Hello! How is your weekend going? My family is in town and they have been helping us tackle some of the bigger projects I wanted to get done this month. I can’t wait to post the projects when we’re all finished, but I’ll just say now – things are looking good!! :)

Oh – just a quick share: There was a mini Alt at the end of last week here in NYC. The day went by so fast, but it was a really fun event. It was held at the Martha Stewart offices downtown, and we were so lucky to get to hear from many of the top editors at MSLO. It was super inspiring!

Borrowed from the #altsummit feed, but forgot to note the photographer! So sorry! Please speak up if it was you! (Update: thanks to Sarah for the photo! xx)
Then in the middle of my panel, while I was mid-sentence, Martha herself unexpectedly walked into the room and there were audible gasps from the audience! :) She apologized for interrupting and borrowed my mic to say a quick hello. She even said a few words about blogging (and talked about how much work she knows it is because she keeps up her own daily blog). It was so, so cool! I can’t think of any other creative business woman that I admire more than Martha. She is a very smart lady who has built an amazing empire. She can interrupt my sentences any time, any where! :)
I hope you’re having a good one! xx

Uh, WHAT!? You shared a mic with Martha? Dreamy!
I saw you at Alt Jenny! You looked GORG in that purple shirt/peplum jacket combo! And wasn't that cool when Martha stopped by? She's so legit.
Thanks for sharing these photos with us.
new york wedding photographers
Thanks for sharing the experience in the week end.Keep on updater the blog.
domy drewniane
LOVE THE VASE! excuse my ignorance….What is ALT?
note to self, must get into a mic stealing Martha situe.
Squeal – What an amazing Martha moment! I had a chance to see her last year when she came to Toronto to speak, I enjoyed every moment.
Different Wendy, similar comment: I love that vase! Can we get a source?
Different Wendy, similar comment: I love that vase! Can we get a source?
I saw you too Jenny! Can I just say, your specific part of that panel was the (hands down) best part of that day. Cold, hard facts about growing a blog, but you delivered it flawlessly. It really is a shame you don't have your own show or something. The contrast between your lively, entertaining speech and Martha's signature removed presence was so interesting to me! Anyway, good conference, GREAT panel! Solidified my love for you. (in a totally non-stalker sort of way)
I'm dying to see your house projects Jenny! Post faster! Post faster!! ;)
your blog is amazing, by the way, what do you mean by ALT here?
Wow! You can't get any bigger than Martha. Ok, embarrassing confession here. When I first started doing DIY projects, I would (and sometimes still do) repeat quietly "Like Martha, like Martha." Ha ha! It seemed to help me cut a straighter line or something to repeat this little mantra. Lol!
Holy moly – I can't imagine Martha walking into the room as a surprise. Everyone's jaws must have dropped. I was trying to get up for the Alt in NYC but it sold out so quickly – that's much more feasible for me then Salt Lake but maybe they'll do more on the east coast.
So fun! I actually do know who took that photo- it was my wonderful wedding photographer who I follow on instagram! Here is her blog for the credits: http://www.ampersandphotoblog.com. Congrats!
That picture is my friend Sarah Danaher's! The one of Martha. :-) Her twitter handle is @scdanaher if youd like to check first!
glad you found my pic of Martha! thanks for using it! =D // xoxo