I think this wallpaper, on clearance for around $20 a roll (27 in x 27 ft) at Target, could be a fun project.

It’s from Jenny Wilkinson’s Wallpaper-By-Number’s Series. The background is a pretty aqua blue, but the flowers and leaves are white and meant to be colored in by you with your choice of paint, colored pencils or markers.

The possibilities are endless! I like the idea of a fun fuchsia/orange/teal/black combo for the inside of my girls’ closet.

And floral wallpaper inside girlie closets always reminds me of Ruthie Sommers…
"hamptontoes" has some pretty DIY wallpapered closets and pantries that you would love. pretty papers in closets remind me of the inside of jewelry boxes.
What a great idea to make a closet look pretty inside! My daughter has black and white paisley wallpaper and I am inspired – I think I'll cut a section of the leftover have her color it in, and frame it!
That is such a cool idea for wallpaper!
Paint your own wallpaper? I love this idea. Why didn't I think of that…
that's a great idea! good inspiration photo and i like your color combo.
Oh my gosh… you girls have a lot more energy than I do. I get tired just thinking about it.
Love the idea of wallpapering inside a closet… makes me want to purge my closet and make it all pretty inside!
Very cute… I bought one roll of a cute paint by number wallpaper… Adorable framed as artwork in a kids room.
How is it possible that each and every post of yours has me drooling that much more? I really cannot get enough of your style.
This is amazing, I believe it's my 5 year olds dream come true. Love it!
A wallpaper post Simple, not plain
What a fantastic idea. I didn't know Target carried wallpaper.
Love this wallpaper!! And I elated that Domino will now be available online!! Yay!
Love your inside the closet idea! Just one wall or a picture frame of the "artwork" would do me in!
What a wonderful wallpaper idea!
I have the same tear sheet from Domino..I've held it on to it. And Target has wallpaper? Who knew? Thanks for sharing:)
How fun! And I am in LOVE with that floral wallpaper in the back of the closet – so pretty!
Sounds like fun in principle. Don't know that I'd have the stamina to finish a whole wall though. A small application like in the closet would be a good size project.
fantastic idea, always loved that kind of artwork because I couldn't fail!
I love that you can color it in — but I even like it white!!
That's such a good idea! And a fun thing for the kids to do too! xx
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