
Update on Jenny

Hi, guys. On Saturday Jenny was admitted to the ICU for tetanus poisoning. She is hanging in there and getting a little better each day but could use your good thoughts and prayers right now. She thinks she’ll be back and at it in no time, but we appreciate your patience and support while the…

Hi, guys. On Saturday Jenny was admitted to the ICU for tetanus poisoning. She is hanging in there and getting a little better each day but could use your good thoughts and prayers right now. She thinks she’ll be back and at it in no time, but we appreciate your patience and support while the realities of the situation play out. I’m sure she’ll want to post an update as soon as she can in the next couple of days. I assume it will include a PSA on keeping your tetanus boosters up to date!

Thank you all so much for all the love and continued support you’ve shown Jenny throughout the years. You all mean a lot to our family.


(At least her room has a great view…)
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527 thoughts on “Update on Jenny

  1. How scary, glad you are ok. Heres to a speedy recovery! I love your blog and hope you are feel better soon. Thanks for keeping us updated.

  2. Jenny, you put such goodness and beauty into the world. Thank you. We'll be praying for your recovery and that your family holds up well.

  3. Oh that's terrible! Take care of yourself and don't hesitate to take the time you need to recover. We all love the daily updates on your blog, but make sure to take care of yourself first. For our sakes though, I hope you have a speedy recovery:)

  4. Jenny, I've been following your blog since I bought my little home two years ago. You've give me so good ideas for it. Best wishes from Spain and good recovery!!

  5. i have been wondering why you haven't posted! goodness, take care of YOU! so sorry to hear you are ill, can't wait to have you back on line. rest up, heal quick, our collective thoughts are with you & your family.

  6. I am sending healing thoughts your way. Get well soon! There are so many of us who don't know you in person, but adore you over the Internet.

  7. GET WELL SOON JENNY – I love your blog and i hope to run into you one day on the streets of New York!

  8. Healing thoughts are coming your way, Jenny! You and your family are in our hearts and prayers!!!!
    Get well soon,

    A Fan in Texas

  9. Oh, feel better soon. You are just darling. This seems like a good time to tell you that your grace in balancing motherhood and a career has left me in awe on many occasions. Beyond that, you have inspired me to better style my bookshelves and (now) to get a tetanus booster. Godspeed on your recovery. (But don't rush it!)

  10. Thank you for the update. Your family will remain in my thoughts and prayers that Jenny will make a complete recovery and that you and those sweet little ones make do while she is away!

  11. Jenny, I am praying for you, and your family. I wish you a speedy recovery. I am so sorry this happened to you. Much love, shawnia willson,( a longtime reader and fan)

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