Thank you all so, so, so much for your kind notes and words of encouragement lately. Each one has meant so much to me. :)
It has been hard for me to share everything here, and I don’t think it would have been appropriate at the time, but it’s been a very strange and difficult couple of months for me, filled with a lot of challenges coming from what felt like every which way. I thought I was managing it all okay, but the last couple weeks were when I hit my breaking point (Ha! breaking point!). I guess I didn’t really realize how buried I was getting until the holidays and my broken arm forced me to stop for a second and take an emotional inventory? Everyone goes through low points, and I think it’s healthy and important to be really open with loved ones about these things, which I totally failed at this year. I should have asked for help earlier, but it was like I was too busy to feel or something, so when I switched gears for even just a minute, it all came crashing down hard on me. I’m sure many of you have experienced similar emotions. It’s no fun.

Anyway, the good news is today I feel like the fog is beginning to lift. Things are looking up again. I’m feeling hopeful. I’ve decided I want to keep writing this blog and I’ve got some new plans that I’m truly so excited about. I keep having to remind myself that my arm (and my spirits) are still a bit fragile though, so I’m easing into it. :)

Today I was itching to do something creative (and simple enough to do with one good hand). I had been looking around online for a print with some reds in it to fill one of my gallery wall place-holder frames, and I kept coming back to images like this Rothko print. I almost just bought one, but lately I’ve been wanting an excuse to paint something for myself. I didn’t want to paint anything that required thinking or planning or really any technical skill. I just wanted to throw some colors on a piece of paper. (which is exactly what I did and is exactly the opposite of what Rothko did – just to be clear!)

I used cheap acrylic paint from Michaels (which wiped right off my counters when I was done) and white wrapping paper (!!!!) because it was easy to find in my disorganized construction zone of a house, and it was the perfect size already for my frame. I used a ton of paint on this thing and it took basically all day to dry, but I had a great time layering on different colors, and mixing and blending.

I can’t tell you how therapeutic it was to do this little art project today. It felt good to do a project for me, just because I felt like it. And it felt good to be happy enough with the results that I wanted to share the photos with you all.

Also, I know it’s lame to copy a famous artist, but I really love Mark Rothko’s color study paintings, so it feels like a little ode to him rather than a knock off since this is just for personal use. It will likely just be a place holder until I find something more permanent to put in the frame. In the meantime, I’m loving the jolt of energy these bright colors brought into our living room! And I think when I look at it over the coming weeks, I’ll be reminded of some of the hope and clarity I’m starting to feel today.

Thanks again, friends, for your patience and understanding. Big hugs to you all. xoxo
I'm always so grateful to read your beautiful, uplifting and inspiring blog. It's the first blog I fell in love with and still read. Thank you for always sharing. I'm glad you are feeling a little better and hope you can continue healing physically,and emotionally. Enjoy your darling family and don't put too much pressure on yourself.
Oh, I also forgot to say I LOVE the Rothko inspired art you did for this post. Your whole gallery wall is genius, colorful and happy. I think you show such courage in sharing your thoughts on your blog! I hope you take it easy for awhile and really nourish yourself.
Remember that Barbie song from the '80s?
"You are the best! You can do anything! You can be anything you wannnnna be! You are a smile! You are a rainnnnbow…". You are!
It's wonderful that you could find a little therapy in your paints. Moving and starting over again, as exciting as it all is, is hard work, never mind when you take on the renovation of a house yourself whilst mothering three little ones. Your projects are always fun to read about, and we're here whenever you feel like blogging, so take care of yourself!
First let me say that you amaze me! I can't believe how hard you work and how much you accomplish with such incredible style. And then when I found out you have three young kids and a husband that works all of the time, I was totally blown away. I love reading your blog and seeing what you're up to — even if it makes me feel like a slouch :) I totally struggle to keep up with my little blog with young children and lots of house projects. Thank you for sharing your story. Please know that you can let go a little bit and we'll still all be here (and will still be amazed) even if you post less. Best wishes on your recovery. Gwen
After a long hiatus of reading design blogs, I decided I needed inspiration for DIY's and design right before the holidays (at the end of a long, disruptive flooring installation) and came back to LGN to find you'd moved cross country and had posted loads of new content. Thank you for helping me kick my home improvement and design doldrums and to take some design chances I wouldn't have done otherwise.
Thank you. I hope you heal well and do continue posting when you can.
Personally, I love it. I think you did a fantastic job, and that it looks great on your gallery wall.
Glad to hear things seem to be looking up!
I think you are an amazing talent, Jenny. Not only in the things you dream up but in the way you execute your ideas. You just knock it out of the park time and time again. My sister and I both regularly read your blog and whenever we are catching up over dinner we always get our own work/life/other news out of the way and then go right to what's new with you. :)
That said, life can get so intense sometimes. I would guess that most of your readers know exactly how you feel. If they don't, they will someday. Just because you CAN do it all doesn't mean that you HAVE to, so don't be shy in asking for help from family and friends! Take time to recuperate and go at the pace that works best for you.
Lol- don't worry about us- we are lucky to have plenty of your archives to inspire us and we'll use that inspiration to get moving with our own work in the meantime.
Warm wishes!!
Hello, I ran across your site. You are quite talented with your creativity. How wonderful. I see you mentioned about a funk and something makes me want to write to you. We redid our floors and added new shelving. I suddenly was in a funk, had low energy..my brain wasn't working right. I needed a lot of sleep. Through what we knew to be God's discernment we removed the shelving and put an air purifier in the house. It was as if the fog was gone. We all instantly felt better and the symptoms disappeared. The chemicals can really affect (or is it effect) a body. Please check that out. I hope you are doing better.
Best wishes,
Jenny, please take care of yourself!
As loyal readers of your blog, we will be happy with whatever and whenever you post. :)
I love Rothko! Perhaps emulate him one more time by creating something truly massive? I once saw several Rothko paintings in Barcelona, Spain, and I felt dwarfed by them. One painting easily spanned about 3 stories. Incredible… a huge painting for your music room?
So glad you had a brighter-than-yesterday day!
I love to appreciate your blog in which you are updating it regularly. Thanks for sharing.
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Jenny, I have been following your blog for almost a year now, but I have never commented on it, or any other blog for that matter. I am an interior designer by trade, but when it comes to my own home I'm all about DIYing! When I read about your little "funk" I could so relate as I was just coming out of my own. All week you have been on my heart, and I just wanted to write in tell you even if you never added another thing to your blog, it would still be the best source of creativity and information that I have come across. Your laundry concrete countertop inspired me to redo our entire kitchen countertops with the Ardex feather finish (we just purchased a new home that came with teal laminate countertops that were popping up everywhere from water damage)—-I absoutely love them, and If I knew how to I'd post you before and after pics—next I plan to tackle painting the cabinets—of course using all your experiences and recommendations! Anyway, thank you for sharing your talents with the world—and trust me, you have a God-given talent in all areas of design—but especially with color! Lastly, I wanted to leave you with a Bible verse that has helped me in my "funks"–Matthew 11:28-30, Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Thanks again for your generosity and your honesty, Brenna
So glad to hear you're starting to feel better. Wanted to know what a positive influence you are on so many. Sending healing thoughts your way!
So happy that you are to continue your blog, and never let anyone pressure you against your dreams and hopes.
I have only commented a time or two but I just have to tell you how amazing and inspiring your blog has been for me! I often find myself thinking "wwjd?" when I'm decorating my own home. It's been so fun following you and I feel like we're old friends which is kind of creepy for you I'm sure! I always marvel at how insanely productive you are so it's nice to see you are human too, although I am sorry you're going through such a difficult time. I wish you all the best and I hope you take care of yourself, whether you continue blogging or not! xoxo
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Just found your blog a while ago, and I must say I love all the content, the DIY's and the design ideas!
Hope you feel amazing soon and thanks for this post.
Dear Jenny,
It feels weird to write to you because you don't know me, but yet you are such a bright spot in my day.
Please, take of yourself. Your health (physical and emotional) and that of your family are the highest of priorities, that should be understood by everyone.
It's exhausting to be going through a hard time and have to front otherwise.
As a strong, smart, successful (not to mention wildly talented) woman, you have inspired me to take charge of my own happiness (if only I had the talent!).
I just wanted to send you my best.
Take care!
When you publish a new post, I get seriously excited. Your DIY is the best on the web – it is SUPER stylish and actually affordable. I can't think of anyone else that is actually successful at doing both.
Thank you for all your hard work, and I am so so happy to hear you'll continue.
Best wishes for 2014!
This is beautiful!
From a 60 year old fan that loves everything you have shared/posted….I think you are adorable and smart beyond words!!! Feel better soon!
You were one of the first blogs I discovered and one which encouraged me to start one of my own.
Take care of yourself and your beautiful family.
Your beautiful spirit, projects and enthusiasm brighten many a day. Looking forward to more.
You did a beautiful job, and there is absolutely nothing lame about copying a famous artist! It's called a pastiche and famous artists did it/do it with other famous artists/periods all the time! :)
You did a beautiful job, and there is absolutely nothing lame about copying a famous artist! It's called a pastiche and famous artists did it/do it with other famous artists/periods all the time! :)
I am so glad you are feeling better! I love your beautiful painting and that you did it for you! I hope you will do more things for just you, I think that is a beautiful thing especially that you honored that.
I am so happy you have decided to continue your blog. I have gained much inspiration from it and learned so much that I feel that I just might be able to do some projects myself where before I was not sure.
So thank you for being you – a wonderful, creative inspiration to myself and all!
your blog is a treasure. You provide inspiration and you are a wonderful teacher. I have learned so much from you. Thank you for sharing your talent and energy. hope you can feel the love!!!
your blog is a treasure. You provide inspiration and you are a wonderful teacher. I have learned so much from you. Thank you for sharing your talent and energy. hope you can feel the love!!!