I am fascinated by clouds and cloud patterns. I am the geek that sits plastered to the plexi during flights so I can see all the beautiful clouds along the way. :)

Tara Andris is a Kansas City artist who paints the most beautiful cloud and abstract scenes. She starts out by gold or silver leafing her canvases, so that after her painting process, the end result is a dreamy, luminescent and very life-like cloud pattern.

I hung my Tara Andris cloud painting in our library and I think it looks lovely in here. It might end up having another home as I hang more art and more around furniture, but it looks great here for now. It might be extra perfect here when I finish our blue glossy walls in the music room.

Tara also happened to be a blog reader and she asked if I would like to give away one of her paintings. She sent me this beautiful painting called ‘Brooklyn’ (fitting!!) to gift one of you lovely readers.

Here’s a close up. Isn’t it stunning? Tara’s paintings are best in rooms with great natural light.

Tara sells her original works here, and her prints, iPhone and iPad covers, totes and pillows here. To enter to win this beautiful original oil on top of leaf on canvas, visit Tara’s shop and leave a comment on this post with your favorite painting of Tara’s.

Contest ends Dec. 21 at midnight. Winner will be emailed. Good luck!! (and many thanks to Tara!)
YES! I'm from KC, too. Love supporting local artists. My favorite is definitely 'February'. Although they are all stunning!
Beautiful! I especially like the Charlotte one. Such a unique piece of art!
I love February and cloud study 2/14/13. Crossing my fingers!
Spring Rain! And I like Nassau. And Charlotte. Beautiful work.
I can't choose a favorite, but these are beautiful! I had been wondering if there was a good artist or photographer that specializes in clouds because I would like to bring something like that into my home. Thanks for posting about it!
I am in love with " Nassau" but all of them are beautiful.
Thanks, Shawnia Willson
I am in love with " Nassau" but all of them are beautiful.
Thanks, Shawnia Willson
Great to see a KC artist! Love Nassau. The leafing must really play with light.
I am in love with " Nassau" but all of them are beautiful.
Thanks, Shawnia Willson
Pink Clouds is so lovely. Great giveaway!
Nassau! Stunning!
Nassau! Stunning!
Nassau! Stunning!
Sunrise, but really, just about any of these… I don't think I'd ever grow tired of looking at them. Thanks for the intro.
I love pink clouds and spring rain, and would love to see Brooklyn hanging up in my apartment! beautiful works!
Love daydream! Would love to see these in person too!
Would totally love Brooklyn but have to admit that Nassau won my heart.
I love the Nassau painting.
I stared at these paintings forever trying to pick a favorite and finally decided on "February."
Spring Rain is gorgeous! Makes me want to fast-forward to March. :) Thanks for introducing us to such a talented artist!
These are truly amazing! I love Charlotte – and Brooklyn is beautiful, too. Blue sky and clouds are just so calming!
well, my favourite is Spring Rain :)
I love cloud study 5/1/13. It reminds me of a view of clouds from an airplane window
Cloud study is beautiful!
I hate that the August is sold out! That one was definitely my favorite. I just love the aqua blue color in it:)
Tough to pick but Nassau is really lovely.
Pink Clouds!
Love these. Charlotte is my favorite!
Violet and April. Although all of her pieces are unique and amazing and I would love to own any!
I love Autumn Storm. So beautiful and moody.
I love cloud study! wow her paintings are amazing!
Autumn Storm!
Such beautiful work! Spring Rain is so pretty.
Beautiful – Love Spring Rain
My favorite is Brooklyn! So amazing!
I Love Love Sunrise!!! What perfectly lovely affordable unique artwork!!
Love the gold in cloud study 4/12 and second is Brooklyn – that blue would look amazing in my bedroom!
Cloud Study 2/14/13
Cloud viewing from the plane window never gets old for me and this study reminds me of my last trip. Thank you for the introduction to Tara Andris!
Wow. Love Cloud Study 5/1/13, Nassau, and Brooklyn the best. I hope I didn't just disqualify myself by listing three, but I couldn't choose!
Cloud Study 3/1/13 is my favorite, but it was a hard choice. I just love the concept of placing gilding down on the canvas first, it's very unusual, but the luminescence is incredible!
What a generous giveaway, thanks Tara and Jenny!
I love Nassau… and Brooklyn… ah, they're all gorgeous!
All of her work is amazing! I don't think I can count the number of photos I have taken of the sky over the years. Cloud Study 5/1 is my favorite if I have to choose one!
Cloud Study 3/1/13–I love the way that she attends to the details, even finishing the edges of the canvas.
I have actually been running into things because on my walk home from work I can't stop staring at the sky….my favorite is passerby. It's so special! And I love that it's like you are at eye level with the clouds.
I loved the "Pink Clouds" — and oh, all of them. Gorgeous work.
I like February
So hard to choose! Warmth and April are so lovely :)
Brooklyn is my favorite – I lived in Brooklyn for 10 years and moved to DC last year. So I'd love to have some Brooklyn sky to look at when I'm homesick!!
cloud study 3/1/13 is gorg!
They're all so beautiful! I think Cloud Study 3/1 is my favorite. :)