I’ve been making some progress on my office lately and I’m excited to share some of my projects so far! I made it a goal to get the space all set up and in good working order before the new year. There’s lots to do still, but this credenza area is pretty close to done!

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I’m using this series of whiteboards as a calendar system to keep track of work obligations and project ideas. The boards (which I’m working on a tutorial for!) are magnetic too. I love having a place that’s not my refrigerator to put up kid art and little notes.

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And of course after I finished the whiteboards I plastered them with my ever-growing StickyGram collection. I love these magnets so much – they’re an addiction and I always want to order more. It’s so fun to have so many of my favorite family photos in one place where I can see and enjoy them daily. No frames needed! :)

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One of my friends put a StickyGram magnet featuring a photo of her family in her holiday card this year. I thought that was an adorable idea! And a sheet or two of these magnets makes a great gift for grandparents or good friends.

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In celebration of the holidays, StickyGram kindly offered to give away three sheets of magnets today! Just leave a comment to enter. Contest ends Dec. 18 at midnight and the winner will be contacted via email. Best of luck!
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512 thoughts on “StickyGrams in My Office

  1. that's so cool! what a great way to actually print some of my pictures, instead of just having them languish on my hard drive.

  2. This might just inspire me to get going with Instagram! I am late on the bandwagon, I know. These magnets are so cute and just might be a way I can get photos to grandma!

  3. The whiteboard idea is great…I did something similar with giant post-its but I like that the white boards would be reusable. Also, I didn't know they were magnetic. I am sure it is nice to look at the ever growing to do list but see happy memories there too.

  4. Such a great idea with the stickygrams & man, love the organization of the white boards, inspirational! I need to get my life centered and organized like that!

  5. Such a great idea with the stickygrams & man, love the organization of the white boards, inspirational! I need to get my life centered and organized like that!

  6. I've been meaning to do this for ages and just haven't gotten around to it. Thanks for the reminder and chance to win some!

  7. I'd love this for our fridge! I'm constantly fighting a battle to keep pictures from sliding down to the bottom; this would solve everything.