
Loft Living: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Today’s content is presented by smartwater, live a life well hydrated. Click here to learn more. You know what’s a really weird experience? Walking through your home for the last time. Saying goodbye to the empty loft late Sunday night was a surprisingly hard moment for me. In a lot of ways the space was…

Today’s content is presented by smartwater, live a life well hydrated. Click here to learn more.

You know what’s a really weird experience? Walking through your home for the last time. Saying goodbye to the empty loft late Sunday night was a surprisingly hard moment for me. In a lot of ways the space was a challenge to live in, so I wasn’t expecting to feel that nostalgic as I stood there taking a million pictures of our old home.

The same day we were shown the loft two years ago, we also toured a really lovely two-bedroom in Battery Park City. It was in a nice luxury building with all sorts of amenities. The apartment was a good enough size, and the finishes were really nice, but the real selling point was a heart-stopping view of the Hudson River and the Statue of Liberty.

We went back and forth on which of the two apartments to rent. Each place represented two very different sets of trade offs. They were the opposites of each other in almost every way. What would life have been like there on the river?

When it came down to it, we decided open-concept living was a better fit for our family. It just felt more “us.” I wanted to live, eat, work, play all in the same space. It felt like a great opportunity to get in a lot of family time. And I think we actually achieved some of that dream over the two years we lived in our big white box. I know I’ll miss some of that. Some of the other things… not so much. Namely, the fashion photographer neighbor who would play loud house music for his shoots that would often last until 3 or 4 in the morning (!). Also, the less-than-awesome natural light situation that made it hard to photograph the windowless bedrooms and that probably gave us all SADD in the winter. Also…

Did I ever mention that we didn’t have walls that went all the way up to the ceiling? A law was passed the month we signed the lease that made landlords super liable for accidents involving pressurized walls (commonly used to divide up apartment spaces here in New York). So when we signed the lease, we thought we were going to be able to divide up the space with semi-permanent, insulated walls, and that ended up not being the case. We were too close to moving in when we heard the news, so we just had to roll with it and make eight-foot tall ‘bookshelf walls’ instead. We stacked old trunks on top of the shelves to fill the two-foot gap and give us more privacy, but I think you can figure out on your own that the wall situation was not super ideal.

And now our house in Brooklyn has very separate spaces for separate functions, which I’m thinking might feel a little lonely at first! But, the exciting news is all of us have real rooms, with real walls. We have more than one bathroom (hallelujah!). And my office is two full floors away from my kids room (which will make business calls sound a lot more professional than they’ve been the last two years! ha!).

In my experiences working with clients in all sorts of home and apartments, and also with all the places I’ve lived (my move-count is up to 22!), I’ve had the chance to think a lot about how to make spaces work despite/while embracing challenges. The reality is, we can never have it all and there are always tradeoffs. I wonder how soon I’ll miss the tradeoffs that were unique to the loft.

How many times have you moved in your life? (It’s actually a fun exercise – try it! Can anyone beat my 22?) Also, am I the only one that slowly walks through the empty house after packing up, saying goodbye to each room? So many memories (sniff, sniff). But here’s to many new ones!

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74 thoughts on “Loft Living: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

  1. My 22 counts everything – dorms and college apartments. I count them because even back then I had to haul around a lot of furniture! This chair/mirror/lamp problem runs deep! :)

  2. 22 moves?! That's insane! I love lofts (my best friend just moved into one) but I'm not sure I'd enjoy not having complete walls!

  3. Including the move we're making in 2 weeks, my count is also 22!

    It was fun to watch the transformation of your loft – as a Texan living in suburbia it's fun to see how the city-folk live :-) Can't wait to see what you do next – I'll be watching for ideas I can use in our new home!

  4. I'm very sentimental about moving. I've so far moved 11 times, but that counts dorms in college, so it might be inaccurate. :) My husband and I just moved from the first apartment we lived in together, and I nearly cried as I said goodbye to our little studio! Our new place is much nicer though–a whole bedroom! That's big stuff in DC haha

  5. It's so funny you asked that question. Just yesterday I was talking about all the "moves" my dad had in his life. (He just passed away at age 92). It was 5! hahahh

  6. I'm a put-down-roots type, I guess. At 37, I have lived in 9 homes total, including my childhood (but not including college dorms–that would add four more)! I bought my first apartment at 24.

    And yes, I have walked nostalgically through every one of my adult homes as I left.

  7. Isn't it sort of sad to see your home empty after you have moved out? But now you get to make a new home! My move count is only 6 and I am 54 years old (2 childhood homes, college dorm & sorority, my first apartment and the condo where I have lived for 25 years). I hate to move and have no plans to move in the future. I am sentimental about the home I grew up in and still drive by it all the time in Scottsdale, AZ.

  8. My 22 counts everything – dorms and college apartments. I count them because even back then I had to haul around a lot of furniture! This chair/mirror/lamp problem runs deep! :)

  9. 17 moves for me – including a loft space in Chicago that also included walls that did not go all the way to the ceiling – and that was BEFORE children! I can't imagine living that way with kiddos. It is always bittersweet saying good-bye to our spaces.

    Never commented before – but love your blog and look forward to seeing what you do at the brownstone!

  10. We're actually trying to make the same decision–loft or luxury apartment with amenities. I love the decorating possibilities of a loft, but at the same time see the appeal of an apartment with already-nice finishes and just adding some accessories, and being done!

  11. Counting the move we made last weekend, my count just hit double digits at 10! The physical process of moving is always a pain, but I love experimenting with new spaces! I'm looking forward to organizing my new place and I can't wait to see what you come up with for yours!

  12. First time posting. I don't have nearly as many moves as you (5?) but we are currently planning our next move. We used to live in an open concept home with a loft bedroom so literally only the bathroom was walled in. Our dog loved it because she could always keep an eye on both of us at the same time. When we moved to a house with separate rooms she spent the first week trying to herd us all into the same room all the time! And it did take us some getting used to as well. And the last time I wiped the kitchen counters down at the old house I burst into tears. I enjoy your blog. Your decorating is very inspirational. Thanks!

  13. My move count is 14 and I thought it was high but you've definitely got me beat! But I've moved myself every single time….and then swore I'd pay movers the next time and then never did!

  14. Love hearing your journey. I have a "last meal" every time we move and it's always with tears. We're contemplating another move and dreading every moment of it. Glad to hear it is possible to move on Again! :)

  15. I am at 17….. And even though we bought a house last year, I'm sure I'll have many more in my future. I hate the actual moving of stuff, but getting into a new space always brings lots of creativity.

  16. Just counted 16 and that seems high. 22 seems crazy ;) I can't believe its been two years… I remember when you moved into this loft! But walls are good thing. Looking forward to seeing more of your projects in the new place.

  17. I've got you beat. Currently at 30 moves, including a couple cross country moves. There will be more as where we are now is not where will we stay forever. I think next up is yet another cross country move this fall. After all these moves I think I have the packing and moving piece down. I have learned to live with less stuff. While the actual moving part is not fun I love the excitement and creavite opportunities a new place provides.

  18. At 33 I have moved right at 22 times as well. I had to count a few times. I have gone to 13 grade schools and 3 colleges. Military life. I have not been attached to any home but perhaps I was never there long enough, plus base housing is hard to get attached to. Good luck with your move, I'm sure it will be wonderful.

  19. I've moved 16 times. If you don't count the month I kept everything in my COMPACT car (a Toyota Echo) and slept on a different friend's couch each night. That's a whole different beast.

  20. As a family of four we have design/layout challenges with a 700 sq. foot home in upstate NY. But I keep telling myself that people would pay big bucks in Manhattan for a place like ours! What a challenge it must have been to create "walls!" You'll be more humble for having had your loft experience! You and your husband can have a good laugh recollecting on it someday!

  21. I've only lived in four different houses and that includes one from 0-5 years old, so I don't think that move really counts. Six months ago we sold our starter house and moved into our (hopefully) forever house. Guess I'm just a homebody! Are you leaving your Sputnik? I feel like you did so much work on it that you should take it with you!

  22. I've moved 22 times, as well! Sadly I'm pretty sure I'll have a few more moves to go before we settle. Welcome to Brooklyn, it's my home too and my favorite borough by far!

  23. I am always flooded with nostalgia during the last walk through of a home, even if it was only for a few months, so I understand your mixed feelings.

    I am at 26 moves if I include all the college moves. Luckily I have been planting more roots in the past ten years and have only moved twice in that time :)

    Good luck settling in :)

  24. I'm happy you and your family have gotten away from the abusive noise polluter.

    Intrusive noise constitutes a potent stressor that can result in increased blood pressure, essential hypertension, increased heart rate, ischemic heart disease, headaches, nausea, an altered blood flow, changes in blood viscosity and blood lipids, and shifts in electrolyte balance, along with elevations in gastrointestinal motility. In addition, according to the World Health Organization, exposure to noise increases drug use, fosters substance abuse, and promotes anxiety, stress, irritability, depression, aggression, interpersonal conflict, and sexual impotency.

    For more information about noise pollution see:

    The Deleterious Impact of Projecting Noise into the Home Environment


    Noise Pollution Can Ruin City and Suburban Life


  25. I always get very nostalgic and teary eyed about moving. It takes me awhile to feel like a new place is home. With my current home it's actually taken me years to feel like its home (I downsized from a large home in a suburb to a small condo in a more city environment. Due to some life circumstances it felt like starting over again and was not pleasant. I resented the move. Then again this is my unlucky 13th home so maybe that has something to do with it!

  26. I have moved 7/8 times in the past 6 years (thanks college/grad school!) and I must say that nothing is sadder than leaving a space that holds so many memories. I have such poignant recollections of closing the door and walking away from each apartment. There is something about that moment, that finality that is just really difficult to deal with – no matter how excited you are to move on to new things!

  27. I can't believe I've been reading your blog for that long!! Well before you had moved into the loft. You really did a lot with that space now that i'm seeing the moving photos.

  28. I can't believe I've been reading your blog for that long!! Well before you had moved into the loft. You really did a lot with that space now that i'm seeing the moving photos.

  29. I am at 22 as well, but most of those were the effect of being an air force brat…then there were 7 different places I lived while in college. I have only had 3 homes I've lived in and decorated as an adult and one was a rental for just over a year so we did not do too much.

  30. I'm at 31 (this includes 3 college moves though). What an interesting exercise! I wrote them all down, going backwards. The funny thing is that I only moved once before I was 14, the rest are since then, 2/3 after the age of 20, and I'm 35.
    I have to say I love moving. Fresh starts and a new house or apartment, new rooms to arrange, all very fun!
    I say goodbye each time too.

  31. I'm at 31 (this includes 3 college moves though). What an interesting exercise! I wrote them all down, going backwards. The funny thing is that I only moved once before I was 14, the rest are since then, 2/3 after the age of 20, and I'm 35.
    I have to say I love moving. Fresh starts and a new house or apartment, new rooms to arrange, all very fun!
    I say goodbye each time too.

  32. I counted 15 moves. Four of those have been the cross country variety – which should count for more – ha! It was fun to figure all of that out!

    I am sure you are going to miss some things about the loft – but, I can't wait to see more pics of your new space. xo Ashlyn

  33. I too have moved 22 times! I was so surprised when I started counting. However, one of those moves was when I was a young child and thus it was no stress at all for me. I just woke up in a new bedroom! If I only count moves that happened as an adult, I have moved 21 times.

    In counting, I realized that most of my moves cluster around when I moved to a new city. I tend to change apartments about every 6 months for a few years, and then finally find an apartment, in a neighborhood, that I want to stay in for a few years.

  34. My count is at 15… I can't imagine 22!! I've loved watching the empty loft evolve into your home. I can't wait to see what you do with the brownstone! -Boo

  35. I've counted to 29 and stopped. There are a couple more but I'm struggling to remember them although I know they happened! Divorced parents who moved a lot plus my own moves. Does moving country count as more than one? I can't believe you managed to live with no proper walls and three children. Definitely a case for the white noise machine.

  36. So true about the trade-offs. We are putting our home up for sale and packing for my 23rd move in 33 years. It's the 13th in my nearly-seven-year marriage. The 24th/14th will follow within the year. I spent 13 years of my childhood in one house and I really miss that permanence. I am a sentimental person about houses and moving.

    Are you taking your sputnik light? We put a couple of light fixtures in this house that I'm really going to miss. I want to exclude them from the sale but I don't want to seem like a weirdo. Hardly anyone does that here.

    I can't wait to catch up on blogs once we get through this move. Yours is in my top three favorites and I miss our (one-sided) "friendship" :) This is my first visit in a few weeks. Posting on my own blogs completely ceased.

    Good luck in the new place!

  37. I have moved only three times in my life, but each time, it definitely was difficult. There are so many memories that become a part of you when you are in a home, and it is hard to leave those meaningful rooms behind. Hang in there!

  38. I'm so happy for you and your family. Sounds like this will be a change for the better, though I understand the nostalgia of leaving a place.

    I've moved 14 times. (SW states to Canada, East coast to west and a few smaller moves)

    And if you see this I have to say I just bought an English roll arm sofa. We've been a month in our newest house (rental) with no sofa. I kind of didn't care because this move has been hard in itself. Once the sofa was in the living room I kept coming back to our newly "homey" room. I learned about this style of sofa from your blog and it makes me so happy! Thank you.

  39. I'll be up to 20 moves in six months time when we get out of our rental and into the house we're restoring.

    And no, you're not the only one to say goodbye to your home as you leave it. We left our longest ever place (ten years) a few months ago and began missing it about three months before moving out. I mean really, really missing it. On the final day as I was cleaning, I said goodbye to each room and then finally closed the door on it. But you know, once we'd gone we missed it far less than we would have anticipated. Certainly less than while we were still there and anticipating leaving.

    I'm excited about your brownstone and looking forward to seeing pictures of it.


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