
Hamptons Classic

It’s back to the beach for me tomorrow, but this time it’s for work. I’m meeting up with my new clients in their Hamptons weekend beach home. This is my first beach house project and I’m really excited to get started. We’re working on the bedrooms this summer (all six of them!) and then we’ll…

It’s back to the beach for me tomorrow, but this time it’s for work.

I’m meeting up with my new clients in their Hamptons weekend beach home.

This is my first beach house project and I’m really excited to get started. We’re working on the bedrooms this summer (all six of them!) and then we’ll start on the downstairs living areas in the fall.

On a more personal note, thanks for being patient with me this week. There were some eleventh hour issues with our Union Square apartment, so we sadly backed out a few days ago. We are literally back to square one – and thinking we might be back to living in the suburbs. Sigh. And then yesterday my sweet Grandmother passed away. It was not unexpected, but it has still been heavy for me. She was a very special woman and will be missed.

Anyway, I mostly just wanted to thank you guys for always being so sweet and supportive. This year has been a really wild ride so far with the (wonderful) addition of Evie, more client work than this little mama can handle, and definitely more emails than any human can manage during a normal work day (anyone want to intern for me??). I wouldn’t have it any other way though. Life is good!! Thanks for sticking around through all the ups and downs. Big hugs all around.

All the delicious photos above are from Elle Decor. Designs of the Laird family’s Hamptons home by the very talented Jeffrey Bilhuber.
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60 thoughts on “Hamptons Classic

  1. Gorgeous photos! So sorry to hear about your grandmother. Grandmothers are amazing parts of our lives! I miss mine all the time. Hang in there! Sounds like you have some big things going and and are busy, busy too. You can do it!

  2. Hey Jenny-
    I'm Trevor Berrett's wife (last time you saw me I was hugely pregnant). So sorry for all the rough stuff going on!
    If you want any help finding a place, let me know. We live in a fantastic area, but I also know a lot of other great areas around. I'm also on the board of our regional mother's organization and they have answers about anywhere I don't.
    Really, any questions at all just let me know.

  3. Ugh, So sorry about your Gram. I think people tend to undervalue the relationships we have with our grandparents and how much they mean to us. I'm sure she loved you more than words can say.

    Good luck on the house-hunt and with the upcoming projects. Being a mom is the toughest job out there, and balancing that with running your own business is even tougher (believe me, I'm in the same boat with you). I'm a big believer that women can have and do it all, but that doesn't always mean we should. Be sure to take a little time for you!

  4. Jenny, so sorry to hear of your grandma's passing. And as for your house, maybe this just means something more perfect is out there for you – yet to be discovered!

  5. I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. That paired with the apartment stress made for one very difficult week indeed. I hope you enjoy your time working in the Hamptons, I can imagine that will be really exciting and fun!

  6. So sorry to hear of your loss, it's never easy. But thank goodness you have lots to keep you busy! The Hamptons house sounds like such a fun project, cant wait to see pics!

  7. I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother's passing and your apartment. What a week! I think this week has been pretty bad across the board. Only time can makes things better.

  8. So sorry to hear about your grandma. That is tough. All around the same time as losing the apartment. I hope you guys can get exactly what you want. I will totally be your intern!!! You know what a great right hand woman I am!

  9. So sorry to hear about your loss.

    And, I am a firm believer in everything happens for a reason…we backed out of a contract of a home I adored two years ago after the home inspection….and I am thankful everyday that things turned out the way they did. Hang in there.

  10. So sorry to hear about your Grandmother. Hope you can have a nice, relaxing weekend! Thank you, always, for the inspiration!

  11. Just being in the Hamptons makes life a little brighter. And, a great antidote to a tough week – hang in there!!!!

    Go sit on the beach at Georgica Pond —- a just listen to the waves roll in!

  12. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your grandmother. I know that even when it is expected, there is still a bit of a shock and a deep sadness to the passing of a loved one.

    I wanted to say thank you to you. Even though I don't comment often, I read you every day. You brighten my days. You are truly an inspiration as I've tried to embark on my own interior design career. Thanks for the words of guidance, happiness and love.

  13. Lovely photos! Good luck on the beach house assignment and I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your grandmother. Hang in there!

  14. Bless your heart. It's so hard to lose someone near and dear to your heart. Especially unexpectedly. You really do work hard and all of your work is beyond beautiful! I would GLADLY help you with your emails! :)

  15. There isn't anything to fill the void a loved one leaves behind…but it's times like this I am beyond grateful that families are eternal. You are so amazing, I can't believe you do all you do with such grace! Keep smiling (even when you don't feel like it)!!

  16. I'm so sorry to hear of your Grandmother.

    I lost mine a year ago. I still miss her. What a sweet gift those relationships are.

  17. Jenny, losing a loved one is difficult even when you are prepared. I lost my grandmother years ago and I still think of her often and miss her. And you know what? thats okay! thank you for continuing to inspire and just want you to know I can't wait to see this new project!

  18. so sorry to hear about your grandmother and your apartment. no need for apologies. i'm generally a lurker not a commenter but just wanted to take this opportunity to say how much i've enjoyed your blog. happened upon it a few weeks ago and it's now the top of my list. so many great ideas and such inspiration. literally…some of your posts pushed me past the block i'd been having about next steps in my living/dining area. thank you!

  19. So sorry about your grandmother…expected or not, it still always hurts. My blog name (Hi Sugarplum!) is actually inspiration from my grandfather who I lost this year…it's what he always said to me. Take care of yourself and get lots of hugs from your sweet babies.

    And someday I'd like to say "My Hampton's weekend home" :) Can't wait to see what you do with it!

  20. Sending warm thoughts and prayers your way for the loss of your beloved grandmother. I know your heart must hurt right now.

    Hope you get the apartment/suburb home situation worked out…take a deep breath and know that it will all work out for the best. Sometimes the road gets a little bit bumpy before you hit the smooth part.

  21. So sorry to hear about hour grandmother. We lost ours after a long battle, but that preparation does not dull the grief. Will be praying for you and your family.

  22. I'm extremely close to my grandmother, who has been aging very quickly the past few months. I completely understand your loss.

  23. I'm sorry about your grandma. My grandma is 94 and we've been staying with her 24-7, which has been awesome but I hate thinking that she could go soon. Grandmas are a big deal!

    Do you care to have an intern in Utah? (:

  24. Ohh I'm sorry to hear about your grandma, that's really hard. I still miss my grandma terribly. I hope your week gets better and hopefully your living situation works out for the best!

  25. Sounds like you have been on a wild ride. I will keep your family in my prayers. On a lighter note, I would be happy to intern for you (can it be via long-distance?) and assist in returning emails, online research, etc….let me know!

  26. Jenny,
    So sorry about your grandmother!! Grandmoms are so special! My Bama is 95 and I am trying to prepare myself that she won't be her forever…Good lick this weekend..hope you have some fun!

  27. Sorry to hear about your grandmother. Mine has been gone for almost 15 years now. I still miss her, but the wonderful memories of her have gotten stronger over the years, and that is such a comfort to me.

    I hope you find an intern. I would have jumped at the chance a few years back, but I think I'm too old now!

  28. I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. I lost mine a while back and I still miss her everyday. They are just so special aren't they? I hope you are taking some breath time over the weekend!

  29. so sorry to hear about your grandmother! and best of luck with the apartment – remember, if you don't have at least one brutal apartment story, you're not a real new yorker :) you'll love the city once you're here!

  30. You do such wonderful work! Thank YOU for your beautiful inspiration and know that we'll be here (especially us feed readers!) even when you have to take a break.

    I, too, am sorry to hear of your loss. It sounds like you've had a stressful time with the apartment as well. We moved up to Hudson from the city last year and find it's a great balance of both city culture and fresh air. You'll make any space you end up in just lovely, I'm sure.

  31. I'm so sorry for your loss and I hope your grief is not too heavy.

    I'm glad you have such a wonderful project to work on right now though to keep you going and keep you inspired! i can't wait to see what you do with it!

  32. I'm a reader and a fan and also a NYer. Do NOT move to the burbs. I know how excited you are to move to the city – and nothing is like this experience. There are other options right outside manhattan, like Brooklyn – Brooklyn Heights, Cobble Hill – great for kids, great schools, one subway stop away from Manhattan with plenty to do. Stick to your dream!

    feel free to email me with questions about neighborhoods.

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