I’ve had a pair of black resin planter boxes out front for a while now and they keep getting these weird white marks on them that don’t really clean off. Every time I walk by them I make a mental note to do something about it. Then I saw this image on Pinterest:

White! Glorious, bright white. So fresh and so clean. Why fight the mysterious white marks and why spend big bucks on new planters when these are fine? So I busted out a can of primer and put on a good four coats. I love the chalky white finish.

I remembered my grandpa telling me once that white gravel is great for planter boxes because it helps retain moisture. Plus it looks so pretty! I picked up a $5 bag at Home Depot and that was more than enough for my two planters.

I’m hoping the rocks help me keep these new fig trees alive. The trees are supposed to be drought resistant, but that hasn’t helped me in the past. I really need to be better about watering consistently – or maybe I should just put these on a drip system.

The new trees looked so pretty, I decided my coir door mat needed an update too! I picked up a roll of contact paper from the dollar section at Target and looked online for a pretty number 2.

Then I traced and cut out the contact paper stencil.

Then I removed the sticker backing and carefully pressed the paper into place, focusing on the inside edges. I also added some paper around the perimeter of the stencil to prevent overspray.

It’s a good idea to spray in short bursts directly face-on when spray painting a stencil, rather than moving all around – the paint just gets under the stencil that way.

No too bad, right? I am thinking about adding a border around the perimeter like these mats, but I sort of like the simplicity here.

We still need a new lantern out front and I want to replace the doorbell and add a dummy handle to the stationary door. I also want to have a piece of marble cut for the threshold – I only need about 3″ wide. I am buying a slab for a project I have for up in the studio and I think I’ll just have the stone guys cut a piece for me then that I could throw down with some cement glue.

I would love to have a little bench out here someday soon too. Maybe to replace that silly little plant shelf thing. I’ve been poking around looking for something pretty, but I think I would like to find a vintage piece. I did find some treasures for outdoor spaces in my online searching though! Check these beauties out:

Cuute! You're so creative – love the red door.
Lovely project, lovelier house!
Lookin' great! One tip for remembering to water potted plants. Put a recurring appointment in your calendar for a certain day of the week. I water all my potted plants on Sunday mornings and then I give my outdoor ones water again on Wednesday evenings when I get home from work. If you add it to your weekly routine, it helps you remember!
Before I plant my trees and plants in pots, I take about 4 diapers and pull out all the stuffing. I then place it in a bowl and add water. As mush as it will absorb. You will then get a gel like mass. Stuff this into the plant soil. It will retain moisture between watering. It is how I keep my pots alive while not there at our Florida house.
Genius!!! I am doing this!!!
The House of Hampton
So lovely! Great idea! Thanks for sharing!
Love the idea about the diaper! Your home is just so lovely. We are reprinting our orangey brick Dutch colonial house this summer. I am stuck on choosing what colors to make it look updated. Do you do color consults?? I would gladly pay for an opinion. Your choices are always so spot on.
Love the outdoor inspiration! Any ideas for good looking outside toy storage?
I give watering outside plants to my kids on their job charts during the summer. It is the perfect job for younger kids, because it is fun and short :)
Love those big red doors! If you're having trouble keeping things watered this time around, why not embrace succulents? Where you live, you could hang some wall planters on either side of your doors that are just dripping with interesting looking succulents. They would look great against your paint color and be a bit more forgiving if you forget to water.