Utility Room

My Pantry and a $500 Give Away

This post is sponsored by the makers of Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes, the quick and easy way to clean and disinfect your home! My pantry serves as our laundry room, storage room, cleaning closet, china hutch and tool shed. It can get a little crazy up in here. There’s lots going on.  We have two huge…

This post is sponsored by the makers of Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes, the quick and easy way to clean and disinfect your home!

My pantry serves as our laundry room, storage room, cleaning closet, china hutch and tool shed. It can get a little crazy up in here. There’s lots going on. 
We have two huge bookshelves (twice the width you see here) for holding everything, as well as the big filing cabinet, which holds all of our bigger tools.
A while back we installed two pegboard panels above the tool cabinet. I usually say that everything should be put away for a clean, uncluttered look. But sometimes, especially in a small space, things can get buried quickly. Making this pegboard has made my life so much more efficient.

Since the pantry door is usually open I wanted the pegboard wall to be as clean and simple-looking as possible. I thought about painting the pegboard a cool color at first, but I didn’t want it to stick out more than it already does, so I left the white. But I did spray paint all the organizational hardware the same rose gold color.
It’s subtle, but I like the little bit of shine.
I also use about a dozen clear tupperware bins. I bought them at Home Depot for a dollar each. 
I have them labeled with these cute chalkboard labels from Martha Stewart’s label line for Avery. 
Each bin holds something small and specific, like upholstery staples or tape or wall anchors.
Another thing that helps keep this room running smoothly is my little whiteboard. I jot down things on this board that we’re running out. They’re usually things I wouldn’t remember while making a shopping list (like laundry detergent or light bulbs). 
Other things that make the room special to me- the persian rug I bought in Belgium for just a few euros (I think it was only three!) and the pair of porcelain animal hooks I got in Delaware at the Amish flea market. We usually hang aprons from these and the girls adore them.

The pantry is sort of like the command center of our home. It’s been surprisingly good to us these past two years (not that I won’t be excited for a little more space when we move!). I think this room was a great learning experience for me and reminded me how well a space can function when it is well-organized.

So, I’d love to hear about your best organizing tip. What do you do to keep your challenge spaces tidy and running smoothly? Share your tip in the comments section for a chance to win a whopping $500 in gift cards! $250 to Target AND $250 to the Container Store! 

Contest ends June 24. Rules can be read in full here. Good luck!

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851 thoughts on “My Pantry and a $500 Give Away

  1. Get rid of it all! That's my best tip: the less you have the less work it is to organize. Of course, I am much in need of following my own advice these days, but my girls' motto is "keep it all", so we're working that out.

    BTW, I will be buying those MS chalkboard labels ASAP. Thanks for the inspiration and the give away.

  2. My best tip is to put things away once. I don't throw my coat on the couch or shoes on the floor. Put it away once and it cuts time off of the morning & evening quick pickup!

  3. in spaces i have absolute control over (like my closet), i aim to put things away every single time i use them. but in shared spaces (like the coat closet), my strategy has been to revisit the space every few months and reassess my organization needs. i have definitely found that i'll come up with a "storage" solution that becomes irrelevant after a while, so if i buy anything organization/storage related, I won't buy anything so specific to one task that it can't be moved somewhere else and used in a different way.

  4. to organize my tiny bathroom i utilize my bathroom counter drawers and use plastic dividers to keep everything separated

    katherinedibello (at) gmail (Dot) com

  5. Love your pantry! My iPhone has been the greatest help in getting our lives organized. My Husband and I use a shared Wunderlist app that helps us list everything we need to buy, do, or remember.

  6. I love using clear pocket shoe organizers to hang on the back of all of our closet doors to organize small items that seem to fill up "junk drawers". It makes things easy to see and quick to grab. Probably my favorite place to do this is in our baby's room to organize all the little things like fingernail clippers, socks, back-up pacifiers, and any of his medicine (in the top pocket so its way out of reach). Usually I'm looking for things for him in a panic so its nice to be able to find things quickly.

  7. On of my favorite organizing things that I've done is purchasing a modular craft organizer. I've been able to customize it to fit the specific crafts that I do. I have little cupboards for my yarn, drawers for my knitting & sewing notions, shelves for my bead containers. It's perfect for my needs and I always can find what I'm looking for.

  8. We don't have a storage room, but we do have an "office nook" that we turned into a storage room. Because it's open to everything it has to be super organized (I mean, there is everything from kayaks to hammers in there) so we use a ton of tupperware containers, hooks and labels. Everything in it's place I guess!

  9. We live in a small condo and something I do that is a necessity in such a small space is keeping a basket at the bottom and the top of the stairs. Anything that needs to go upstairs or downstairs gets thrown in the basket throughout the day to keep things tidy. Once per day, usually after the kids are in bed, I'll take the basket up or down and unload it all at once. Saves me a million trips up/down the stairs picking up after kids!

  10. thanks for doing a giveaway! target and the container store are my 2 favorite stores!!

    our apartment kitchen is beyond ridiculously small, so i HAVE to utilize space big time. one of the things that has really helped to free up counter space is using a shoe organizer on our door for kitchen utensils, spices, and office supplies etc. i also have oxo containers (from the container store :) ) for all of my flour, sugar, rice etc, which utilizes space really well. i also have bins in the fridge and freezer for fruits, veggies, meats etc to be able to stack and use space well.


  11. I also use a white board to jot down my grocery list throughout the week. I love your pantry and it inspires me to organize mine. Thanks for the post!

  12. My tip is for the ladies out there who have significant others who like to come home and pile all of their belongings (keys, glasses, loose change..crap) onto your countertops. Well I just but a nice little jute basket right on top of the counter next to the door. viola! He throws his junk into said basket, you don't have to look at keys, glasses, wallets, or the random $1.03 in loose change cluttering your counters. It's a mindless tip… BUT it works :)

  13. I'm another teeny-tiny apartment occupant. I also love bright colors so I often color code the storage. So I use computer printable labels and fancy tape/stickers to dress up my storage. I also always have one "general" storage box that isn't too large so that the beau can use it indiscriminately for general debri. But by keeping it small, it cannot be used and abuse to just store items "out of sight and out of mind."

  14. What a great giveaway! My tip is to go through and purge things I no longer use at least once a month (usually on a weekend). I also try and go through my mail pile at least twice a week. I use pretty trays, bowls, and baskets to store like-items and keep my counters clutter free.

  15. I love clear containers and using the new Martha Stewart/Avery labels found at Staples. Labels help my kids and me to put things back where they are go.

  16. I like to use clear or pretty containers and the new Martha Stewart/Avery labels. Labels not only help my kids put things away where they go, but it helps me as well.

  17. I think the best organizing tip that I have to make sure everything has a place. If you know where it goes, you are more likely to put it away properly. Otherwise, you just end up moving piles of things from one place to another and dealing with unwanted clutter.

  18. My secret weapon is my Elfa storage system. I live in a tiny house and we have transformed several spaces with this system, including our home office, laundry room and two closets. I was a ridiculous mess before we did this.

  19. When I organize my sewing & craft supplies I always make sure that I have space for new supplies. I try to finish projects before buying new ones.

  20. I have an prolific 8-year-old artist in my house who brings home many masterpieces. I save a few but mainly take photos of the others. When I have enough, I put together a coffee table photo book using Snapfish or the like. Its a way to treasure and enjoy without all the clutter.

  21. I like to first think about what I need an area to do (what should it hold, how accessible should which stuff be, etc.), then figure out where/how to put things there.

  22. I organize by function rather than like objects. I only use white flour for baking sweets, so it goes with other baking stuff, not with the other flours I use for cooking. It's counter intuitive but more ergonomic.

  23. I get rid of things on a regular basis and use plenty of containers. I just need to be a bit better about labeling what is inside.

  24. I go by the rule "everything has its place," so each day I make sure things are picked up and put away. This helps with organization too!

  25. My tip is to always plan for a little extra storage so your system lasts longer. For instance, when organizing the garage (large bins for seasonal items, smaller clear bins for tools, tiny divided boxes for hardware) I purchased 1-2 more of each set of bins than I knew I needed at the time. Then when I get three new tools, or go crazy one year with the Halloween decorations, everything fits without having to completely redo the whole system.

  26. My biggest headache is kid papers. There are so many categories: artwork, love notes, items to add to calendar, homework, short and long term projects. OY. Then there's the whole, "teach them to be organized" aspect of it all. This requires some serious and thoughtful organizing. Here's my system: unpack backpack immediately: all papers are taken to kitchen table where there's a hutch we call "the learning cabinet". In it, each child has a filing bin. Depending on age, I help them or watch over them. ;) There's a file for "save", "do soon", "do later" and "I don't know". Anything requiring immediate hanging or adding to the calendar gets hung up or added immediately. Works for us! -Rachel Morgan

  27. best organizing tip for me is to thoroughly de-clutter a space every 3 months or so. that, and baskets baskets baskets.
    brittneynsmart [at] yahoo [dot]com

  28. We don't have much counter space in our kitchen, so I noticed that having an empty sink makes it look organized and clean. So, I do not leave the dirty dishes overnight in the sink.


  29. We have very little storage space, so I store things like batteries, lightbulbs, envelopes, etc. in decorative boxes in my entertainment center. You would never guess most of my pretty little decor items are full of so much junk! Great giveaway and lots of great ideas shared! Thanks!

  30. Getting rid of things is the best organizing tip. I'm a natural saver so its hard for me to do. MY first step is putting things in a bag and moving to our storage unit. Then if I haven't looked for it in a year, i clear it out on the next move.

  31. I have a small pantry and I live in the desert so I can't keep much food in the garage. I had the thought to hang a shoe organizer on the inside of my pantry door for all my bulk spices as well as extra bbq and salad dressing bottles (unopened obviously). The bottom row is for my one year to fill with her pretend food so she feels like she's helping Mom.

  32. I try to do a little cleaning each day. So I don't have one dreadful day.

  33. I live in a studio apartment so it's really important to make sure that everything has a place and that I actually use that place!

  34. I try to do one or two things a night during the week – ie, dust, mop, etc. so I don't spend my whole weekend cleaning!

  35. This is all new to me, as I'm dealing with my own space (sans roommates, except my husband) for the first time in my life. Utilizing vertical space with shelving and using bins (especially clear ones) has been very handy in our small Boston apt.

  36. I keep the clutter from collecting by reorganizing drawers, closets, & cabinets quarterly during the year. Secondly, I make use of vertical space with the help of shelving, hooks, and over-the-door hangers. Also, a place for everything and everything in it's place is how our family rolls! Currently, my daughter and I are facing the challenge of organizing her 10' x 14' dorm room (with cinder block walls) for when starts college in the fall. 3M Command strips and hangers will be a HUGE help, along with heavy-duty velcro (to hang heavier items, like her padded headboard). We will be taking advantage of space under her raised bed with the use of plastic container drawers!

  37. I use a hanging shoe holder for all of my "getting ready" supplies in my bathroom. The hanging organizer hangs on the back of my bathroom door and holds my straightener, make up, lotions, etc. It's great. Also, this post is awesome. It's inspired me to do some organizing!!!

  38. I'm terrible with organization, but the best tip I can come up with is for spring/fall cleaning. If I debate donating something and end up keeping it I note it. If I haven't used it by the next cleanout date it goes.

  39. I use labeled containers (be they baskets, bins, boxes, or plastic tubs) with no more than two kinds of stuff in each container. They work wonders on linen closet clutter, garage junk, pantry staples, laundry room overflow – every storage room in our house. I'd be lost without them!
    annhrt (AT) yahoo

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