
Big News

There’s been some craziness in the Komenda household the past couple of weeks. It feels SO good to finally get to share some news with you all. We’re leaving New York this month and moving back to Arizona. I’m sure you can imagine our mix of feelings about the move. I keep telling people that…

There’s been some craziness in the Komenda household the past couple of weeks. It feels SO good to finally get to share some news with you all. We’re leaving New York this month and moving back to Arizona.

I’m sure you can imagine our mix of feelings about the move. I keep telling people that we’re 50% devastated and 50% ecstatic. Part of me thought we would make New York our forever home. We’ve loved it SO much, despite it being expensive and a somewhat tricky place to raise kids. But Arizona is home for both me and Michael, so when he was offered a complete dream job a few weeks ago, we felt like we couldn’t walk away. I wish we could have waited a year or two longer, but after lots of long talks, lists and contemplating, we know this is the right time for us to move and put down roots.

This is actually a great time for me to move my business too. I’ve recently wrapped up a few long term projects and I think I’ll probably take some time off client work for the rest of the summer while we get settled. (If you’re looking for an interiors job in the Phoenix area though, I’m hiring – email me).

And in the VERY exciting news category: We bought a house! I’ve been waiting eight years to say that again, and it feels so, so good. Being both a DIY blogger and a renter has been a little tricky to say the least. And now, no more landlords! Hallelujah.

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We found a perfect-for-us house with lots of potential. It has just the right layout and is in a great neighborhood with really great schools and a short commute for Michael. The exterior of the house is pretty strange (especially for Arizona) with its shake roof and gingerbread mouldings. It’s an understatement to say this house needs work, but that just happens to be my speciality. She’ll be pretty inside and out when we’re done with her. And there’s at least a decent chance I’ll be bringing my Dremel saw with me to the closing so there won’t be any time wasted with those gingerbread details. Yuck.

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Anyway, crazy right!? There are lots of high emotions about buying (and renovating) a big house, leaving New York and all our friends here, starting all over again with new jobs and new schools… but at my core, I feel peaceful about it all, which helps me feel like this is right for us. Thanks for continuing to follow along on this next chapter. Pretty weird to think this will be the fifth house I’ll decorate and share with you on LGN. Hopefully there won’t be another one for a good long while. :)

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173 thoughts on “Big News

  1. That looks like no house in Arizona I've ever seen! I moved back home to Arizona a year ago and am so happy I did! Arizona can definitely use more young and fresh designers, but I found it was very tricky getting used to the difference in the design community here than in Atlanta and Los Angeles (where I started my biz). The sources aren't as plentiful and though I didn't believe it when I moved – many are geared towards people who want the southwestern style in their second homes.

  2. Wow – this is big news! At first, based on your title, I thought you were pregnant, and somehow, this news is even bigger! How wonderful though to come full circle. Your girls will all have memories of time spent in New York and now, off to Arizona to create new memories. I look forward (tremendously) to seeing you work your magic on that mansion (especially compared to NY!) of a house!!

  3. Congrats on the big news! Your blog has been a big favorite of mine since your days back in Pennsylvania. What a little adventure your family has had. I'm moving locally in a few weeks, and would love any moving tips you've learned from all your experience…it's a big first for me in my 7.5 years as a mom.

  4. Congratulations Komendas! This is so exciting and bittersweet I'm sure. I am praying we can get some dreamy (or even not so dreamy) job opportunity that will take us back "home" too. At this point I'm qualifying most anyplace in the continental US as "home" :).
    I'm excited for you to have the space to spread out and do your thing and I hope to come visit someday too :). Good luck wrapping things up- it can't be easy.

  5. Hey! This is Leisel. I did your hair several times ages ago now. Anyway, I have stumbled onto your blog several times by accident and a few times ago got so excited when I actually stopped at your picture and was like, "What in the world!? I know her!" Anyway's I was stoked to see that you have gone on to be so good at what you do and I love your blog! Congrats on getting to come back to Az and I can't wait to see the house transformation process on the new place! :)

  6. Congratulations on the big move! On one hand, I'm a little sad that I won't get to meet you since we're practically neighbors here on the east coast. But, on the other hand, I'm so excited to see the awesome DIYs I'm sure you have planned for the new home!

  7. So exciting! I'm a Phoenician and our city has been making huge improvements in the last few years. Lots of local, independent businesses and fun things to do popping up everywhere! You're going to love living back in the Valley!

  8. Very exciting…and….I'm a bit obsessed with this house. I cannot wait to see the inside and to see what you all do with it!

  9. Oh my gosh, Jenny, I know you'll miss NYC so badly, but there's nothing like your kiddos getting to grow up near their grandparents! I can't help but think how fun it would be to have you as a neighbor!! :) Anxious to see your style unfold in your new home!

  10. Congratulations, Jenny, it's all very exciting news. I can relate to your mixed feelings as I thought I'd live in New York forever too but ended up leaving for my husband's job. There are plans to go back someday but for now life is good and it has a funny way of always working itself out for the best. And lucky us – we get to see you decorate a whole new place! :) Best of luck with all the prep work. If anyone can handle it all, you can! xo

  11. Just catching up on your wonderful news Jenny! So excited for you – and for me, because I'll get to follow along ;)

    And the grass – the girls are going to love all that room to play!

  12. oh wow, congrats on the impending move, it sounds like you guys know you made the right decision for your family. We'll miss you here in NYC – but I'll of course still follow along with the renovation of this new home. Congrats again!

  13. Bummer. Totally going to miss your Brooklyn Heights fixer upper posts.

    If you can, take some professional photos before you go so we can get one last look.

    And congrats on the new place. It looks enormous.

  14. so happy for you all. looking forward to being on this journey with you and your family. your talent and ideas inspire us where ever you are.

    all my best wishes for the move and beyond. donna

  15. oh my gosh, congratulations!!

    I'm so surprised… I know how much you've enjoyed Brooklyn. I'm a little sad we never got to have a shopping date. Any way, I'm so happy for your family to put down roots and have a nice big house and be near extended family.

    Good luck with the move and don't let the stress rule you. xoxo

  16. Ouch that hurts about the gingerbread comment I lived there over 20 years and raised my family there I was the original owner lol not the one you bought the house from I do wish you happy memories

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