I realized I had been putting off hanging art in our living room for weeks and weeks because I wanted the gallery wall in there to be perfect. But this month, we’ve have a ton of house guests, so it pushed me to hang some art sooner. It never ceases to amaze me how hanging art makes a home feel personal and alive.
I like how the line of the staircase breaks up the arrangement. Those stairs are not cute to me (more on that later – ugh), so I feel like this is a making lemons out of lemonade sort of thing.
These are my favorites from
20×200 (who is offering up SIX gift certificates today!). I’ve got my eye on a few of these below. They are available in several different sizes, so I’m thinking about an over-sized print for another wall in the living room (which I think would help balance the gallery wall).
This one might be my favorite of the bunch
I always liked
this book series, but I recently noticed one of the prints hanging in the 5th Ave. J. Crew, and the colors and the texture are unbelievable in person. Definitely on my wish list now.
I’m intrigued by everything Iceland has to offer.
I’m picturing this blown up very large with a simple black or oxblood red frame.
A little geometry helps to break up any gallery wall.
Horses are such lovely, emotional creatures. Don’t you agree they make for amazing
art subjects?
I buy fabric on this street almost every week.
I love how pretty these balloons look in the morning light, but also I feel like they probably saw some stuff go down the night before, yeah?
This prettymap series is clever. Is your city available?

I like how this print is sweet, but the double image keeps it from going into precious territory.
I can’t put my finger on why this one is so arresting for me.

This artist photographs images, prints them out and manipulates them to create a new image and photographs the result. So cool.
I grew up in a place where fog didn’t really happen, so every time I come across a mist in the morning, I can’t help but be fascinated. It’s so dreamlike.
20×200 site is jam-packed full of lovely, thoughtfully curated art prints. With the holidays right around the corner, I know I’ll be doing a little shopping for friends and family. I love that I have so many price options since most of the 8×10 sized prints start around $20.
If you’d like a chance to win the $200 gift certificate or one of the five $20 gift certificates, please look a little around
their site, choose your favorites, and leave a comment with a links on this post.
Contest closes Friday, November 2 at midnight. The winners will be chosen randomly and emailed – so please be sure to sign in or leave your contact info in the comment. Good luck!
I have several I've been keeping my eye on:
Chateau (http://www.20×200.com/artworks/2606-jeremy-kohm-chateau)
Rift #26 (http://www.20×200.com/artworks/2585-marion-belanger-rift-26-heimaey-houses)
First Harvest in the Wilderness with Pileated Woodpecker (http://www.20×200.com/artworks/2128-valerie-hegarty-first-harvest-in-the-wilderness)
Fourth of July #2 (http://www.20×200.com/artworks/1479-mike-sinclair-fourth-of-july-2-independence)
The colors of this print would go perfectly in my son's room. http://www.20×200.com/artworks/4241-zach-nader-tiffany-co
One we like. We're putting together a wall of travel photography. Some of our own. Some vintage. All of places we've been. . .melvan at omnitelcom dot com
I like untitled 1 by Cecily Brown. Dreamy http://www.20×200.com/artworks/4158-cecily-brown-untitled-1
I like Untitled 1 by Cecily Brown. Dreamy http://www.20×200.com/artworks/4158-cecily-brown-untitled-1
I like the Nervous System art by Ann Tarantino
and NY11#42 by Jennifer Sanchez
I can't quit Christian Chaize either!
i was just in that j. crew and saw that print too. my absolute favorite!
tons of good pieces to choose from. i really like this one – http://www.20×200.com/artworks/4117-ian-baguskas-waiting
I love the near-surreal quality this print has http://www.20×200.com/artworks/4118-daniel-seung-lee-lake-michigan-chicago It is lonesome, but humorous and reminds me of something Dali might have painted.
This one I would like in my house to remind me that taking on too much might seem like a good idea, until you actually stop and think about it. http://www.20×200.com/artworks/3891-stefan-ruiz-desert-truck-5
This stands on it's own, but would be lovely on a gallery wall with the previous print. http://www.20×200.com/artworks/3889-stefan-ruiz-desert-ride-1
Great geometry and interest in this print http://www.20×200.com/artworks/631-dan-boardman-untitled-2-raft
I love the pretty maps! So many beautiful items to choose from. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
I like every one you picked out plus I've got so many stashed in my favorites! Love the pics of your new gallery wall-it's great!
Great giveaway! I think the Jack Pierson Stars would be perfect for the holidays!
My son and I were looking at the site together and he loved this one: http://www.20×200.com/artworks/4113-yosuke-yamaguchi-someday
I love everything by Mike and Doug Starn, but this is my favorite.
So hard to pick! I would love anything by Sharon Montrose or one of Jane Mount's Ideal Bookshelf prints. Or the "First Snow" by Paul Octavious (I already have Kite Hill!). But I think I'd have to go with "Rainfall, Upstate New York" by Chikara Umihara as big as I could afford. http://www.20×200.com/artworks/3298-chikara-umihara-rainfall-upstate-new-york
I'd love this print -> 132 Birds Leaving AMNH but really any would be awesome!
There are so many great photography pieces, I couldn't possibly choose just one! Love the idea of having something large in our dining room.
Oh I just love all of the nature pictures. This one of the rain is so enchanting!
i love this map of paris!
I love the Water Color Toronto Map. I chose this city to be my home town for the past 7 years and started raising my young family here. Having this one on our living room wall would be great.
I love http://www.20×200.com/artworks/4184-jessica-snow-color-stack-series-6
Great giveaway
Oh I love the first one you posted! After the Rain – http://www.20×200.com/artworks/3546-chikara-umihara-after-the-rain
I alo love the Nature one! http://www.20×200.com/artworks/1743-mickey-smith-collocation-no-14-nature-left
Pretty maps – Dallas/Ft. Worth
and Far & Wide
I really love (but it's sold out:-( )
Oh, the options are endless!
I love these penguins. http://www.20×200.com/artworks/4216-stuart-klipper-emperor-penguins-ross-sea-antarctica
I too am mesmerized by Quiet Planes & Bildudalur.
so many beautiful choices. but this one: http://www.20×200.com/artworks/4229-chikara-umihara-eroded-in-the-silence
is my favorite. there is something so beautiful and still about it, when i look at it for a long time it makes me want to cry! :)
I can't quit Christian Chaize either. Seriously. I'm dreaming of being in his photos. Not too much to ask, no? I adore Praia Piquinia. What's not to love? Stripey umbrella, you're mine, all mine.
homes to make mine feel more like one:
Love this site, amazing, AMAZING choices!
There is so much to love on 20×200…
forest excursion:
jennifer sanchez:
just to name two.
I'm complete besotted by Lisa Congdon's Vintage Erasers! I had no idea she sold photography prints on this site!
I love Christian's beach images and have 4 already! I'm missing the one above and actually have an empty 20×16 frame on my wall at the moment so thinking it's meant to be!
I do love the jcrew ones
and these as well…
I love pictures of the beach and warm weather, so of course I like the Christian Chiaze print but since they are all sold out I think I would go for "women on the rocks"
4 years staring at blank walls due to inertia is too long! If I won, we would finally have Art!
piglet! so cute!
Beautiful job on your gallery wall! I also am in love with your side green chairs flanking your t.v. I love art too and love their options. I like the pretty maps
and a landscape like this:
Love the extended city…so cool!
I completely agree with you about Christain Chaize, I love it all.
Don Carney, Timid Whale, http://www.20×200.com/artworks/2997-don-carney-timid-whale
Valerie Roybal, Encyclopedia 2 http://www.20×200.com/artworks/2185-valerie-roybal-encyclopedia-2
Thank you for the awesome giveaway!!
desperately need a beautiful conversation piece (such as one of the six you featured) in my home! Tracy
My husband loves sailing and I love LOVE stories:) This piece combines the two and I couldn't think of a more perfect piece of art for our home.
I love that you decorated around the tv — I've been struggling with that one. Still not sure how to do it.
Love this one..
Still love this one! http://www.20×200.com/artworks/3830-bryan-schutmaat-food-sign
I can't pick one… there are too many I love. Here are a few favorites:
I have been coveting this photograph http://www.20×200.com/artworks/1544-carlo-van-de-roer-orb-3-blue-lagoon-reykjavik for our living room, and this http://www.20×200.com/artworks/3635-laura-bell-arthurs-seat for the hallway by my bathroom- like a little porthole to a beautiful place!
I thought the same thing about gifts this year: art for everyone! This would be a perfect way to spend some of that gift certificate.
I would get my nature-loving parents this painting: http://www.20×200.com/artworks/4179-rachell-sumpter-isle
My quirky sister this: http://www.20×200.com/artworks/2767-amy-stein-hulk
My artist friend this: http://www.20×200.com/artworks/4184-jessica-snow-color-stack-series-6
My horse-obsessed friend this: http://www.20×200.com/artworks/4116-eadweard-muybridge-animal-locomotion-plate-626-galloping
i've been loving this one for a very long time!
i've been loving this one for a very long time!
Love this one.