Thanks again for all your kind words. I’m still working on figuring things out. It’s been so helpful to try things outside of my normal routine and to just slow down and be more present. I can’t tell you how good it feels to be out of crisis mode for even a little while.

The broken arm wasn’t the biggest deal, but the cast was a pain and I’m so happy it’s off now! You don’t keep an elbow casted for all that long or else you can risk losing some range of motion down the road. So I’m taking it slow while the break continues to heal, but hoping to start doing some more projects again soon and get back into that creative zone. I think finishing the glossy top coat in the music room is a good one-arm project to try.

When I did the primer coat a few weeks ago (which is what you see here still), I debated what color to paint the moulding on the walls. I think if I had left the baseboards and the chair rails white, the look would have been a little choppy and maybe too traditional looking, which might feel weird with such a bold color.
I think it looks really modern when everything, floor to ceiling, is painted the same color and the same finish. It makes the light play on the moulding lines in such a pretty way, and the full color wash is so much less jarring than stops and starts of different colors.

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It’s a pretty look, right? I’m almost tempted to add more paneling to the blue room before putting the top coat on! I’m especially drawn the the Kelly Wearstler photo (the top example in green). I love the dimension of the panels! It’s so much more interesting than strips of moulding.
More molding would look fantastic! I've been thinking of adding more to our dining room lately, which is done the same way, all dark gray.
Glad your cast is off and your arm is begging to feel better! My wife fractured her elbow and said it was agony, so I can imagine your pain.
I really like your round up of images. The painted moulding makes it blend into the surround walls, whilst still providing texture and interest.
I prefer your last grey image the best!
I broke my elbow when I was 10 years old, and it still haunts me 20+ years later! I had the cast for 6 weeks (it was a REALLY bad break… surgery, pins, the whole deal) then like 6 months of painful painful physio therapy to regain motion. I still have only 98% range or motion, and some wicked arthritis. Glad you're doing better! Can't wait to see the blue room when it's done!!!
I like how in all the examples, they even did the baseboards and other trim the same. I wonder if I could work up the courage to do the faux paneling in our hallways in light grey. Question though, what would you do with the ceiling and crown moulding? Could the ceiling stay white and the crown the same as the walls?
Glad you're on the mend – body and soul.
This post is so timely as I'm just about to paint my husband's breakroom area in his office. I'm going to paint out the trim and the ceiling in the same blue (kind of a Hague Blue rip-off by Behr called Restless Sea) as the walls. It's a rather small room and I think it will make the space cozy and less choppy. Wish me luck. I agree it's a much more modern look!
It looks amazing!!! I would definitely add molding to add even more dimension to the room, like in the photos. So glad to year you are doing better, too!
Funny you posted this today; I just noticed that they so this in all the homes on Downton Abbey and I think it looks awesome!
Glad your feeling better! We just put moulding up in our daughters room and painted in Martha Stewarts Beet from ceiling to baseboards! I thought the white would be to stark around the bottom. It looks awesome! – Amanda
Where is the skirt from…I love it!,
The Kelly Wearstler is the one I like best, too. The brushed effect gives such dimension to the solid hue (wonderful grayed green), along with the actual 3D moldings.
Lovely though it is to see a new post, I know your readers hope you'll take whatever time you need to get head and heart aligned and your energy and enthusiasm back. (arm and elbow too, of course) And if you discover you need to do less with the blog, we'll still cheer for you and appreciate whatever you choose to share.
That blue is going to look amazing with the woodwork painted. So modern.
I am so glad you are on the mend. I feel tremendous empathy for you. We moved recently, and I kinda hit a wall too (complete with an injury). There are so many factors at play and it is not easy! Hang in there, and do what feels right!
I see another reader made the Downton Abbey connection too. I wonder when the trend to paint all the trim white actually started…
Soo glad you're back! Please don't go anywhere! In my mind you do no wrong!
I enjoy you and your blog so much.
Here's a link to a recent Ted talk. Sometimes it just helps to know you aren't alone.
I enjoy you and your blog so much.
Here's a link to a recent Ted talk. Sometimes it just helps to know you aren't alone.
So excited to see a new post today and hear that you are continuing to heal. It is so hard to slow down and I know exactly what you mean. Loving the painted molding look! You are such an inspiration!
WB! You were surely missed. The room looks amazing. What color blue did oui end up going with?
Well I'm so excited for the glossy finish!
So glad that you are feeling a bit better. I love painted molding and I also think that you should add even more molding to your room before you finish painting. I can't wait to see your room when it is finished. It's going to be fantastic!
So glad you are feeling better, Jenny!
If possible, I would love to know the source of the flokati on your piano. Thanks so much!
Yes! walls and molding the same color looks great and seemed to transform my very traditonal looking office to something interesting and mod…like I'd find on your blog :-) And so glad you're feeeling better–REALLY missed my fav blog.
If it wasn't for the one-arm deal, I'd say add more paneling, but it might be encouraging the almost-impossible at the moment. I love the thick ledge in the last photo, where the pictures rest on it…. But above all, take care of yourself and do things that you can right now, without added stress because we all know that leads to something broken–be it elbow or spirit. Nice to see you back, though…
Hooray for no more casts! And the blue in the music room looks fantastic. More moulding would be beautiful. I especially love the beading in the first image. Something else to consider adding to the music room, maybe?
Hugs and prayers still going your way!
Take it easy, and take good care of yourself, body and spirit. We'll all be here when you feel like coming back at full speed!
Love the molding, but don't put pressure on yourself. Moving is so traumatic, and being strong for lots of uprooted little ones while renovating a big house is not easy. Empathy.
I am really enjoying your bold use of color in this room. That blue is amazing, and I totally agree with your decision to paint the mouldings the same color. I was wondering if you could comment on how you choose to handle the transition between rooms when switching trim color.
I saw a couple readers comment on this look being prevalent on the Downton Sets. Another show with gorgeous sets where I noticed a similar look is Boardwalk Empire. I haven't had much success with locating photographs of interior sets from the show, but I'm thinking about doing some screen captures.
I'm glad you are continuing to post. This is my favorite interiors blog. Thank you for all of the wonderful inspiration!
Lovely look and while I'm sure I've seen it before, it has never registered. Maybe this is what my dining room needs!
And my elbow took exactly one month from break to straightening out completely. Except for the occasional "pop" when I straighten it, now it as as good as new. Hope you recover as quickly.
Glad you are feeling better Jenny! My husband and I did this in our guest room a few years ago and I really love it. We did paint the walls flat and the trim semi-gloss for a little contrast. I can't wait to see how the walls look with the high gloss finish!
I'm doing this exact thing right now in our powder room with an inky, high gloss black and when I told the guy at the paint store I was painting the trim and the walls the same color he looked at me like I had tentacles growing out of my head! I want to have that super high-gloss finish that you get with oil based paint but apparently, a lot of stores (at least where I live) don't tint oil based primers or paints anymore so I'm just using a tinted latex primer and the already tinted Rust-o-leum gloss black oil-based. Is there another way to get that oil-based shine? I'm intrigued by this "top coat" you speak of!
Hi Jenny,
I know you have covered it before, but where did you get the large abstract in the gold frame on the piano? I have searched the blog and I'm not finding anything about it. It's beautiful!
Glad to hear you are healing also, I really enjoy reading your blog. Erica
Nevermind, found it!
Thanks, Erica
Beautiful! Such a huge impact!
love when you do these inspiration posts. I always find inspiration in them beside what you are showing us the pictuers for.
Painting everything one color is definitely the trend and it's a trend I can get on board with, it's modern yet gives the room some character too, I love your blue room!!! Hope you're feeling well!!
I really like your blog and I wish you to really take care of you.
Thanks for the good ideas and enthusiasm!
Definitely put more moulding on the wall. It creates beautiful dimensions!
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Just a note–I recently painted my LR walls and crown a very similar color (BM's Bold Blue). I thought I had a steady hand…but the contrast of blue crown with the light ceiling was harsh. I ended up using the tape method for doing crisp stripes to get an acceptable line on the ceiling.
I am excited to see how you handle the entrance molding…right now, the baseboard and trim around the opening is currently white in my LR b/c I had trouble with where to stop on the molding framing the entrance.
I adore your blog. I've used so many of your ideas in my home, and it's shaped my design aesthetic more than anything else. Hope you and yours are able to relax and enjoy life! I'll always be a fan. <3
Love this post!!
We just did this on our Library/Family room. Painted molding and all F&B Black Blue. I love it! We also did extra molding and a fascia to make the typical Home Depot molding look even grander. Super easy. I'll send you a picture if you like. The fascia is just a 1/4 – 1/2 thick and then the molding on top.
I'm a long time reader of your blog but a rare commenter. You have inspired me over and over again over the years as you have so many others. You really have a gift. Our family also made a huge move this year that was difficult in so many ways and I empathize with you completely. Thanks for being willing to share the bad with all of your amazing good. Hearing that amazing women like you and Gabby Blair have hard times too helps us all feel more normal. Good luck with the arm and with everything else. I'm sure there is only greatness in store for you and your family for the rest of the year!
This is going to be so great. Glad you're feeling better & healing up. superXOX
So glad you're feeling better! I love this look and painters look at me like I'm so crazy when I want to do this. My husband doesn't get it either, but I love it!
Like everyone else here I love seeing a whole room covered in one great color. But how do you transition to the next room when you want blue trim around one door but not in the room next to it? If that makes any sense
Love this blog! I have a lot of these beautiful colors incorporated in my house already. I love bright, bold colors mixed with antiques and wood.