
Give Away from StyleMint (With Five Winners!)

So this is weird. As I sat down to write this post about StyleMint, an adorable online fashion shop founded by Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, I happened to be watching a late-night rerun of Full House (the episode where Kimmy and DJ are babysitting and the kid’s head gets stuck in the banister so they rub…

So this is weird. As I sat down to write this post about StyleMint, an adorable online fashion shop founded by Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, I happened to be watching a late-night rerun of Full House (the episode where Kimmy and DJ are babysitting and the kid’s head gets stuck in the banister so they rub margarine all over him – so good), AND I look down and I’m wearing a t-shirt from StyleMint! What does it all mean?!

Clearly the stars have aligned and this give away was meant to be. Five winners will be chosen to win a cool t-shirt of their choice from StyleMint (some of my favorite styles are shown above). To enter, register and choose your favorite pieces and leave a comment on this post with your top picks.

Here are a few more of my favorite pieces available now at StyleMint. They’re offering a discount to first-time shoppers – check it out.

The five winners will be chosen on Sunday night at midnight. Good luck!

PS Also I just remembered that about once a week someone on the street tells me I look like MK&A’s little sister, Elizabeth. So basically what I’m saying is… I was meant to be an Olsen. I wonder if they need a decorator?

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189 thoughts on “Give Away from StyleMint (With Five Winners!)

  1. The harvey tank. i took their little style quiz and they didn't get my likes at all! P.S. The bathroom looks HOT. I might consider keeping it.

  2. I've never heard of this site. I'm glad you posted this. Living in Oklahoma, we don't have a lot of shopping options. I rely a lot on shopping online, so am always happy to find a new place. I love the Emmons Sweater and Roxbury Shirt a lot. However, I am in love with most of the items on there!

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