Today we are kicking off our Home Spotlight series where we feature some of our favorite rooms and get to know the person behind the space! Use the hashtag #juniperhomespotlight on Instagram for a chance to be part of the series!
Our first tour comes from the lovely Allie at The Adored Abode. She totally transformed her dark, dated living room into this bright and airy space! You can follow along with all of her amazing diy projects over on her instagram.
Q: What room in your house do you spend the most time in?
A:Definitely the living room! It’s my favorite space to relax and spend time with my husband and two dogs.
Q: What was the biggest design challenge for your home?
A: We are slowly renovating our whole home (inside and outside). We have done most of the work ourselves, but have hired out some things we aren’t comfortable doing or don’t have the time to do ourselves. The biggest design challenge has been sticking to a budget and letting projects slowly play out as we have the time and money to complete then, rather than rushing to finish everything at once. I often know what I want design wise, but my initial plan may end up being out of our budget, so I have to either compromise or push another project down the road if it’s something I am not willing to compromise on. It would be nice to snap my fingers and have everything be finished, but that’s just not realistic for us and that is alright. Renovating slowly does have its perks for me since I love designing spaces in our home and have enjoyed watching my style evolve even over the 3 short years we have lived in this home.
Check out her board and batten diy here!
Q: What room are you most proud of?
A: The living room! It’s probably why I love spending so much time in it. The space was very dark when we moved in and is now a light and bright space, that still feels cozy. The decor has been slowly evolving over time and it is finally feeling more and more like us.
Q: What was the inspiration for your home?
A: I draw inspiration from many difference sources, but Pinterest and Instagram are my favorites. I love to pin images to a board or create Instagram collections when designing our home. I reference all the images I’ve saved to identify the general themes and key elements I am most drawn to as a starting point for each space. I have always been drawn to spaces that blend modern and traditional, are light and bright with moody colors mixed in, and that feel welcoming and lived in.
Q: Are you more drawn to colorful spaces or neutral?
A:I am definitely drawn to neutral spaces first, but I try to mix color in with accent pieces. As much as I love neutrals and want my house to be mostly neutral, I love a good moody toned room too, our den and bedroom are perfect examples of that!

Q: Favorite place to shop at for home decor?
A: I try to find home decor at multiple different places! Target, H&M, CB2, and Etsy are a few of my favorites. I also love to find items like books, vases, and artwork at local thrift stores. I have found some of my favorite pieces thrifting!
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