
Blogging as a Career

I get a lot of questions about the business of blogging. I’ve posted about my thoughts on growing blog traffic here, but I thought it might be a good idea to talk about advertising. It seems like it’s the elephant in the room with the blogging community lately and I always feel better when I…

I get a lot of questions about the business of blogging. I’ve posted about my thoughts on growing blog traffic here, but I thought it might be a good idea to talk about advertising. It seems like it’s the elephant in the room with the blogging community lately and I always feel better when I am open and honest. So bear with me here.

In this post on Cup of Jo, I mentioned that a year or two ago my blog transitioned from a hobby into a paying job. I think at the time I had about 250,000 monthly page views (just in case you’re a fellow blogger and wanting a reference point). I noticed about then that I was spending 20-40 hours a week working on my blog. Every day I would get 100-200 emails. I get more now. Some are press releases or ridiculous, basically spam emails. But many require responses. The time to read and respond to even a quick email really adds up.

Then there’s the actual posting. As you fellow bloggers know, even the simplest posts take about an hour to put together — Editing and uploading the photos takes the most time. Linking takes a while. And then writing the copy can be really time consuming. The longer posts require 3-6 hours of work just to put together – not counting the time to actually do the project or photograph the room, etc. Crazy, right?

I hope to not come across as defensive or like I’m complaining. I’m just trying to keep it real. Seriously, I really, really love my job. I’m so grateful to you readers and the support you guys give me and my family. Every now and then I get a nasty commenter, but for the most part, you guys are only ridiculously sweet and supportive. Virtual hearts!

All this to say that there is usually sort of a turning point when a blogger can start to feel like what they have is more like a business and less like a hobby. For some, this is when the sparkle of blogging starts to fade because it is easy to get caught in the weeds of the business/administrative side of things. I don’t think this is a job a person can do unless they are passionate about the subject matter. That said, it can get hard to dedicate the time necessary to maintain something that’s just a hobby. Eventually it needs to make financial sense too.

A couple years ago, I started using Google Adsense as a way to offset the cost of blogging – both in terms of time and the expense of the projects I was posting about. Adsense is a free service that is open to any blogger. Though I think they suggest waiting to add the program to your site until you’re getting about 10,000 page views a month (I suggest using Google Analytics for traffic tracking). Adsense pays based on traffic and ad clicks. I did Adsense for a couple years and I also accepted (still accept!!) private sponsors, who advertise with the banners in the column to the right.

Earlier this year I was signed by Federated Media, which I was thrilled about. FM is an amazing ad network run by creative, thoughtful people. It had been a dream of mine to work with FM and I’m giddy that I can call myself one of their authors.

FM now manages the ads that you see on my site (excluding the private, small business ads previously mentioned). Also, I recently decided that I am going to try out hosting sponsored posts on LGN. I like to think of a sponsored post as a lot like a commercial. Some of them will be posts that I write, others might be something written by the sponsor.

This has been a tough choice. I am not making a fortune off of my site. I’m sure I’d make a better living if I spent all my time decorating. I keep blogging though because I think it will continue to provide me with good opportunities in the future, but most of all because I love blogging and I love my readers.

Have you been sensing how fast and furious the blog industry is growing? It’s really fascinating to me. I’ve been watching, like you have too, I’m sure, as bloggers have begun to really capitalize on the success of their blogs. I think that some bloggers are handling it *just right*. Sometimes I feel like others might be acting a little sneaky with how they’re monetizing their blogs. I worry those few bloggers in the minority are giving the rest a bad rap and making some readers annoyed whenever they see an ad. Me, personally, as a reader, I get it. We all need to make a living and I don’t hold that against anyone else. But, me as a blog author, I never, ever, ever want money-making opportunities to overshadow the genuine, hard work I put into this site.

I know not everyone will love seeing these occasional “commercials” but here’s what I can promise:

1) I will do my best to keep sponsored posts to a minimum. I’m anticipating only one or two a month.

2) On the very few days that a sponsored post goes up where the content is not mine, I will also be posting a regular content post and I’ll try to make it extra good!

3) The words “SPONSORED POST” will be at the top of each of these posts, making it easy to skip past if you’re not interested.

4) I am hand-selecting each of my sponsors. I promise to continue to work only with companies that I like and want to support. Not all of them will be design-related companies, but most will. They really will look and feel like commercials.

So there it is. It’s not an easy subject to discuss – money and advertising. But after some consideration, I decided it was worth sharing with you lovely, thoughtful readers. Tomorrow my first sponsored post will go live. Thank you in advance for your support with this. I promise to give you lots of the good stuff in return.


PS Also tomorrow, look forward to a post on making too-small art fit beautifully in large frames!

PPS There has been some further clarification in the comments section, so feel free to read my answers there and ask more questions if you have them. Thanks!

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117 thoughts on “Blogging as a Career

  1. Jenny, I wholeheartedly agree with you! I just started a blog back in February and it requires so much of my time. Currently I have a fraction of the traffic you have, but I do it because I love it. It's an honor that anyone would take time out of their day to read something I wrote.
    That being said, you are contributing time, money and fantastic original ideas to your readers. You deserve compensation. No amount of adds or sponsored posts are going to keep me from reading LGN. It's my all time favorite blog! Your talent is inspiring and I can't wait to see where it takes you.

  2. I am young mom and housewife. Your blog was one of the first ones I found years ago. It has been exciting to follow a gal from my hometown AZ and see how your business has grown and evolved. If the choice was have ads or not do the blog anymore I would take the ads gladly. You are too much of an inspiration to let go. You deserve to be compensated for your time and devotion to your craft and readers. Thanks for always being so classy and tactful.

    Best always

  3. Jenny, thanks for being so honest with us. I check your blog every day, and it's definitley one of my faves.
    I devour magazines (design, beauty, style, you name it) and so having blogs readily available on a daily basis has become a huge part of my life. Blogs have inspired me in so many ways and will now help me with my business (which is not blogging).
    As with magazines, I take ads on blogs as just a part of it. Your content is great and lovely and you deserve to get paid for your work. If I don't want to read something then I'll skip it.

    Good luck!

  4. This was a great post–very informative–but you are running a business and you have a right to earn a living–a good living–without any obligation to explain your choices to naysayers! I hope you will continue to share about the business of blogging, in addition to design and decorating, because you really have something to contribute to the conversation, and I hope that your blog pays off in ways you never imagined!

  5. Jenny, thank you so much for being upfront about advertising. You don't have to explain your choices, but I appreciate that you do. Your blog is one of my favorites and I always look forward to your posts to see what you've been up to. Keep it up! You are great.

  6. Thank you for being so candid. As a newbie blogger, I really appreciate hearing your perspective on this; as a reader, I appreciate your transparency!

  7. From a Google Reader who never comments…

    I am all about thriftiness in decor and fashion, but I am not too much of a DIYer when it comes to stuff like reupholstering chairs (although I am willing to slap paint on just about anything). I love home design and I like to check out general home blogs like Apartment Therapy but don't get too into most design blogs.

    That said, I found your blog a while ago and I keep reading in part because of the ideas and lovely photos, but also because you just seem like a really cool person. This site and Young House Love are the 2 I frequent most because I can really relate to the voice of the smart, clean, straightforward yet entertaining written content. Well done, and do what you have to do to get the bills paid! I'll still subscribe.

    By the way I related so well to your recent guest post on Cup of Jo about working motherhood. I also have 3 kids but only work part-time, and my husband is home by 8 most nights, so I can't entirely relate to the busyness and craziness of your life. But the way you laid out your routine (daily routine is the only way to stay sane even if you don't have a million jobs to do!) and the thoughts on being happy in your current situation–really hit close to my heart and helped me feel renewed and ready to get my routine back in order–my youngest is 6 weeks old and I'll start working again in the fall. So–thanks for that! And sorry for the longest run-on sentence ever.

  8. I just wanted to let you know, I've really appreciated the way you've handled sponsored posts in the past. I think you did one for Pier 1 before, and I actually found it helpful in that you highlighted a few items I would've never known they carried. I trust you to be genuine, you just seem like that kind of person. You've done so many tutorials and shared such great tips and insights with us, I know you're not in it all for the money. I wish you continued sucess!

  9. Good for you! I appreciate your transparency as well, and like others, don't mind sponsored posts or advertisements as long as they are stated as such. I've noticed one or two of my favorite blogs have become more commercial without any sort of disclosure to the reader and it's disappointing, feels less genuine than it it did in the past.

  10. I appreciate your honesty in this issue. I can understand your need to diversify what you're doing to make your career work. Thanks for the transparency :)

  11. I will be honest I have been following your blog for years! and was sadden to see you initially add ads. I was hoping you were the hold out and inspiration. Reading this news makes me a bit disappointed, I would rather see you post less frequently about awesome projects than hearing some infomercial.
    I love your blog, I even have one. I guess I just have mixed feelings about being barraged by ads everywhere. Is there no place we can just read/post for fun and create an environment of creativity without all this fuss?

  12. Did you ever have to justify your rates, your time and talent when charging as an interior designer? Did people ever complain about your rates as an interior designer? Did any clients ever ask you NOT to mark up the furniture you sold them, or NOT to pay you for your design?

    My guess is that you dropped those clients who were not willing to pay you for your talent appropriately.

    Think of the blog the same way. You have a talent for writing, creativity, and us readers want to subscribe to it. (and I LOVE your design style and writing style!) No need to justify how you make a living. Its capitalism, marketing and advertising is everywhere so it should not be something that people are offended by, or something you have to explain.

  13. I'll always be a supporter of you, Jenny! You're such a beautiful person. Who cares if there are ads on your blog?? You've earned it and deserve it! You're helping so many people out there enjoy design more, gather inspiration. You've shared all your projects and knowledge. Why would anyone care if you get some compensation for all your hard work and generosity toward us?! Those who are bothered about it don't matter. Being a mom, you have to really value your time and do what is best for the family, for you, and your time. Because time is valuable. No one, and I mean NO one is as talented as you, and I think you deserve all the carreer success in the world. Keep on carrying on, m'dear!


  14. Hi Jenny. I discovered your blog about 8 months ago when I first discovered blogs. I love it. You are on of the bloggers who inspired me to begin my own. I am so impressed with your candor and genuine approach. Blogging is extremely time consuming and a countless number of people benefit from your talent, passion, and ideas each day. Kudos to you for creating a situation that works for you and your family. And congratulations on creating such a successful blog that inspires so many. Keep it up!

  15. Although it may require migrating off blogger to your own hosted blog platform, have you considered putting ads in your RSS feed? I only read blogs in a feed reader, and as a result I never see your ads!

    I would caution you not to go with displaying only partial posts and requiring a click-through to see the rest because it's terribly annoying. Instead, look for a way to continue to display the entire post and show an ad or two at the bottom.

    You may have a decent sized group of readers (like me) who are missing the ads (that look pretty interesting, btw!) because they read through RSS and wouldn't mind seeing them (increasing your revenue).

  16. I don't work for free, and I certainly wouldn't expect anyone else to, either! It was great that you wrote the post for your readers clarity, I appreciate that so that I will know what the heck is going on when I read your page.
    And after reading how many emails you get, I CAN'T BELIEVE you took the time to reply to my confused pregnancy brain question awhile back-just awesome!

  17. I'm really proud of you for being honest about the amount of effort required. Good for you–thank you for the time you dedicate to this!

  18. Thank you so much for your thought and effort put into this post! I'm a relatively new blogger (and reader of yours!) and I've always wondered how people have transitioned a blog from a hobby to a monetary venture. Thanks for sharing! And I love your blog!

  19. I appreciate you taking the time to explain, I think its great to be real about it, and I have no problem with ads or sponsors. Keep it up!

  20. Love your blog and love reading about your projects and family. I don't mind ads or the occasional sponsored post in exchange. Your site is worth it!

  21. Jenny,

    I have been following your blog almost since it's inception. I love it and frequently comment that my favorite things about your blog and your design is that you are accessable to everyone. You frequently do projects in a thrifty way and your offer an alternative for your readers to have beautiful homes and projects without breaking the bank. I love your honesty about the ads and your projects. I have no problems with ads, but I hate visiting a blog an having an add pop up before you can get the the blog.

    At the end of the day even though you consulted your readers, you have to do what is right for your family! Thank you for the heads uo!

  22. Smart move Jenny! Love your business sense. You always deliver A+ content which is much appreciated by all. I'm not mad at all if an advertiser can compensate you (no matter how big/little) for providing us free content. It's a win-win for all parties!

  23. I know that your career revolves around your family and your children and I always am in awe of all that you do and your blogging as a career. Of course you should have sponsors!
    You are one amazing lady!

  24. I find nothing even remotely bad about you having sponsors on your blog! You should value yourself and your work — nothing to apologize about getting paid for your work. Best wishes.

  25. Whatever you need to do to make it worth your (and your family's) time to keep delivering really inspirational content. And I am sure that you will check in frequently with your readers to ensure that your "brand" or reputation is not tarnished in any way.

    Good luck! We are all rooting for your success!

  26. Good for you. I love how honest you are and I look forward to the amazing posts on commercial days! I think I can handle a few with that fair of a trade.

  27. As a reader, I don't mind a bit – especially how much thought you put into making the decision. I really appreciate how much you care. Blog on!

  28. Jenny – I love your blog and so appreciate the inspiration you share with us every day! Thank you for taking time from your business and family, it is incredibly generous of you. Do I care about ads on your blog – absolutely not!!

  29. I agree, it is extremmely time consuming to do a good post and I just cannot put out a piece of crap. Bravo to you for making the bucks and loving what you are doing at the same time!

  30. Well said. I'm relatively new to blogging, and I had strong opinions about bloggers who had ads and sponsored posts until I talked to my sister-in-law. She said it doesn't bother her at all to read blogs with advertising because she watches TV shows with commercials. I started looking at it with that mindset. You seem to be upfront about it all so there's nothing sneaky about it. Good luck! And, I LOVE your blog. It's so full of inspiration. Thank you for sharing all of your ideas with us!

  31. Hi Jenny!

    Have you thought about redesigning the blog so the ads on the sidebar aren't so haphazardly placed? I think they would fade into the background more and allow the content to shine through.

    Anyways, love your blog and good luck transforming it into more of a business than a hobby :)

  32. Jenny, the content of your posts is so interesting and your writing voice so genuine that you will keep readers coming back despite ads. If you lose a few that just can't tolerate them, well, that's a shame for them, they will miss out on one of the best design blogs out here. Of course you should have ads on your blog considering how much time goes into it! Best wishes with the future – I am sure it will be bright, ads or no ads.

  33. Nice explanation. I have no problem with sponsored posts at all. Thanks for all the time, effort, and hard work you put into your (regular) posts – they are FABULOUS!! We love you, Jenny!

  34. Great post. Thanks for keeping it real. Your blog is fantastic! Hate to ask a money question but can you share how much one can expect to make when they're at your level? Thanks again for all the great insight.

  35. Your site is one of the first I check every day. You continue to provide excellent quality posts and I'm not surprised to learn about the amount of time and energy you put into your work. It shows! Everyone should get paid for their work and I completely support including advertising as long as you clearly indicate that's what it is. I don't generally comment on anything but I felt the need to lend my support here. You do a great job at communicating with your readers!

  36. This last comment is a little out of line, don't you think? It's not evidence of good manners to ask one about their earnings I think.

    As we all established here, blogs of excellent content quality deserve adequate compensation for their authors, just like good magazines. You wouldn't phone a chief editor of Elle Decor to ask how much money they're making, would you?

    The simple answer is – sufficiently enough to justify spending time and effort on producing first class content.

  37. I think your blog is great! I think it is awesome you are even taking our "feelings" into consideration! I don't mind a sponsored post…and if you are going to do a post of your own as well on those days, I'll look forward to them! :) do what you gotta do girl! There is only one blog that I read that I might drop from my list. I love the writer, so cute and funny, but every single post is about a product or company she uses now, and MAYBE once every two weeks there is a project or craft. Like I said, I don't have a prob with ads, but I have limited time w 2 babes and a third on the way! I know it sounds nuts, but I kind of feel taken advantage of when I click on her blog bc it's ALL ads now. And she even makes the titles tricky, like it might be a real post buy it never is. Anyway, sorry forth tangent. I love your blog and think it's fantastic you can make more revenue!! ;)

  38. Thank you Jenny for your thoughts on blogging as a career. Your blog is such a treat to read. I can still remember when you were so kind to let me pick your brain about this subject over the phone while you were at the play area of McDonalds. You blaze the blogging path for many of us in the blog world.

  39. I am not a blogger so this is interesting to hear how it works. I dont mind the ads. Actually, I rarely pay attention to them. It wont affect my reading blogs. I think it is great you can find a good balance.

  40. A long time ago I commented on a blog where the girl is now editor of an online mag rue maybe. She only had two comments and couldn't respond to my question. You Jenny are an over achiever!! Relax and let someone else write a post once in a while. We will continue to read.

  41. You guys are the best. Thank you so, so much again for all your support. The HP post just went live. Thanks again for helping me recoop some of the costs of running this site.


  42. Thank you so much Jenny for posting about this. i am a huge fan of your blog and your talent. i just started my own blog trying to switch from architect to interior designer. i never would have imagined how much i love blogging but it is a lot of work. i feel like you are my pretend sister sometimes because you are so great and honest!

  43. Jenny, congrats on the fact that you've put the time into growing a blog awesome enough that big companies want to pay for sponsored posts! Good for you; I highly doubt you will lose any readers because of it–even the ones who like to complain :)

  44. I'll jump in here too and say that I've actually clicked on a couple of ads from this site & right now am contemplating buying a stencil that I found on a site mentioned here. So there's that! (I have yet to click on any ad on a social networking site).

  45. Ha…next she'll be looking for an intern…

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