
Sign of a good weekend ahead?

I had little stroke of good luck yesterday afternoon. I was walking home from a meeting with a favorite client at Oly Studio, where we were both admiring these amazing doors. Note to future self: you want doors like these! So cool. Anyway, on the way home I popped into Housing Works thrift and saw…

I had little stroke of good luck yesterday afternoon. I was walking home from a meeting with a favorite client at Oly Studio, where we were both admiring these amazing doors.

Note to future self: you want doors like these! So cool.

Anyway, on the way home I popped into Housing Works thrift and saw a BRAND NEW (still on the leg stabilizers!) Bungalow 5 Harlow coffee table in all it’s lacquered charcoal gray glory. Price tag? $50.

I bought the table as fast as possible (don’t you do that at thrift stores when you find something good? also I practically threw my body across the table when I caught someone else giving it a side glance :)

There is a little knick on the edge of one side, but I think I can patch it without a problem. You know what was a HUGE problem though? I paid for the thing and as I was walking it out the door I realized
A) No wonder this coffee table retails for about $1k, it is really well built and it weighs a LOT more than you’d think, and
B) It was 4:30 pm, aka the witching hour when all the city is cabless while the taxi drivers switch shifts. NOOooooooooo.

So lucky me got to awkwardly waddle all the way home with a deceivingly heavy, but oh so pretty coffee table, soon to be united this summer with the stripey settee in my new big office. I decided I could skip the gym last night since my feet and arms were tingly/shaky for hours after the fact! So worth it.

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42 thoughts on “Sign of a good weekend ahead?

  1. I found a Jacqui at a junk shop (and I mean a JUNK shop) in High Point last month. It's been way beat up, but I'm going to have my lacquer shop respray for me (cost for full sand and spray–$100!) and replace the hardware with Anthro agate knobs. What a great find!

  2. Wow, what a find. Im so excited for you! Just when I think I don't want to go in another thrift store, I see what people have scored and reconsider. That is a beautiful table.
    Have a great weekend.

  3. funny story :)
    A few months ago I found a vintage version (exact lines but longer) of this table in a junk shop. I thought I might turn it into a bench for the end of my bed. It was on it's side behind all kinds of other furniture and junk. The woman said if I wanted to figure out how to get it out I could have it for $12. I figured it out. The things we do for a good deal.

  4. Thrift store finds are always the best. My mom found an upright piano at one of ours and bought it near instantly. We had to rent a moving van to get it home. When it came time to take it out, I was the one inside holding the straps to keep it steady as we took it out, but the dang thing was dragging me out because it was so heavy!

    Thrift stores make memories. Glad you found yourself a lovely treasure. You made it look fantastic. =D

  5. What a great find! I'm the same way…I once smacked another woman's hand out of the way when she was trying to read the tag on a huge vintage wicker trunk with leather straps, haha!

  6. What?! That's a crazy great deal. How exciting! I was absolutely sure that no such deals existed in Seattle until my thrift store finds late week – a vintage 6-drawer campaign dresser ($35) and a Frederick Cooper brass pharmacy floor lamp ($13). I may have thrown myself across them . . .

  7. What a score!!! I love Housing Works – found my Madeline Weinrib rug there for for $40!! The one in Brooklyn Heights, no less :)

  8. hmmm, am i the only one sooo impressed that after all that you do, you also find time for gym?

  9. Lucky duck! I just bought that table for a client in white with the hefty price tag. The client dinged it in a comical tragedy of clumsy errors the first week, and my furniture guy was able to patch the lacquer. The cost was less than $30 for the patch – you may want to go that route because patching lacquer is really tricky…

  10. Oh, I'm smiling about your plight. I have been there so many times. The things I've done in the name of a great furniture find.

    I laughed when someone said only in NYC would you find a thousand $ table in a thrift store. You would in LA but the thrift store would be charging $1300 for it. LOL. They are SO greedy here. I find stuff all the time prices for more than you could get the same thing new in a retail store.

  11. What a find! You never cease to amaze us with your unearthed treasures. Looking forward to seeing the table and your stripey loveseat paired in the future!

  12. $50 + some sweat and hopefully no long-term muscle damage. you certainly earned this one!

  13. I just want to jump through the screen and hug you and tell you to take care of your young self. You remind me of me (back when I was a young spry thing) hoisting heavy tables, carrying them blocks home….and now if I had to do it all over, I would be a bit smarter. The old body does take wear and tear.
    Take care of your pretty self. No table is worth damaging a muscle, a tendon…well maybe that table was. Just take it easy Jenny.

  14. Great score, and I can't believe you hauled that beauty all the way home by your little self. I've tried some similar moving feats but nothing quite that daunting. Where there's a will, there's a way, right? Congrats on your find!

  15. I am delighted at you for finding this and your earned it by carrying it all the way home. Bravo

    I just found your blog. I immediately followed. Looking forward to your comments and following my blog.
    Helen xx

  16. Oh my goodness! How far was your walk home? I had to walk home several blocks back in college with an antique side table that I could NOT do without. Still have that table – it was worth all the weird looks I got walking that mile home!

  17. I did that once with a glass-topped coffee table from Housing Works. I was sure I was going to fall and ram a shard of glass through my heart.

  18. The table is great but I was distracted by the reflection of your shoes. Mind telling me where you picked up that perfect pair of strappy lovliness?

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