First of all, the fall Domino is out every where now! (Here’s an online peek!) Linus is featured, like, three times at least, so it’s worth picking up the issue solely for a triple slice of that big, fluffy guy.

I’m so thankful to the wonderful Domino team, especially to Robert Leleux, Domino’s Editor-in-Chief, and to Brittany Ambridge, photographer extraordinaire. These two are an epic duo. They work together with such grace and ease. And they are downright hilarious. I love any chance I get to work with them on the magazine as one of the contributing editors, and this two-day shoot of my own house was the tippy of tops. Thanks, Robert and Brittany!
And in even better, more exciting to me news, WE ARE HAVING A BABY! And it’s another girl! :)

We could not be a single ounce more happy about her. We’ve felt for years that we’ve wanted another (and likely final) child in our family, and after a long road of hardship there, she’s finally on her way. I tear up every time I think of how sweet my older girls are being about the idea of having a little sister this January. Nearly every morning they crawl into bed with us and whisper sister secrets and sing little songs to my belly. This is the good stuff, friends. Thanks for being here to share in my joy. xo
Congrats on the baby – and the spread in Domino. :)
WOW!! That's AMAZING news, Jenny!! Congratulations to you and Michael. Yay for you!
Congratulations to you and the family on the sweet baby! Can't wait to see what you do for the nursery. I love what you've done in your house. Wish I had your knack for design.
That is SUCH wonderful news! And another girl! I'm so thrilled for you. What great news. (Another lovely nook in your girls' room will have to come one day!) Congratulations xx
Congratulations! Mostly on the baby, but also the Domino feature. Your house is fabulous!
just lovely. congrats.
So many congrats…to both!
Wow, Jenny! Congrats on all the WONDERFUL news! I just picked up my copy of Domino today and devoured it in it's entirety. My only complaint is that there is simply NOT ENOUGH of your wonderful home in there! I hope to see more details and not-featured rooms here in the blog!
Congratulations! So happy for you! I love your blog. You are so creative!
Congratulations! And also congrats that you won't be pregnant in the super heat of AZ. :)
Huge joy and huge congrats coming your way! As a long time reader it has been so wonderful to watch and read your adventure of life unfold. Yay for the komenda family of 6!!!
Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy and an easy delivery – it will be hard to top Evie's birth story but I look forward to hearing the news of your new little lady's entrance!
Congrats! That is so exciting!
And how adorable is Linus…
Aww, congrats on the newest girlie!
I'm so happy for you! For both things of course, but especially for the new baby to come. Congratulations!
Yay yay yay! Hearty congrats to you and yours. :)
Congrats!! So exciting!!
Congratulations on your spread in Domino and your sweet new addition! I've been reading since you were pregnant with Evie and I'm just thrilled to bits for you.
So thrilled for you and your family! I am equally inspired by your approach to motherhood as I am by your crazy good sense of design. Congrats!
Yay, congrats! Can't wait to see nursery posts :)
Congratulations on the baby and the Domino spread, but really the baby! There is really nothing more exciting than new a little one in your life.
awesome, Jenny! SO happy for you!
I just had my fourth boy at home here in Phoenix too! With your fast deliveries maybe you should too?! It was so very awesome.
best news ever. so happy for you all. donna
congrats, jenny! so wonderfully exciting!!!
What wonderful news! This gives me joy as we have been hoping/praying for a third child but the gap keeps widening. What a sweet picture it is to imagine your older ones loving their little sister. Blessings to you and ALL your adventures.
Congratulations Jenny!
Knew it–congrats :) fabulous 4 girls!!
Hooray Jenny!
Congrats from Barcelona!
We will welcome baby #4 2 weeks after you do! Congrats!!
Congratulations!! This tears me up because I was just thinking how nice it would be to have another baby (we have two little boys). Four girls sounds like a lot of fun! xx
Such exciting news all around! Looking forward to checking out the Domino spread very soon, and CONGRATS on the sweet baby on the way!!
I was just looking at Duane Reade this morning for Domino but they only had the summer one out! I'll keep an eye out. Congrats on the wonderful news of welcoming another little girl into your life!!!!
Congrats! I just had a baby after a big gap and watching older siblings love on her is an absolute highlight.
aw yeah, such great news. how exciting! congrats on the new addition to your family.
What wonderful news!! You are my absolute favorite blogger in the blog world of DIY and design, and both the Domino spread and new baby girl are great, great news! Can't wait for the nursery :-)
Congratulations! And of course I love the house.
Wonderful news for you all! Happy baby before too long. :) Thanks for all you share with us—you're very talented and also very blessed.
YAY! Anther baby! I'm so happy to hear this, you are the cutest mom, I' so impressed how you can wear so many hats. Everytime I go to the store I forget to look for the Domino magazine but want to so badly! Excited for your growing family!
Yay for the magazine and triple YAAAAYYY for you and your baby girl!! I am also having a girl in January (this is our first!), and so I am double excited to hear about your pregnancy, nursery, etc, as it mirrors my baby's journey :)
First, and most important, what happy, happy news about a new baby. What a lucky little girl to have such lovely big sisters. Also, I love the spread in Domino, however I wanted MORE! Best wishes to you and your family.
I am so happy for you! I've been sending some intermittent prayers for you since you mentioned your secondary fertility struggles a while back. It's wonderful when it turns out this way. What a lucky, lucky little lady she's going to be!
I admire you for so many good reasons, but nothing better than the way you tackle motherhood with grace and moxie. You are ambitious to the moon, but also unapologetic about your family being your top priority. Such a stellar example for me. Thanks Lady. Hope you are/have been feeling okay!
Super duper congratulations on the Domino feature and especially for baby girl!
Truly wonderful news! Congratulations!!!
Oh Jenny, Congratulations to your whole family. What a wonderful announcement. God Bless!
Congrats Jenny! So thrilled for all of you!