Hey friends! I hope you had a great long weekend! Ours was so perfect! It felt really long, which is about the best way a weekend could feel. :) Last night was especially fun. We went with our friends Dennis and Jenna on a sail boat down by the Statue of Liberty. The weather, food and company were amazing.

Earlier this weekend I had a little time to finish a project on my list. I bought this step stool at a vintage shop for $20 a while back. I filled the joints with a little wood glue to sturdy it up and then it was good as new and ready for a coat of paint.

I love the diamond pattern on the old rubber treads.

EDIT: I was wrong about the paint color. I used BEHR’s Kiwi Squeeze (latex, high gloss).

After two coats of paint (I did prime first with Zinsser), I dug out the rest of these small brass nails and used them to flatten the rubber tread that was starting to pop up a little. Did you know the easiest way to place a nail in an exact place is to use a pair of needle nose pliers to hold the nail while you tap it in. Work SO well!

Man, I love mint green!

The stool has been so handy in our kitchen. We don’t have a ton of cabinets, so we actually use the items stored on our top shelves on a regular basis. It’s nice to have easy access to the shelves all the time now. The girls are really good about not using the stool without me around. I usually fold it up when I’m not using it anyway.

It tucks into this little nook really well for the times we want it out of the way. Or I can put it away in the pantry if I want it out of sight.
But the color makes me so happy, I doubt we’ll put it away much. :) I especially love the way the gold looks on the green.

Loving the transformation! The mint really pops against your dark cabinetry!
Your step stool is far more chic than ours. Ours would be a Home Depot metal number. Sigh. Love yours though!
I have been looking for a great shade of mint…oh those paint chips! This one looks fab, thanks.
i LOVE this. you did such an amazing job! thanks SO much for sharing!
That is a super cool stool. Good work!
what a cool color!
Little Green Notebook
Excellent job! Thanks for the news, that's powerful! I appreciate your post, Bless you.
So cute! Love the mint – starting to see it more and more. It is a lovley fresh color! Love the pop in the kitchen as well.
Soooo good! Love the mint color and that metal pattern is so adorable!! Great find and great redo. Hmmm…gonna have to keep my eye out for cool stepstools now ;)
~ Jillian
Very nice little transformation. And good tip about placing nails for hammering. Thanks!
Such a great color! What a diamond in the rough!
First off, that picture on the boat is amazing! But that step stool!! I can't believe how awesome it looks! What a gem! Nicely done :]
Don't forget to check out my giveaway!
So, so pretty! Being a whole 4'11" tall, I could use that in my kitchen!!
You have inspired me yet again Miss Jenny! I still want to try the ombre basket and will also be adding this to my list!
Loving this! Where did you get those awesome canisters/jars? Perfect!
The mint and brass nails look so good together! Amazing that you saw the potential in that beat-up little piece!
I painted a little chair in our living room mint green…now I'm looking for a place to add some brass nails. Super cute!
Wow that is the perrrrfect shade of mint! I am definitely keeping that color in mind! And the gold..killer combo.
Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget
I really do love that rug in your kitchen? Where did you find it or do you know where I can find one similar???
Oh how i love that black kitchen..and the step stool, soo cute!! :)
Mint+nail head trim= step stool love/envy.
Officially on the hunt!
Xx. Patience
Love the Mint green too.
My step stool is all manners of wrong right now, its bright blue and red and made out of plastic and does not make my heart sing any tunes of happiness.
Now I'm inspired to keep my eyes open for something a little nicer.
Wow! What a great piece! Super impressed by the way you visualize your ideas pre-project.
oh wow. It looks lovely. I would never think to use mint green in my home but the colour really pops in your kitchen. Love how it works with the bright coloured rug and the dark cabinets.
love it! i have still never bought a kid step because i hate how all of them look (plastic and always in the way), but this is such a perfect idea!
Growing up in a tall family I never understood the need for step-stools. I mean, if you need a ladder, why not just use a ladder? Then I married into a Chinese family and made friends with a bunch of Asians and realized that they actually keep step-stools in their kitchens for everyday access to upper shelves. Much easier than hauling a ladder up from the garage. Then I listened to a whole conversation over appetizers about where to buy cute step-stools. All I can say is, my eyes were opened.
I have a plane wooden step stool from ikea and you have now inspired me to paint it. Thanks, Jenny!
So very lovely- great work as usual!!
I am always so impressed with your ability to take something I would have thrown out and make it so beautiful.
Clever & pretty!
absolutely love the mint green + gold! so chic!
I love how it looks! And it fits in perfectly in your kitchen! Btw, I also love the rug on the floor, where did you get that? I've been looking for something like that for a while now. Great post!
You are seriously a creative genius! I love seeing what you come up with.
I absolutely love the mint green stool….the color is such a nice combo to the colors in your kitchen. XoXo
You can buy such products on http://www.dekornation.com/interior-designer.html
I love the New York picture. Lovely color. It would look great enlarged! Lovely transformation. You already converted me to bold colours, I did paint my TV stand in peacock blue but I am not yet for mint green. But who knows!
What more can i say but its very cool and great. Such a great work.
That is frickin adorable! Also your kitchen is sexy. Just sayin.
You are soo talented! I am in desperate need of a step stool, since I am only 5'2". :)