Greetings from (absolutely freezing) Salt Lake! I decided sort of last minute to come to Alt Summit and I’m so glad I did. It’s been really great to see old friends and to meet new ones! I’m speaking on a panel later today (eeps), but other than that I’m thinking of this trip as a little vacation, where I can just have fun and relax and let the inspiration that is always everywhere to be seen at Alt, just wash over me!

I did a little shopping on Monday (had to find something to wear for the green-themed party!) and this adorable window display at Anthropologie stopped me in my tracks. (PS are you on instagram?)
Evie’s bedroom with its vaulted and beamed ceiling is just begging for an installation like this, don’t you think? I’m also considering just one big chandelier version, though Evelyn said she likes the grouping best. (Also, wow! Looking at those before photos of the girls rooms right now was such a boost of confidence for me! We ARE making good progress on this house! Things are getting done even though it doesn’t feel like it most of the time. :)

For the balloons, I was thinking red and white stripes just like the Louis Vuitton windows from last year would be really adorable with some of the wall color and wall paper changes I have in mind. I love how tiny the baskets are here too. So cute!

Love the balloons….enjoy yourself!
I saw that LV display when I was in Vegas last summer and I about died. I snapped a bunch of pics on my phone, knowing that I would use that inspiration for something one day. I can't wait to see what you do!
Have a great time!
We're expecting our 3rd baby right now and we've started his nursery with a hot air balloon theme! I'm excited to see what you do to get some more inspiration– I'm stuck in a couple of spots! Though, I'm going to get my balloon miniatures from amazon :)
So cute. I have three daughters too – one also named Evelyn, by the way. I love your ideas for little girls (and the rest of the house). Thanks!
I love this idea! so cute and chic! Glad to hear you went to ALT and got refreshed. It is so hard to be a mom of 3, and want to follow your passion, and capitalize on your talents, and serve your neighbor, and foster your marriage, and keep fit, and heal yourself, and visit family, and decorate your new huge house, and keep that house clean, and create content for your voracious following, and, and, and, Hang in there Jenny! You are getting lots and lots done. I love the glimpse into all. Take care! (and stay warm)
Do you ever do house tour posts? I feel like we never really saw comprehensive galleries of your NY place or anywhere else! Would love to see finished or progress shots.
So cute! Have you seen these balloons you can buy through Amazon? I used them in my daughter's nursery. Love the little baskets and flags :)
Jenny! How long will you be here? I'd love to come see you. We have WAY too much catching up to do!
I thought about putting them in my kiddos rooms, too. I love this display and actually got to be a part of it as I work on the visual display team at Anthropologie. Look online for pics from any of the stores because they are all different. The huge balloons are some of my favorites ( we are talking way big here!)
Such stunning displays! If you're looking for something maybe a bit more temporary (as kids have a tendency to outgrow, in their minds, certain styles :), these hot air balloons from Land of Nod are pretty cute too! Not quite the color scheme you mentioned as an alternative, they are pretty reasonably priced (it seems – not sure what mini hanging hot air balloons run :). Have fun ALT, I'm sure you'll be great!
I live in SLC, and so I found your "absolutely freezing" comment a little funny. I was just thinking yesterday how nice and warm this winter has been overall! I think it's stayed mostly above freezing during the day for most of January, which is quite a feat here. But I suppose that compared to Phoenix it does qualify. ^_~
Enjoy your ALT vacation (and welcome to SLC!) and I hope you find it relaxing. I look forward to seeing your girls' rooms!
A friend of mine who is a blogger and an absolutely brilliant designer had a hot air balloon theme for her wedding. She hasn't been able to post the photos from her wedding yet (for really wonderful reasons!) but she did post this really great photo on her insta from the prep work:
My Mum made me a hot air balloon mobile when I was a kid. She glued ribbon to a rice paper shade, and found a small basket that fit a little teddy bear. Very cute.
What a nice post for the end of the year. I remember so many of these beautiful pictures. The simple one of apples is my favorite.Happy New Year my friend. Kids Bathroom With Colorful Designs
The balloons are too cute! Such a good idea!
I saw some of the huge balloons (made with book pages) last night at the Rock Center Anthro in NYC, and, WOW. Wow, magical. Also, the string-art flowers on the ends of the stacked firewood logs. Just so, so lovely. You have the awesomest of all dream jobs. xox