This post is sponsored by the makers of Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes, the quick and easy way to clean and disinfect your home!
I get a lot of emails asking about my cleaning schedule after I wrote about my typical day on Joanna’s blog. I truly do not love cleaning, but I know that I’m so much happier with life when my house is clean. Don’t you feel the same way?
A couple years ago, right after I had Claire and when Gracie was old enough to really start doing some damage, I was feeling like I would never have a clean house again. (I also thought there was a good chance I would never get to sleep through the night again. :) good times) I was picking up the house all week long it felt like, and then I would do all my laundry and deep cleaning on the weekends. That meant my Saturday was completely gone and that the house was totally dirty again by Monday morning. Stresses me out just thinking about it.
Then one time I was visiting a friend’s house who had three rambunctious toddler boys. I walked into her house for the first time and my jaw dropped. Her house was CLEAN. Like, I’m not talking about tidy – tidy is not always possible during the day with kids, but it was clean. She is one of those amazing mothers who is really active with her kids, so I knew she didn’t spend all day neglecting her boys to clean the house. I was surprised and a little jealous of her sparkly floors so I begged her to share her secret. She laughed and said she kept a chore chart, which I thought was hilarious! What grown woman has a chore chart?! Suddenly I had to have one!
I copied her chart and have been using a slightly tweaked version ever since. I can’t say that I’m always following through here, but when I do, my house is practically spotless and best of all, I don’t feel like I am cleaning all the time – which honestly was the hardest part for me of being a stay at home mom in the early years.
It looks like a lot, but I think even on the most intense days I’m only spending 30 or 40 minutes in aggregate cleaning (though we live in a 1500 sq ft apartment, so your home might require a little more time). I’ve listed the chart here below, and here’s a simple printable version.

So the basic idea is this: there are daily chores – easy things you should take care of almost habitually in the morning and in the night, and then there is a single special chore of the day. Most of these chores end up getting done once a week (for example, every Monday I do a deep vacuuming of all our rugs. I took only one interior design class in college and I only remember a handful of things from that class. One of them was a tangential comment my professor made about vacuuming. She said that you should go over the same area on a rug SEVEN times super slowly to get it clean. Isn’t that just nuts? I don’t do that, but I do try to do a slow vacuuming on Mondays.). Friday though is the swing day, where you rotate in chores that need to be done less frequently, like scrubbing the microwave.
I’ll walk you through today’s cleaning schedule. It’s Tuesday. I wake up and make our bed. It won’t get done unless I make it as soon as I get up. The girls are getting good about making their beds too. After I finish getting ready I wipe down the bathroom counters and the sink. While I’m making the kids breakfast I empty out the dishwasher.
Then life happens and the house sort of falls apart during the day.
Then at night the girls help me clear the table and load the dishwasher. Michael does the trashes. Once the kids are in bed I quickly sweep or vacuum the kitchen and dining room and I might pop into the living room too. I keep a wet rag with me and as I go I’ll spot clean the floor. My goal is fast and furious cleaning!

And here’s where my baskets come into play. I keep them everywhere. I really love this basket that I posted about yesterday because it is super sturdy and holds its shape. I zip through my house every night with this basket, throwing in every misplaced item, then going back to each room once and put the things back where they belong. It takes me just a few minutes to pick up a day’s worth of clutter this way. No more running back and forth and back and forth from room to room putting things away. Try the basket method – you’ll never go back!
Plus – another bonus of having your pretty baskets out in every room? If you have a friend coming over right away, you can just corral everything in the basket super fast and no one’s the wiser.

Once the house has been de-cluttered, I do my chore of the day (today was cleaning the mirrors and windows), and then I’m done! It might sound like a lot, but I promise it isn’t. When I’m consistent with this schedule, I never have to do one of those marathon cleaning days to get back to ground zero. The house never has a chance to get really dirty, so the cleaning never feels like a true chore. It feels easy and, dare I say it? Pleasant?

So that’s my approach to cleaning in a nutshell. I know we all have our special tricks, and I’d LOVE to hear yours!
Today’s super-sized give away is $350 to Target AND $150 to the Container Store and all you have to do to enter is leave a comment sharing your favorite cleaning or organization tip. I can’t wait to see what you guys do to keep your spaces sparkling! Any other crazies out there with a chore chart? :)
Contest ends March 22. Winner will be announced on the 23rd. Contest rules can be read in full here. Good luck!!
I just make my husband do it. ;) I do something similar to the chart you shared, just modified slightly for my home and because there is only two of us. I think doing a little everyday makes for a much nicer weekend and keeps things from getting really bad.
LOVE the basket idea! So clever!
The thing that has probably helped me the most is decluttering. We've gotten rid of so much stuff and are very judicious about what we bring in our home. The less stuff we have, the less we have to maintain. And we know the stuff we've chosen to keep is worth the effort to maintain….and I'm a cleaning schedule fan, too!
Lately the clorox wipes have been my best friend. With a little one with rsv and a preschooler we need all the germ fighting power we can get! I use them for dusting, spot cleaning the dirt from the dogs paws and many things inbetween. I am going to copy your routine though! Excellent!
My general rule to cleaning, is do a little everyday so the mess does not become overwhelming. Daily wipe downs and pick-ups are a must.
My kids are required to clean their rooms before bed, every night. I can't figure out why the rooms are messy again by the time they leave for school. Don't they know that they won't have to clean it again at night, if it just stays clean all day?
My best tip for keeping a tidy home is to marry a man who loves to clean :) I did and it sure is nice!
Love the chore chart. My tip is to keep a set of cleaning supplies on each floor. I find that I clean more frequently if I have the supplies nearby rather than having to go downstairs to search for toilet bowl cleaner, etc.
My best spent $50 each week is for cleaning help for 3 hours. Definitely doesn't do the whole house but what she does in 3 hours would take me a whole day. And it basically saves our marriage.
I use a silverware/utensil holder in some of our bathroom drawers to keep essential easy to find and clutter free:)
I tend to have a lot of stuff in our living room that belongs upstairs (clothing, shoes, etc). When I'm doing a quick clean, I leave a basket or a pile of stuff at the bottom of the stairs to bring up at one time rather than make a lot of trips!
I quickly rinse the dishes and put them into the dishwasher. I try not to let anything sit in the sink for too long, unless it needs to be soaked.
Great tips!
My only advice is using cleaning products that smell great. I love the way Method products smell, so it's my little incentive to get things wiped down and clean.
Love the chore chart! I use clorox wipes like they are going out of style. I know they are a lot more expensive than just wiping everything down with a wet rag, but they're so convenient and everything feels clorox clean!
A couple of things…Never leave a room empty handed. When you live with children there is always something out of place so take every opportunity to put things in their rightful place. For instance, if you are watching a movie in the living room and get up to get a glass of water, grab the pens off the ottoman and return them to the pen jar. Or throw the newspaper in the recycling bin. If you get in the habit of doing this eventually there will be very little out of place. Secondly, work while you're sleeping. Huh?! Put a load of laundry in before you go to bed and switch it as soon as you wake up. Also, if you have a roomba (the robot vacuum) set it to go in the middle of the night so you wake up to clean floors.
I just make my husband do it. ;) I do something similar to the chart you shared, just modified slightly for my home and because there is only two of us. I think doing a little everyday makes for a much nicer weekend and keeps things from getting really bad.
I attempt to live like a minimalist, so less stuff accumulates to sort/dust/pile up.
Note that I "attempt." I do not always succeed.
I definitely do the basket pick-up method. After I had a C-section, I had to restrict the amount of times I used the stairs so I would keep a large, light basket by the stairs and fill it with whatever needed to eventually go up. When I did go up I would put everything away where it belonged, and then leave the basket at the top of the stairs to collect everything that needed to go down on my return trip. It made it seem much more manageable.
How exciting is this give-away! As we discuss our favorite cleaning habits..1.Did you know you used dryer sheets will polish your bathroom fixtures right up? 2. Love using clorox wipes on all things, dog slobber off the walls;) this is no lie when you have a 200lb dog! 3.Hydrogen peroxide helps remove stains from carpet (careful on colored-spot test 1st) dish soap diluted with water and vinegar also removes carpet stains. That's all we got, now maybe we should go clean!!
I have the kids pick up anything that is laying around the house that belongs in their rooms before they go to bed at night. Then, before I go to bed, I do one last sweep through the house and pick up any random items and straighten just a bit. It's easier to start the next morning without a bunch of clutter in your way!
OOH I love that! I'm totally printing your schedule and posting it on my fridge.
The thing I do to make cleaning easier is limit what I bring in the house. I don't buy anything unless I really really need it.
I am really inspired by your cleaning method and chart! The one task I do that makes my mornings better is done the night before – I clean and shine my kitchen sinks. Walking into the kitchen and seeing a sink with no clutter makes for a better day.
I share bathroom cleaning and vacuuming duties with my husband which really helps. I really like the idea of scheduled days for other cleaning because, like you, I dislike cleaning but I love a clean house!
I deal with the mail/papers etc as soon as they come in the door. There's a recycling bin just for paper next to the desk and a folder on the desk for unpaid bills.
We do laundry as a load is full, so there are usually two or three days that we've got laundry and it's not all bunched into one day.
That's it–no other good tips–I need to try your system!
For a quick cleaning of the bathroom faucets I use a cotton swab and some alcohol and it takes 2 seconds to make your faucets sparkly and clean. (by the way I stumbled upon your blog through pinterest and i look at it everyday, love it!)
I am really inspired by your cleaning method and chart! The one task I do that makes my mornings better is done the night before – I clean and shine my kitchen sinks. Walking into the kitchen and seeing a sink with no clutter makes for a better day.
I've tried following more complicated chore charts, but this one looks great.
I always empty the dishwasher while I'm cooking dinner. I'm standing right next to it anyway so its painless.
I try to stay on top of the toys otherwise I will spend an entire day organizing! I let them get out one thing at a time.
My #1 cleaning tip is lists. Lists. lists. lists. ALSO the 15 minute clean every day. It doesn't become overwhelming if you clean a little every day!
love your blog. Making my kids pick up their room every single night before bed! it is amazing how if there room is clean, the rest follows.
Clean as you go to maintain a basic level of cleanliness so you're never embarrassed when someone drops by unexpectedly. Bring mugs and glasses back to the kitchen, swipe a rag over the baseboards when you're wiping down the bathroom sink, and recycle the junk mail before it piles up!
Now if only I could follow my own advice…
My mom taught me to do at least one load of laundry a day. It definitely helps me stay on top of it!
Getting my kids involved I think is key. They take ownership and we all feel good about things being clean. I've also started to spray the shower every morning after the showers are over…. and no more deep cleaning! They stay clean! (using Scrubbing Bubbles)
Great routine! Thank you for sharing. I 'm going to share with two good friends as well.
This is also a great and very USEFUL giveaway! thank you!
You know, I hate cleaning. But your chore chart seems doable even to me and I will get on it immediately – thank you for the inspiration! :)
Mostly, my cleaning tip so far in life has been to invite people over regularly because then we have to clean up around here :)
I am going to try your chart it is so much simpler than other trackings ideas I have seen. Oh man right now I feel so behind in cleaning, but I would say my cleaning trick would be to whenever you walk by something that is out of place,pick it up. When I am mindful of this, things really do feel less cluttered. Thanks!
Vinegar is my cleaning secret, although I know it is not so secret It is super cheap and free of harmful chemicals. I buy it by the big jug and then refill spray bottles. You can dilute it and add essential oils.
I also recycle old hand towels for polishing. And if I remember to do so before chucking them, you can also recycle socks that are missing their partner for dusting, etc.
nhvombaur @ gmail dot com
With 2 big ole dogs and a very fuzzt cat- we would be lost in a sea of fur without our Roomba. We run it every time we leave the house. It at least keeps the fuzz levels down to where I only have to vacuum twice a week instead of every day.
I have a similar schedule where I focus on one thing every day and do a de-clutter every night before bed. Makes it a lot less overwhelming and I'm not wasting my whole Saturday off cleaning any more. My new favorite thing is to put heavy lotion on my hands, put on some plastic gloves. Clean and beautify at the same time :)
My tip is to train your husband. I've got mine doing laundry, dishes, the litter box, and even vacuuming. If I want something done a certain way I've got to do it myself and he is never as thorough as I would be, but overall he's a HUGE help in keeping the place looking presentable from day to day.
With two dogs and a partner sharing a 1 bedroom apartment, cleaning is a MUST. We just decided to get help cleaning once a month. Otherwise, we just pick up all the dog toys every night, organize the clutter, and take our shoes off at the door.
My favorite trick to wiping up dust on the hardwood floors: after using a lint roller on your clothes, rip the sheet off and use it to wipe down the dusty floors. It works like a charm and I don't have to waste paper towels, etc.
Thanks for another amazing giveaway!
My mom had a cleaning business, and the one tip I have is to carry a tote with you with paper towels, cleaning supplies, cloths, etc. It saves a lot of steps, and you have everything you need close by. I always see something that needs to be cleaned with glass cleaner when I only have the dust rag with me, etc. The tote helps.
I'm afraid housekeeping has never been my thing and I've been fortunate enough to hire help with cleaning. I do use the Clorox wipes all the time for quick jobs, and also like the Swiffer duster.
Great giveaway!
I do have a chore chart, or used to. I need to get it out again! I love good containers; they look nice and everything has a place to go.
I make sure to make my bed EVERY morning before leacing for work. It is so simple, and really makes a different to come home to after a long, stressful day. I am do laundry and clean bathrooms, kitchen, and vaccum on a rotating basis – do one every week night so that I don't have to worry about cleaning on the WEEKENDS!
Monday is "catch up day". After the weekend, when everyone has done damage, I plan to spend nap time catching up on cleaning.
To keep my closets clean and organized I love huggable hangars. I also don't let anything in the house get too bad and keep a detailed chore charts – it even includes dusting the tops of doors and ceiling fans. I also do a load of laundry daily.
my favorite tip is 2 words: magic eraser
I try to keep the house picked up during the week, do laundry Friday and Saturday nights so it's not stacking up on me over the weekend, and then on Sunday afternoons tackle The Long List. I'm currently working on spreading more real chores out over the week because I get so grouchy on Sunday! My best tip is for when you don't want to clean or you do but are tight on time (it works well for me when I get to the point where I look around and say "UGH! THIS PLACE!"). I set the timer for however much time I have, usually 30-60 minutes, and get as much done as possible in that time. Whatever I can't get done, I decide must not have been that important and just let go for the week! I also try to keep my house "30 minutes ready," so if someone gives me a call and says they're 30 minutes away, I can pick up quickly, wipe a few surfaces down, and call it good enough.
My tip is to train your husband. I've got mine doing laundry, dishes, the litter box, even vacuuming. He's not nearly as thorough as I would be and if I want something done a certain way I'm better off doing it myself, but he's a BIG help when it comes to keeping the place presentable day to day.