My lovely friends at L&S recently redesigned their website and to celebrate they’d like to offer a $100 gift certificate to one of you readers. If you’d like a chance to win, please check out their new site here and then leave a comment on this post sharing your fabric picks. Here are mine:
I like this ikat-ish tiger print!

This print is a fun, organic version of a geometric pattern

And a coordinating ikat

This panther pattern is really amazing. I can see this on a pair of chairs or maybe on a set of Louis chairs around a modern dining table…

I would make a pair of these buffalo check pillow in gray and do a bright neon orangey pink welt.

Pretty yellow ikat

Doesn’t this sort of look like a China Seas pattern?

LOVE this color combo!!

Khanjali is a really lovely fabric in person! The green is a bright chartreuse..

This reminds me of Lulu DK a bit. It would make for a great single throw pillow.

This Union Jack fabric is very promising!

And don’t forget Paris!

**UPDATE: Congratulations to Steve Steinhardt for winning the gift card!**
I'm in love with that Ikat Orange Pink!
I have three fabrics I would like to get: the linen essential stripe in ash, lovely/CIR, and Anatolia Ikat
The honey comb is beautiful and subtle. I like it a lot!
I love the orange/pink & navy/gray fabrics! We just bought a new house and some bold graphic pillows are really needed. These fabrics would be perfect. ;)
Oh my gosh – they're all gorgeous!
I love any of the conservatory fabrics and the polka dot kids fabrics. I'm so glad you posted about this wonderful company. Their kid fabric is to die for! I am always seeeeearching websites for funky kid fabrics for my boys room.
Have you ever wanted something so badly it makes your heart hurt and your brain do karate kicks!? I have a sick obsession with ikat patterns and pink/orange combos – I am totally o/d-ing on the mercury in orange and pink
the blue ikat Mercury P6323… perfect for my living room!
i love your fabric choices!
i love the blue ikat – Mercury P6323… so needed for my living room!
I love so many of them but my favorites would be Fioretto or Khanjali.
I loved so many – I am doing my baby-to-be's nursery and the Birdhouse print would be so adorable…though I love the calypso, it's a hoot and the white tale as well. Great selection!
The Calligraphic in Chalk is way too cool!
I'd love some Union Jack fabric for pillows on my bed!
conservatory,breeze,cross section,ellis, and joy are awesome.
So many gorgeous choices! I think I would go with the Cross Section in charcoal.
Kashmir Cotton in blue would look AMAZING in my dinning room which is open to my kitchen with bright orange counter tops! WHOO HOO! I'm a brave one! lol
Such beautiful fabrics and I need some right now for new sofa pillows! My faves are: Mercury in the blue colorway and Kilburn in blue. Thank you!
I loved the outdoor striped fabrics in the nautical colors. They work great indoors with an active family and pets.
I love the Savini prints and the amoeba-like Umberto.
I love the asaka-dk! would be so gorgeous as large floor pillows
I'm loving the FLOWER FIELD used on a pair of twin headboards for my daughters' room.
there are soo many wonderful choices! but i love the khanjali you pictured as well as the rhumi suzani
love the city/state fabrics–Paris and Great Britain. How fun!
I love the OD Fahri. It's outdoor fabric, but it'd be perfect as a bench cushion on our banquet.
Great store and good prices! I love the Kashmir Cottons, the Villa Medicis, the Mimosa OD, and the Chippendale Fret outdoor. Oh and the S Terre outdoor. I love it all!
Hi Jenny! My name is Shawnia Willson, I have been reading your blog for a long time, but I have never commented or entered a contest, so this is the first time, I also retweeted, my twitter name is Melovescoco. My favorite pick from L&S is: Kilburn 21005. Thank you, Shawnia Willson (Melovescoco)
I love the buffalo check in grey! It would look perfect in my breakfast room!
I love the Baxley. It would be perfect for some pelmet boxes in my bedroom.
I also love the ikat print, Eva. It matches my living room perfectly.
A yard of the Khanjali or the geometric pattern- yes please!!
Hi Jenny! I love Kilburn 21005, that is my favorite, I re-twittered under Melovescoco. I LOVE your blog, I check it everyday, and I have been reading ever since your tutorial on making shades from blinds was featured on ApartmentTherapy. Thank you for the great inspiration:)
beautiful fabrics! my favorite is the Marrakesh and the Mercury p6396. Thanks for the giveaway!
This would be perfect – I need to make curtains for my little boy's room in our new home! I like the essential stripe linen in ash.
I love the Khanjali and Honeycomb Ikat!!! But so many choices!
The Ikat in Orange and Pink (What I like to call Porange) is to die for!
I'm always up for some new fabric!
Love these! The Toadstool has to be my favorite.
The yellow ikat and union jack are my favourites,wonderful fabricks!
so hard – they are all amazing. Chic, Khanjali and Cornwall would look great w/ some of the furniture I inherited.
I love the Brissac Linen — really pretty and the pattern is done in such a way that it looks like expensive embroidery.
So many options! But what is better than orange and pink together? The ikat is darling!
Love them all! The grey check is gorgeous!
Love love the honeycomb ikat! Also loving this cute spotted fabric called "Upbeat"(
So many options!!!
I love the geometric patterns!
I love the azaka fabric!
I love the blue and green ikat khanjali. Thanks for sharing
I'm looking for fabric to make curtains for my basement/office so Dalesford, Mercury or Sultan would go great!
I've been itching for ikat drapery!
The fabric I have been coveting for a while from L & S doesn't have a name that I can find but the style # is 20983. I love it! I would make new kitchen curtains with it, inspired by a vintage creamer I picked up a few years ago at an antique store in Amsterdam. Unfortunately my current stay-at-home-momma status has things like fabric very low on our family's priority list so I keep hoping for a miracle, like it will go on sale, or I will win a contest on LGN!