
Studio Updates and a Holiday Give Away from Poppin

Remember when I got that really beat up desk at Goodwill and made it over? That spurred a whole series of updates to our studio space. We’re getting really organized and I think everything looks so clean and pretty now! I’ll be sharing some tutorials soon, but I’m sure a few of you long-time readers…

Remember when I got that really beat up desk at Goodwill and made it over? That spurred a whole series of updates to our studio space. We’re getting really organized and I think everything looks so clean and pretty now!

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I’ll be sharing some tutorials soon, but I’m sure a few of you long-time readers will be able to spot a few of the big changes off the bat!
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We wanted to both add and take away color from the room. This new inspiration board is probably my favorite colorful addition.

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I had a piece of homasote board cut down to fit the wall space between the window and the wall and then (just like in this project) I upholstered it in pale mint linen.

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We’re also working to streamline our filing system and to declutter our office supplies. I am a big believer in making the every day stuff as pretty as possible, if only to help mundane chores feel exciting. :)
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Poppin sent us a few new office supplies this month to help with the makeover. I love everything Poppin makes – and have for a long time! Everything is modern and beautiful, and it all works so well! Their pens are my very favorite (with their all-white scissors being a close second place!).

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They also make a new heavier-weight pen (mine’s in chrome, below) and it’s beautiful. They make it in a really pretty gold too!!

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Poppin has generously offered to give away two $100 gift certificates today! Their products make the perfect stocking stuffers or gifts for office mates!

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Their new line of metallic notebooks are perfectly classic, but so holiday-worthy!
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Entering to win one of the $100 gift certificates is super easy – just visit Poppin’s site and browse their beautiful offerings and then leave a comment here. Contest runs for one week and the winner will be selected at random and emailed.
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PS Poppin is running a promotion through the 6th, where you get a free tote when you spend $50 or more. Check it out here, and don’t forget to enter the give away too by commenting here! Good luck!

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504 thoughts on “Studio Updates and a Holiday Give Away from Poppin

  1. I love Poppins colors and design aesthetic. I am finishing grad school this week(!!) and I want to redo my desk area now that it won't be covered in research articles and medical textbooks. Would love this prize! your office is adorable and such an inspiration!

  2. Ummm, that Coral Dynamic duo set is EXACTLY what my desk needs. I'm trying to pep it up to help jump start a successful 2015 :)

  3. I confess! I'm guilty!!! I am a notebook junkie! These metallics would help support my private addiction lol. Most times I don't even write in the fav's mostly because scribble is not excusable in a pretty pretty book-lol yes I have issues. Best is when I can find doubles, then one decorates my desk and the other looks pretty coming outta my bag ????

  4. It's hard to choose because everything is perfect, but I love the Dream Desk Bundle and could really use it for the workspace I am currently setting up in my new apartment.

  5. Oooh i love their totes! The bright colours are great.
    Your inspiration board is looking lovely! Someday I should set one of those up.

  6. I really need a new desk chair–it would be great to have a little help buying one. I love that Poppin's chairs come in all kinds of fun colors.

  7. I just repurposed my college sons bedroom into a new home office and outfitted my new desk with the white Poppin in-boxes! There are so many other Poppin products on my wish list right now, but I am really crushing on those gold pieces!

  8. How fun are those yellow scissors?! My kids are always stealing my desk scissors and leaving them somewhere else. Need to get a few pair of those fun colorful scissors.


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