While I really love the vintage scrolly mirror, I’m feeling the dimensions are not right for above the sofa in our living room (formally the fireplace nook). I was thinking something a tad bit wider, and about a foot taller. And I wanted something with an interesting frame – super modern? or carved and crusty with age? All of that sounded good to me.

The issue is really large antique mirrors cost (often) thousands, so I’ve had a hard time finding something in the right dimensions that is also reasonably affordable. I found this mirror (supposedly from India?) on Craigslist for only $150. It’s huge, at 60″x48″ – much closer to the ideal dimensions.

I did end up buying last night and it was so cool to see the seller’s apartment – he lived in this amazing old luxury building in Washington Heights. And get this – he had never lived in another apartment his entire life! His parents moved into it rent-controlled and passed the lease on to him and his wife. Can you imagine paying practically nothing for a huge apartment? They had really amazing furniture that had this well-traveled vibe. Loved it all.
So, now I am on the fence about maybe painting or even gilding the mirror. I like the gold element that the scrolly mirror brought to the room, but this frame might be too heavy for an all-gold look. I thought a matte mid-tone gray would be pretty too – like a milk paint? And truthfully, after bringing the mirror inside today, I don’t mind the wood finish left as is. I need to switch the wire around so it can be hung vertically and then I’ll take a photo to share in the space. (keep an eye out for it on instagram – @jennykomenda)
What’s your vote? Paint? Gold leaf? Keep it as is?
PS My heart’s set on putting the scrolly mirror in another room, so I’m really hoping I can make this new carved mirror work in the living room. :)
Great CL find! I love it as is, such beautiful tones in the wood. Okay and that man is so lucky, I can't even imagine a deal like that.
I say leave it alone for awhile. Hang it up and walk by it a couple hundred times (won't take too long), and then you'll know. I think.
I do think the gold could be too much. I like the idea of the gray, because the frame is such a dominant force, it will make itself known regardless.
I think gold leaf would be too busy. I would leave it, the wood might add an interesting dimention to the space. If that doesn't work out, light gray would be great too.
Great find! And I think I like it best as-is. From the photo pictured, I don't see a lot of natural finishes in the room, and I like the idea of the natural wood frame tying in to the jute rug. Gold seems like it would take an already statement piece and make it even louder. And gray, especially with milk-paint, would get shabby chic pretty quickly. Totally my preference though!
I'd love to see it up there as is, but if that doesn't seem to work, I think the grey could be really pretty without being too over the top. Just love this space! Your work gets better and better!
What if you layered the mirrors? Like an ultra simple, beveled-edged mirror. Get the glass guys to cut a space in the middle so that you could hang your scrolly mirror on top of it? I just did this in a bathroom/vanity area and it looks amazing!
As is!
I say go for the gold! How would it look hanging horizontal??
Ah! I love it! It looks just like a mirror I'm considering to buy since ages (but can't really decide yet) : http://www.maisonsdumonde.com/FR/fr/produits/fiche/miroir-java-naturel-75×90-128610.htm
I like the wood finish. You can leave it like this for a while and then change if you get bored.
Maybe you can try to get a softer patina…
Great space! While I like the mirror you've sourced I think the on you have up already looks great and although you might feel the dimensions aren't working I think this is part of the appeal, it's a little odd and it works because of this!
I absolutely love it in the wood finish actually. The wood has some nice variation to it. I love that. I would love to see it "up" first anyway before deciding for sure :)
I think a lovely high gloss navy would be chic or a hot pink. That said, the wood is pretty dreamy. Hang it as is and live with it for a day or two.
High Gloss white also would be pretty swell.
While visiting thailand they have carved wood like this all over the place. In the hotel we stayed in they had framed pieces of this ornately carved wood and highlighted the parts of the carving in gold. It was very pretty. That way you might get the best of both worlds.
The wood is just too pretty to cover with paint in my opinion.
Good luck!
You should paint the inside rim a gold and leave the ornate outside the natural wood tone.
I'd have to see a photo of it in place…but I like it as is. Gold could work too but again, need to see a photo. What a great find! I've seen mirrors like that before, possibly on pinterest
What about putting some stripper on the frame and wire brushing it so the wood has more of an organic feel.
You can even bleach it and then tone it to give it a cerused look.
It would be a totally different look and feel from what you have. Then evaluate to possibly add and make a london wall. I did a big wood weathered frame for a client and it was knock out! I have a picture somewhere if you need a visual just drop me an e-mail. I don't love it the way it is because it looks like there is a poly over the natural wood. It is another options.
try it as is first. if you hate it– bright red could tie the whole room together…just sayin.
Beautiful detail on that frame. Can't wait to see it in place :)
What an awesome mirror! I think it would be sad to cover up all the beautiful wood. I would consider, though, adding gold to the tops of the "inner" frame that directly surrounds the mirror. That way you get a little pop of gold that will help the mirror tie into your existing decor and you preserve the awesome woodwork around the rest of the piece.
As is, maybe limed for a more organic feel?
Gold leaf it! I'm a gold leaf addict.
how about Rub 'n Buff? You could cover just the inside rim, or maybe hit raised elements of the carving across the whole mirror. If you use a light hand, some of the wood grain shows through. I used it here and LOVED it:
Before & After DVD Cabinet Take 2
I say leave it as is! Part of the character of the piece is the fact that it IS from India…and by covering that up with a coat of paint, I think it detracts from the piece. Just my opinion. :)
I also agree with what Allysha said above: leave it alone for a while, hang it up, walk by it a couple hundred times, and then you'll know.
I think it's beautiful as is, but it'd be nice painted as well. Since it'd be such a pain to bring back to the natural wood that it is now, hang it as is for a while and then change it up later on when you're itching to change something in the room?
if it doesn't work have you considered doing a wall of different sized mirrors in a similar finish? kind of like a gallery wall. my mom did something similar in her guest bedroom (simply because she has WAY too many cool mirrors) and it looks pretty rad.
I recently sold a mirror that had a natural wood finish with gold leafing just in some of the grooves to highlight them. That may be a nice thought. Some rub n buff on top of the scrolls maybe?
Maybe just plaint or leaf the small inside frame lines? And maybe wax/lime to raw-ify the wood a bit…
Good luck!
My vote: leave it as it is. Some natural (unpainted) wood is nice in a room and you don't have much of that… And I'm totally jealous of the apartment guy!!
I love it as is, maybe live with it for a while and then decide if you want to change it
Gild it! Gold all the way!
And I'm SO jealous of the huge rent controlled apt… good for them!
Keep as is. Its stunning!!!
Beautiful! I'd paint the inside edge – the straight part – really shiny gold, and do the flat gray you described on the scrolly part. Great find!!
But I also don't think that the existing mirror is too small – some open space on the wall is a nice complement to busy bookshelves. Either option will look great!
Keep it natural!
I echo leaving the wood as is. It will bring a nice balance with your other natural elements like the jute rug and leather chesterfield. Sometime too many painted pieces can be overboard, I think :)
I think leave it for a while and see how you feel (if it feels to dark, change it); but, its so pretty how it is and painted stuff goes through phases (I remember my grandmother having few painted pieces but never my mother and now I do) and will probably go out of style in the future so if you leave it alone, it will be a pretty piece to pass to one of your girls!!!
Hello Jenni!
FANTASTIC find and what a price!
I have avery similar mirrors at a 30" x 40" size flanking my master bed {yes, they were made in India – hand carved}.
They can be seen here: http://doublewideinthesky.blogspot.com/2012/10/master-bedroom-revamp-reveal.html
I went through a very similar contemplation on painting them. Once I had them in place, I LOVED the color they were. Mine have a very slight gold sheen over the dark natural wood. I like how it plays up a natural, rich, but soft sophisticated look to it.
I think whatever you decide, though, it will be GORGEOUS in your space. You have that kind of magic! ;)
I t
I really love the idea of it in gold. Not a bright yellow gold but the faded pale golds that you find in French antiques
I'm more and more a fan of having some "traditional" wood in a space. The dark tone of your mirror would really ground that wall and give it some extra textural presence. Keep it as-is!
I say leave it for awhile. The wood tones will draw your eye to the Chesterfield and back again. It's such a grand mirror and I'd be worried that painting it might make it look like a cheaper version of itself. Grey also may make it disappear on the wall a bit too. I think the bookcases can sustain the heaviness of the wood frame.
I say leave it for awhile. The wood tones will draw your eye to the Chesterfield and back again. It's such a grand mirror and I'd be worried that painting it might make it look like a cheaper version of itself. Grey also may make it disappear on the wall a bit too. I think the bookcases can sustain the heaviness of the wood frame.
I say gold leaf, but only selectively so it's not so overwhelming. Choose certain scrolls and highlight them with gold leaf, and leave the rest the natural wood color for warmth and contrast!
Don't touch it!!!!! AMAZING!!!
I vote for leaving it…I love the heft of the wood and the age of the coloring.
Wow. Beautiful find and I wish I could take a peek into that apartment. It sounds beautiful! Although it's a beautiful piece, I'd love to see it gilded. It would look stunning! Can't wait to see what you decide!
I LOVE the mirror and think the wood finish is beautiful…I'd at least try it out to see if it works…if not I think I'd like it painted in a moody black/gray…but honestly the wood is just too beautiful in my opinion to paint :) Nice score. And the story of his apartment..that's my everyday dream! :) Nice life!
The wood frame is beautiful, leave it as it is.
The wood frame is beautiful, leave it as it is.
my vote is leave as is!
What an amazing find!! Beautiful!
I would leave this the way it is. That is a beautiful natural wood finish and you don't want to go "fake" gold with such a large piece.
Jenny, I love it! I have an almost identical, but much smaller, mirror in my kitchen, and I kept it natural, but it just "works" that way in that room. I had plans to paint it before I put it up. I see how great the gold mirror already looks in your space, so my gut says to go for the gold! I have a sneaking suspicion that whatever you choose will look perfect. It always does! ;)