I realized I had been putting off hanging art in our living room for weeks and weeks because I wanted the gallery wall in there to be perfect. But this month, we’ve have a ton of house guests, so it pushed me to hang some art sooner. It never ceases to amaze me how hanging art makes a home feel personal and alive.
I like how the line of the staircase breaks up the arrangement. Those stairs are not cute to me (more on that later – ugh), so I feel like this is a making lemons out of lemonade sort of thing.
These are my favorites from
20×200 (who is offering up SIX gift certificates today!). I’ve got my eye on a few of these below. They are available in several different sizes, so I’m thinking about an over-sized print for another wall in the living room (which I think would help balance the gallery wall).
This one might be my favorite of the bunch
I always liked
this book series, but I recently noticed one of the prints hanging in the 5th Ave. J. Crew, and the colors and the texture are unbelievable in person. Definitely on my wish list now.
I’m intrigued by everything Iceland has to offer.
I’m picturing this blown up very large with a simple black or oxblood red frame.
A little geometry helps to break up any gallery wall.
Horses are such lovely, emotional creatures. Don’t you agree they make for amazing
art subjects?
I buy fabric on this street almost every week.
I love how pretty these balloons look in the morning light, but also I feel like they probably saw some stuff go down the night before, yeah?
This prettymap series is clever. Is your city available?

I like how this print is sweet, but the double image keeps it from going into precious territory.
I can’t put my finger on why this one is so arresting for me.

This artist photographs images, prints them out and manipulates them to create a new image and photographs the result. So cool.
I grew up in a place where fog didn’t really happen, so every time I come across a mist in the morning, I can’t help but be fascinated. It’s so dreamlike.
20×200 site is jam-packed full of lovely, thoughtfully curated art prints. With the holidays right around the corner, I know I’ll be doing a little shopping for friends and family. I love that I have so many price options since most of the 8×10 sized prints start around $20.
If you’d like a chance to win the $200 gift certificate or one of the five $20 gift certificates, please look a little around
their site, choose your favorites, and leave a comment with a links on this post.
Contest closes Friday, November 2 at midnight. The winners will be chosen randomly and emailed – so please be sure to sign in or leave your contact info in the comment. Good luck!
I love the city water colors by Stamen Design. I'm a sucker for maps and for watercolors, so this is the perfect combination: http://www.20×200.com/artworks/4198-stamen-design-watercolor-berlin.
this is probably my favorite one: http://www.20×200.com/artworks/4176-laura-newman-bloom
i love abstract art that is always up for interpretation.
I love the Chicago prettmap! Actually I think I'll order this before the contest closes… hmmm….. :)
I love all the city shots and people at the beach. Even if the photograph is from a different era, they feel timeless as decor.
I love this picture of Orchard Beach from the 30s! My grandmother spent her summers there growing up, which makes it even sweeter: http://www.20×200.com/artworks/4197-20×200-artist-fund-orchard-beach-row-boats-1938
Bal d'Hiver! Most definitely! Thank you! :)
I've been eyeing this for ages: http://www.20×200.com/artworks/4203-valerie-roybal-zigzag1 and would be lovely in my new kid's room. If I got the $200 certificate, I'd splurge on framing too!
hi jenny! what is the paint color on your walls in that photo? i love it!
I've been eyeing these for a while:
http://www.20×200.com/artworks/3206-christian-chaize-praia-piquinia-280810-12h20 (the colors are great)
but your link to this one http://www.20×200.com/artworks/4207-tom-kondrat-bildudalur
is also lovely!
Love so many, thank you.
I love that one. But really I love them all!
I am about to graduate college and need some none dorm room art! :)
Love that first one sooooo much!
My absolute favorite is Central Park South by Joseph Holmes but it's sold out. My second is by Holmes as well. West Forthy-Third Street.
Pretty much any of the Paris pictures!
Great giveaway. What the world need now is more art!
It is so inspiring.
Love this one : http://www.20×200.com/artworks/3254-michelle-muldrow-icon and this one cracks me up! http://www.20×200.com/artworks/3646-william-popel-skin-set-drawing-red-people
kate kategriffith (at) yahoo.com
I love this one: http://www.20×200.com/artworks/4012-mike-doug-starn-bbmet_09282010_s5137
I love the playfulness of these Nonsensical Infographics, http://www.20×200.com/artworks/3628-chad-hagen-nonsensical-infographic-no-5. But I also really love the peeking-out feeling of this series, http://www.20×200.com/artworks/3175-laura-bell-ferry-from-ardrossan-harbor
I love everything by Sharon Montrose!
I LOVE Christian Chaize's work: http://www.20×200.com/artworks/3206-christian-chaize-praia-piquinia-280810-12h20
I'd also love to get this one: http://www.20×200.com/artworks/1157-alexander-beeching-the-constellation-of-the-elephant (I have The Bison Constellation already)
so fun! thanks for introducing me to this site!
rwvanvoorhis at gmail dot com
Fireworks!! No matter how old get they always seem so magical and fabulous.
I am still just totally enamored with this print!
You posted about this one, but I realized that something geometric is exactly what I'm needing for my gallery wall. Love this one:
this one is not as graphic, but I still like it:
There are so many I like!
http://www.20×200.com/artworks/3810-christian-chaize-apres-grande-12 (one of the ones you liked too!)
Thanks to your heads up on the Seventh Avenue Looking South from 35th Street, Manhattan….I love it!!!!!
This one is my favorite: http://www.20×200.com/artworks/3546-chikara-umihara-after-the-rain
Sometimes this city girl misses the stars from the country.
I love that this dice print takes an ordinary object and makes it so visually interesting! http://www.20×200.com/artworks/2859-lisa-congdon-day-114-dice
Love love the Water Towers, New York City by William Steiger (www.20×200.com/artworks/4168-william-steiger-water-towers-new-york-city)
I am *obsessed* with 20×200. Obsessed! So I have had my finger on the "purchase" button for a while for a number of works, namely Berenice Abbott photographs from her NYC series (like the street scene you featured above). Love them!
Will you ever show a complete house tour of the previous loft or this house? I know you mentioned having the loft photographed before you moved but I feel like we haven't seen a solid walkthrough. It's your home, so maybe you don't want to share all the details, which I get. But just curious!
I love that beach print by Christian Chaize. I've been wanting a print like that for quite some time!
Loving this http://www.20×200.com/artworks/3254-michelle-muldrow-icon
and this http://www.20×200.com/artworks/4170-stamen-design-watercolor-london#
Thanks for this giveaway! I think it's just the cold weather talking, but I'm really loving http://www.20×200.com/artworks/936-paula-mccartney-snowfall-6 and http://www.20×200.com/artworks/282-colin-blakely-the-seeming-impenetrability-of-the
That looks amazing!! I am crazy for the New York City photos by Joseph O. Holmes. Thank you for the giveaway!
If I *have* to narrow it down, these two would be my favorites: the Water Towers print by William Steigler (http://www.20×200.com/artworks/4168-william-steiger-water-towers-new-york-city), the NY.08.#06 by Jennifer Sanchez (http://www.20×200.com/artworks/876-jennifer-sanchez-ny0806) and the Residential Web by Amy Casey (http://www.20×200.com/artworks/1939-amy-casey-residential-web). I could happily pick ten more :)
I love 20×200. Every time I find something great. This is my newest favorite, http://www.20×200.com/artworks/4117-ian-baguskas-waiting
This one is honestly my favorite, and I'd love to have it in our master bedroom above the dresser. http://www.20×200.com/artworks/4229-chikara-umihara-eroded-in-the-silence
I love the Prettymap series! And they have my city! DFW!
Love the Flamingo No. 4 print. Would be a perfect addition to my collection. Thx Jenny!
I want this flamingo so badly for my daughter's big girl room http://www.20×200.com/artworks/4153-sharon-montrose-flamingo-no-4
Awesome giveaway!
Ya I really like the Jane Mount or the Mickey Smith Books. They are awesome! I can think of a bunch of places to put this is my ever changing home.
I love the pink flamingo print! Or a beach print, or a horse. I need art in our house!
This is such a wonderful site. I would love something like this: http://www.20×200.com/artworks/4128-tom-kondrat-plain or this:http://www.20×200.com/artworks/4118-daniel-seung-lee-lake-michigan-chicago to remind me of my own summers in Lake Michigan
Great giveaway, I am a big Beth Dow fan:
It KILLS me that this one is sold out: http://www.20×200.com/artworks/933-beth-dow-passage-levens-hall
I love the baby animal ones from Sharon Montrose- http://www.20×200.com/artworks/2291-sharon-montrose-piglet-no-2
And this icicle balloon is arresting: http://www.20×200.com/artworks/1930-william-lamson-icicle-intervention-victor-idaho
I just saw William Wegman's 'Hello Nature' show at Bowdoin, it was superb! I would love this print:
for my baby daughter's room, it was her first museum trip:)
Love it! Especially http://www.20×200.com/artworks/3827-aaron-straup-cope-prettymaps-dcbaltimore
Love this giveaway. I've bookmarked this picture by Chikara Umihara, or this one by Daniel Seung Lee, or maybe this one by Kurt Tong for my bedroom. They would be so calming and stunning blown up big.
I have long adored The Tortoise:
I love so many of your selections, particularly the after the rain image. I've loved this one for ages now too: http://www.20×200.com/artworks/895-colleen-plumb-amish-horses and any of Joseph O Holme's shots of the city…