I’ve been doing this blog thing for a long time now (going on seven (SEVEN!!) years!). I love that I’ve been able to help support my family and do so many of the things that I love to do, and do them from home. Truly, I’m so grateful for what I have, and the trade offs have been just right for me, but I also have a million regrets about things I chose to not make time for (never wrote my book, still totally stink at AutoCAD, still on blogspot, etc, etc, etc), but I’m trying to let go of some of those regrets and focus on the good parts. I hope to hang on with the blog after the baby comes, too, but I am also ready for a bit of a change in my schedule and content that better reflects what my life and career look like now, seven years after starting LGN.
![photo ScreenShot2014-09-17at20912PM.png](http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd246/jkomenda/jkomenda036/ScreenShot2014-09-17at20912PM.png)
There are so many question marks, and my feelings on the answers change daily, hourly. Should I scale back and focus my work on the things that bring me the very most joy? Or hire and expand and take my design and blog/Domino work out of my house and maybe let go of the reins a little? The blog world seems to be changing at light speed lately (we’re dropping like flies!!) and it seems like a good time, both personally and professionally, to gear up for some of my own changes.
One piece of exciting news is my site redesign is suuuuper close to being done! We’re moving everything to jennykomenda.com (long story for another day – been in and out of litigation for years on the obvious url), and everything is looking great. I can’t wait to show you the pretty and way more organized site when it’s ready for it’s close up.
![photo ScreenShot2014-09-17at20930PM.png](http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd246/jkomenda/jkomenda036/ScreenShot2014-09-17at20930PM.png)
While that’s getting done, and while we’re figuring out what my business will look like and where I’ll run it from, I’ve decided to do some quick updates to the studio space we have over the garage, mostly just to hold me over. Whenever I feel the itch to make some big life changes, I force myself to get organized first, just in case that was the underlying problem all along.
![photo ScreenShot2014-09-17at20952PM.png](http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd246/jkomenda/jkomenda036/ScreenShot2014-09-17at20952PM.png)
We’re almost done painting the floors a glossy white to brighten up the room and I spray painted the frames of three giant, industrial shelving units (inspiration HERE). We started organizing my fabric stash and I think I’m going to hold another big fabric sale in a couple weeks. Maybe with pillows this time!
![photo cIMG_6633.jpg](http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd246/jkomenda/jkomenda036/cIMG_6633.jpg)
Other changes to the space will be pretty minor, mostly just streamlining what I already have. I do have a desk project in my future though. My brother and his wife bought a new house and I gave them the Widdicomb table I had been using as a desk. And as luck would have it, the very same day I found this beat-up beauty at Goodwill for a song.
![photo IMG_6642.jpg](http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd246/jkomenda/jkomenda036/IMG_6642.jpg)
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![photo IMG_6568.jpg](http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd246/jkomenda/jkomenda036/IMG_6568.jpg)
It’s clearly not in the best shape, or at least the top isn’t, but the lines are amazing. It’s pouring rain here (like flash flood warning levels of water), so as soon as the weather cooperates, I’ll start fixing her up and hope that in return for the favor, she’ll whisper to me what I should do with my career.
It’s just occurring to me that maybe this desk is like my blog? Not in perfect shape, especially compared to others, but the lines are there, and it’s probably worth fixing. :)
PS Some of you asked what the Arteriors Tilda chandelier in our entry looked like at night. Ask and you shall receive!
![photo IMG_6612.jpg](http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd246/jkomenda/jkomenda036/IMG_6612.jpg)
Your too dang talented not to share this with us, but I understand the work involved and the stress and exhaustion it can bring. Go with your gut, but I think you're doing just the right thing now: waiting.
I look forward to seeing the new site!
Can't wait to see the table. I've passed up awesome pieces because of problems with the wood veneer. Excited to see your genius solution!
And just to echo everyone else, your blog would be the one I would miss the most if it went away! Seriously, it really is the best one out there! But I'm sure a big part of the reason it is so good is because of all the time and effort you put into it, so do what you gotta do, and thanks for all the awesome inspiration over the years!
Jenny, just popping in to say that I will miss your posts terribly if you decide to go in another direction! Though my husband and I are still renting a tiny apartment that we can't change much in, I can't wait for the day I can put some of your amazing advice to use! I am so inspired by your DIY projects– you tackle things that I would never have the courage to take on, and the results are always jaw-dropping, not sloppy and "handmade" looking like some of the other DIYers out there.
I'm also expecting a baby (my first!) so I understand how one has to let go or scale back on the things one loves in order to raise a little one. Congrats again!
I have followed your blog every single day for more than six years. It is hard for me to put in to words how much your blog has influenced me–you not only inspire and teach but also encourage. Somehow you make me feel that anything is possible and that beauty is attainable for those who are willing to focus on the possibilities and work hard. Thank you! You truly have a gift, and I appreciate so much your willingness to share your talent with the world through this blog. I wish you and yours all of God's blessings in whatever direction you choose.
Jenny, I didn't know your blog wasn't perfect! It sure is to me. Your style is so fresh, your confidence so strong yet not braggadocios or intimidating. Your style + personality combo is unmatched in design blogs. You have inspired me and blessed me over the years! I am grateful for your influence, hard work and transparency. May the Lord lead you and guide you in your next steps! xoxo
Oh, please don't go. My life would be incomplete without you. I don't care how "imperfect" you think your blog is; I love your style and I devour all of your DIY tips. Reading LGN is one of the highlights of my week.