
Kitchen Drawer Inspiration

This slide show is inspiring me to get going on my spring cleaning and organizing – even though it doesn’t quite feel like spring yet around here. Isn’t it fun to get a peek into someone’s cabinets and drawers? Martha sure loves her P Touch. It’s hilarious to me that she labeled the label maker…

This slide show is inspiring me to get going on my spring cleaning and organizing – even though it doesn’t quite feel like spring yet around here. Isn’t it fun to get a peek into someone’s cabinets and drawers?

Martha sure loves her P Touch. It’s hilarious to me that she labeled the label maker (with a sort of passive aggressive message?)

If you like to cook, you understand how essential it is to have good, sharp knives. I have a set of Wusthof Classics that work great (this knife is my favorite), but I’m really jealous of all of Martha’s Japanese knives.

There’s no such thing as too many vintage linen napkins!

I’m always drawn to Bakelite (pronounced bake-a-light), which you can find at flea markets and all over ebay and etsy. I love the vintage and warm feel of the resin.

What a pretty collection of rolling pins, and I especially love these salad servers.

I’ve used little dishes and bowls to organize small jewelry, but I think these jadeite dishes are so cute for organizing first aid supplies (as long as the drawer was out of reach of little hands. My kids like using bandaids a little too much).

Off to organize my kitchen drawers!

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32 thoughts on “Kitchen Drawer Inspiration

  1. Martha is hilarious. You know someone would get hurt if that label maker were moved out of place. And I love the wooden fish mold! Is that to make butter look prettier?

  2. I have the actual issue of Living that featured those images. Needless to say, I felt both inspired and inadequate after reading that story. Maybe one day my kitchen drawers will look like that.

  3. Oh my! I desperately need to get more organized! I think today I'll tackle my kids' closet! There are pants and hats and books strewn all over the closet floor. It's a disaster! It always feels so good to get organized…especially when it looks pretty too.

  4. Brooklyn Limestone (blog) did a whole series about a month ago that you should check out. It was purely drawer and pantry before and afters. It was heaven for inspiration!

  5. I love this post! Great comments about Martha and her passive aggressive tendencies. I keep hoping her coke habit will go public so we don't have to feel so bad about our own homes. Then again, she has her minions do everything these days. I love the idea of using the small dishes to organize other small objects. My girls love their band aids as well. They pretty much would wear them like stickers if we let them. Great post! Love the eye candy!

  6. I'm with you on a higher drawer for first aid (the 6 year old uses band-aids as tape). I love the idea of an organized drawer like these though. Guess I need to start somewhere smaller though: what are you using to keep the everyday flatware organized?

  7. I love this post – it's awesome, especially the last drawer, I keep finding things I need. Must go and do some organizing myself. Great blog – my first visit – but I'll be back :O)

  8. Such exquisitely organised drawers are such a pleasure to open…everything is always at hand….must put some of these ideas to use…thanks for sharing, Jenny…do stop by my blog sometime!! xx meenal

  9. I thought of this post at Target today. In the $1 section they have little pastel colored ramekins (3 for $2.50). I immediately wanted to buy them all and organize my medicine cabinet!!

  10. The labeled label maker made me literally LOL . . . yeah, I feel that way about mine too. Mostly it made me laugh because my scissors say, "A smart child returns what she borrows!" :-D.

  11. Yeah, I would love to do this to my drawers, but we have dear son 5 and dear daughter 18months. Both like to pull drawers out and play with the thing in them. Maybe someday I can have drawers like this when they are older and not so fascinated with opening and closing things, LOL!

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