Living Room


Today I’m dreaming of curtains made from miles of sumptuous fabric… photo via Paul Costello

Today I’m dreaming of curtains made from miles of sumptuous fabric…

photo via Paul Costello
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27 thoughts on “Billowy

  1. Love them! I love reading your blog. You are uber-talented! I have a question you might be able to answer!? I purchased pinch pleated curtains. They didn't come with any hardware. I want to hang them from my existing curtain rod using rings. Any advise on what hardware to purchase to hang them correctly????? Happy New Year!

  2. I have billowy curtains on the brain too, so much so that I pulled the hem out of my newest pair of silk curtains (on clearance, love them !) to give me extra inches to achieve that delicate swoop that looks so glam. I also hung them up higher – it makes such a difference !
    Gorgeous image !

  3. To About Us:

    You should be able to take your drapes and one of your rings into any store that sells drapery hardware and they can give you suggestions on what is best for your uses. I've made so many drapes, including pinch pleated drapes, and it all depends on the rods/rings used. Plus, a professional can give you advice on properly hanging your new drapes!

    I know you didn't ask me, but that's just my suggestion.

    Anyway, I have a love affair with full, billowy, lucious-looking drapes. They transform a room into something magical for me.


  4. Oh be still my beating heart. Do you know who makes them? If not, can you tell what kind of fabric they're made of? It's exactly what I want for the MB. Thanks!

    New to your blog and I'm addicted. Your birth story made me cry in the best possible way. Beautiful and inspiring. God is good.

  5. This is my current obsession! I just wish they weren't so darn pricey (I've got w.i.d.e. windows!). Love this photo.

  6. love love love love loving them! they are gorgeous. i would die for this to be my room…
    love your blog + really loving your style!


  7. LOVE the color of the those curtains. I hung billowy silk dupioni curtains in my living room when I re-did it a few months ago- but I forgot to account for all the space that they would take up! Now, I'm looking for some new lamps/lighting as the old ones are half covered by fabric.

  8. Those are so beautiful!! they remind me of a flowy gown, kinda like michelle williams' dress she wore to the oscars a couple of years ago!

  9. These curtains are gorgeous! They would make a bedroom feel so glamourous.
    You have great taste.. its driving my husband crazy! Everytime I look at your blog I am starting another project. :)

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