I have a fun post scheduled for tomorrow all about cleaning, where I’ll also be professing my love for baskets. I have them all over the house and this one has been a favorite. It’s sturdy and it holds its shape really well.

I’ve always wanted to experiment with painting one of my baskets. I thought about doing a big stripe, but decided on doing an ombre wash with some white latex paint I had. I think I would avoid using a glossy paint on this project – I used eggshell finish here.

The first step is to dry brush the whole area you want to paint.

Then really coat the bottom fourth. You want the paint to be really thick so that none of the basket shows through.

Then you just fill in the middle section and blend so that the white paint runs smoothly from thick to very thin.

My only tip is to not overdo it on the light parts. If you spend more than 5 or 10 minutes painting the whole basket, you’re overdoing it. Then you just leave it to dry overnight and that’s it! I was worried the thick coat of paint on the bottom might seep through to the inside of the basket, but it didn’t.

There’s such a great texture to woven baskets. It brings a beachy element to a room, which I like. But I really love the modern edge the white paint adds!

Pretty! I love that. You are so creative Jenny :)
I've been wanting to do this to a basket for months now. I'm now motivated! Looks great!
Such a pretty beachy look! Thanks for sharing.
fun….would not have thought of that….
Your basket looks great! You've motivated me to create one (or more) for Easter decorations, thanks!
sorry," beachy" Mmm feels a tad sloppy but thanks for sharing 'fails' as well as your successes!
it will be interesting to see if once the basket is filled will the weight of contents cause the thicker painted area to crack?
So cute! – I love how it is modern and rustic at the same time.
How do you pull of doing all of these DIY in an apt in NYC? I get totally overwhelmed thinking of doing any projects here.
Love your style – and look forward to your posts!
that's a really creative diy! one i may have to try! i've got some grey wicker baskets so… heh. watch this space…
What a neat idea! Where did you get that basket, by the way? I need one to carry all my design paraphanalia in!
very cool…even with color ! love it.
very cool…even with color ! love it.
Jenny you should delete that anon comment. What a jerk face!
Hey jerk face anon commenter: I LOVE this project and can't wait to try it myself with our toy baskets, so it's a success in my book. But it sounds like you must just be FULL of great diy ideas yourself, so maybe you'd like to write a blog where you post stellar content every single day, while running a hugely successful design firm and mothering 3 kids in new york city? You're a bitch.
Love you jenny. kisses from Kansas.
Mmmm, Kansas. I wonder if Jenny only wants cheerleading feedback rather than honest opinions, most likely given the lady like tone of her blog she really should consider deleting your post,name calling and offensive language??? really not on.
Jenny ,
I am very impressed with almost everything you post ,
but i must say the painted basket looks unfinished .
Jenny ,
I am very impressed with almost everything you post ,
but i must say the painted basket looks unfinished .
Jenny ,
I am impressed with almost everything you post , but not this time . The basket looks unfinished .
Jenny ,
I am impressed with almost everything you post , but not this time . The basket looks unfinished .
Sorry for being a little nasty, Anon. You're probably only mildly bitchy in real life. It just infuriates me when Anonymous losers feel like bloggers appreciate negative criticism. WHO WANTS THAT? Jenny is not an editor who only posts other people's work. This is HER work! Would you go over to a girlfriends house and be like, "what you PAINTED a basket!? That is NOT beachy! FAIL!"
I'm sticking up for Jenny bc she is the nicest blogger around. I met her at her sale in Virginia and the woman was absolutely surrounded with girlfans just wanting to see her lovely smile and tell her how much they love her. She was one of the most charming people I've ever met. Someone with her genuine grace and talent doesn't need comments like yours. She works so hard and I can't stress just how NICE the girl is! Why would you say something like that to hurt her feelings? Remember she is a real person! (as much as I like to pretend she is a robot and that is how she is able to be so productive!)
You can't see me or hear me but I'm clapping on the west coast. Love the look of this basket. Thanks for the inspiration!
Pretty! I love a touch of the beach without it being a complete beach room. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's post. I need to wrangle more of my clutter with baskets. And cleaning tips are always welcome.
so cute and looks pretty easy!
Whhoooweee! Its gettin hot in herr!
Jenny, this project looks great. Apparently anon wants you to weld or upholster or forge something every day of the week. Personally, I love seeing you mix in some simpler tutorials with your more hard core ones! Cuz lets be honest. I'm a bit of a mess and me and power tools don't mix! ;) But I can definitely spend five minutes painting a pretty ombre patten on my shoe basket! Adding it to my to do list now!
LUUURVE it! Will do it for my beach house that we just bought. We're so house poor now that I can't wait to go through all your old posts again to get cheap decorating ideas.
This is gorgeous!! My mom is a basket collector (re: horder) and this would be great for her to change up all of the woven texture!
Simply lovely, It might look great also in orange?
I love everything on this blog too. However, this isn't my cup of tea either. But it's totally valid to like it too. To me, it just ruined a perfecly beautiful basket.
Wow! I thought my ears were burning! :)
Anon from earlier- I'd be lying if I pretended that reading your comment this morning didn't bum me out a little bit. I totally get it if this sort of thing is not your taste, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out (which is why I posted it).
Having spent a lot of time talking with friends and fellow-bloggers about this, I have pretty strong feelings about the etiquette of commenting on blogs (especially personal blogs). I think that readers (including my own) should feel like they can be open and honest in commenting, but I also think a little restraint goes a long way. Criticism — even constructive criticism — is always hard to take (especially from faceless strangers), but, even more than that, I think that negativity from commenters can, even just subconsciously, change the way a blogger writes — becoming more guarded or self-conscious, or less willing to open up their lives to their readers. That is the last thing we should want to have happen when the whole point of personal blogs is for people to share their lives and what they love.
I'm so grateful to have such a generally terrific community here. You guys make the time and effort it takes to blog each day seem worthwhile. I'm a big girl and can take criticism of my work. But this is my notebook – my diary – and having to respond to (or even read) criticism takes a little bit of the joy out of the thing. That's why I've tried to stick to the adage (both as a blogger and a commenter on other blogs) that if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. There's already enough negativity on the internet without me adding to it, you know?
Anyway, let's move on. Hopefully something else this week better strikes your fancy.
Very sorry you decided not to address what is clearly a rude follower, the use of bitch or bitchy in Kansas' response? as a mother of girls you really might want to think a little deeper beyond your ringing ears over a project that not only I but others felt missed it's mark. Unless you are encouraging ms antics on your blog? Disappointing, will not bother to check in at little green notebook going forward as heavens knows there are other options.
This is a great idea! I love baskets too and I have one in my living room that I might try this on!
Looks awesome! Such a fun and easy DIY.
Sorry for the negative Nelly's Jenny! You are so very creative and I love to see how you take a trend and make it your own! Keep on doing what you love! :)
Super cute! Love it! Adding this to my long list of diy projects — it is just perfect!
I love a simple diy that really makes a big change. Something about the texture being white makes me want to touch it….(I know…that makes no sense)
The last image is so pretty!
Such a big impact for so little. Love that!
This is Mckenzie, I am just a loser and don't have a gmail or blog!
I am going to say something and hope Anonymous can read ok, but who comments anonymously and gives constructive criticism without leaving a name? People who are sincerely just offering constructive criticism with the intention to help, leave contact info. People who don't are just cowards (sorry!) who have nothing better to do than tear infinitely more creative and hardworking people down, out of boredom. What you have said is NOT constructive criticism, just an attempt to publicly tear someone down… please know the difference.
I am not any better though. Here I am, I know, just as pathetic as you giving YOU criticism on someone else's blog… want to know why, because I am also bored tonight. Oh and because I love and adore this blog/Jenny.
I think we are all ok with you
looking elsewhere, please:)I am sure Jenny is sad to lose you, but us readers will survive.
Anyway here is my contact info if you are sincere in your criticism, because I am sincere in mine. Please don't respond to my comment on here, that is the least appropriate. Wish I could contact you without creating drama here.
Jenny I LOVE you and your basket. You are wonderful, thanks for the great example you set for us all. Loves:)
Absolutely ADORE this! It's all over Pinterest right now :) Martha Stewart has a tutorial on doing paint-dipped baskets, but the half solid paint, half wicker look is not really my aesthetic. This, however, is beautiful! Ombre styles are so current, and anyone that is up-to-date with home decor and fashion will recognize how sophisticated and relevant this is. Can't wait to make my own!