There are four bedrooms in the new house. Two on the garden level and then two more on the floor above the living room/dining room/kitchen. It made sense for us to be on the same floor as the girls (who will all be sharing a room for the next couple years at least). The bedrooms on the garden level are pretty large and equally sized, but we decided to use that floor as my office (since that floor has an outside entrance) and the other bedroom on that level will be my sister Heather’s, who’s living with us currently.

The upstairs bedrooms share a bigger, nicer bathroom, which is good, but one of the bedrooms is majorly smaller than the other. There wasn’t even really a choice for us – it makes way more sense for Michael and I to take the small bedroom and to let the girls have the huge 20×15 bedroom. That way there is plenty of room for them to spread out and play. Hopefully the toys will stay mostly upstairs in their room!
So our little ‘master’ bedroom (ha!) is proving to be a bit of a challenge layout-wise. There’s no closet. Or rather, the head of the bed is in the original closet. So we’re going to add a wall of Pax units. There’s also a large hall closet that we can use for additional clothes storage.

I’ve been thinking a lot about painting the walls of the room black. There’s just no getting around how tiny this room is (it’s about 9 x 11 — EDIT: I just double checked the measurements and I was off. It’s about 8×13. Eesh, that’s so narrow!), so I’m just going to work with it and play up the coziness aspect. I’m telling myself (and Michael) it could end up being really restful.
I’m planning to install a lot of new moulding everywhere in the house, including the bedroom. I’d paint the moulding black too though and I think the dimension will be really cool. I’m hoping with a light rug and white bedding/curtains, and oversized artwork, the mix could be just right with the dark walls.


I never jumped on the black walls bandwagon a couple years ago, but I’m sure a few of you did. So I have a question for you: Do you still like your black walls? And did you paint them flat or glossy? I’m thinking high gloss or even lacquering might be really nice in our tiny room…

Elle Decor

High Street Market
LOVE black walls. I used a semi gloss, but like Eva said, you have to make sure your walls are flat if you're going too glossy. Flat might look a little chalkboard-ish.
I love the design combination. It is great. Love every detail in this blog.
About 10 yrs ago I painted our bedroom a VERY dark navy blue {semi-gloss} with white trim. I loved it! It was very restful and calming. I did white bedding and furniture with silver accesories. If I did it again I'd add pops of color to the mix, something bright and fun.
Go for the black! Worst case scenerio, you can always repaint. :)
I hesitated for years on a black wall. When I decided to paint my headboard wall black, I loved it so much I went for all four walls. One wall was almost 75 white wall wooden closet doors and the adjacent wall I placed white floor to ceiling drapes. It turned out to be the most restful place ever! I did not want reflected light, so I used flat paint. I am looking for a way to use the same paint in my current home. I am no longer afraid of black. Also, I painted the ceiling in a small entry black and the ceiling disappeared, like a dark sky above. It was wonderful!