
Blogging as a Career

I get a lot of questions about the business of blogging. I’ve posted about my thoughts on growing blog traffic here, but I thought it might be a good idea to talk about advertising. It seems like it’s the elephant in the room with the blogging community lately and I always feel better when I…

I get a lot of questions about the business of blogging. I’ve posted about my thoughts on growing blog traffic here, but I thought it might be a good idea to talk about advertising. It seems like it’s the elephant in the room with the blogging community lately and I always feel better when I am open and honest. So bear with me here.

In this post on Cup of Jo, I mentioned that a year or two ago my blog transitioned from a hobby into a paying job. I think at the time I had about 250,000 monthly page views (just in case you’re a fellow blogger and wanting a reference point). I noticed about then that I was spending 20-40 hours a week working on my blog. Every day I would get 100-200 emails. I get more now. Some are press releases or ridiculous, basically spam emails. But many require responses. The time to read and respond to even a quick email really adds up.

Then there’s the actual posting. As you fellow bloggers know, even the simplest posts take about an hour to put together — Editing and uploading the photos takes the most time. Linking takes a while. And then writing the copy can be really time consuming. The longer posts require 3-6 hours of work just to put together – not counting the time to actually do the project or photograph the room, etc. Crazy, right?

I hope to not come across as defensive or like I’m complaining. I’m just trying to keep it real. Seriously, I really, really love my job. I’m so grateful to you readers and the support you guys give me and my family. Every now and then I get a nasty commenter, but for the most part, you guys are only ridiculously sweet and supportive. Virtual hearts!

All this to say that there is usually sort of a turning point when a blogger can start to feel like what they have is more like a business and less like a hobby. For some, this is when the sparkle of blogging starts to fade because it is easy to get caught in the weeds of the business/administrative side of things. I don’t think this is a job a person can do unless they are passionate about the subject matter. That said, it can get hard to dedicate the time necessary to maintain something that’s just a hobby. Eventually it needs to make financial sense too.

A couple years ago, I started using Google Adsense as a way to offset the cost of blogging – both in terms of time and the expense of the projects I was posting about. Adsense is a free service that is open to any blogger. Though I think they suggest waiting to add the program to your site until you’re getting about 10,000 page views a month (I suggest using Google Analytics for traffic tracking). Adsense pays based on traffic and ad clicks. I did Adsense for a couple years and I also accepted (still accept!!) private sponsors, who advertise with the banners in the column to the right.

Earlier this year I was signed by Federated Media, which I was thrilled about. FM is an amazing ad network run by creative, thoughtful people. It had been a dream of mine to work with FM and I’m giddy that I can call myself one of their authors.

FM now manages the ads that you see on my site (excluding the private, small business ads previously mentioned). Also, I recently decided that I am going to try out hosting sponsored posts on LGN. I like to think of a sponsored post as a lot like a commercial. Some of them will be posts that I write, others might be something written by the sponsor.

This has been a tough choice. I am not making a fortune off of my site. I’m sure I’d make a better living if I spent all my time decorating. I keep blogging though because I think it will continue to provide me with good opportunities in the future, but most of all because I love blogging and I love my readers.

Have you been sensing how fast and furious the blog industry is growing? It’s really fascinating to me. I’ve been watching, like you have too, I’m sure, as bloggers have begun to really capitalize on the success of their blogs. I think that some bloggers are handling it *just right*. Sometimes I feel like others might be acting a little sneaky with how they’re monetizing their blogs. I worry those few bloggers in the minority are giving the rest a bad rap and making some readers annoyed whenever they see an ad. Me, personally, as a reader, I get it. We all need to make a living and I don’t hold that against anyone else. But, me as a blog author, I never, ever, ever want money-making opportunities to overshadow the genuine, hard work I put into this site.

I know not everyone will love seeing these occasional “commercials” but here’s what I can promise:

1) I will do my best to keep sponsored posts to a minimum. I’m anticipating only one or two a month.

2) On the very few days that a sponsored post goes up where the content is not mine, I will also be posting a regular content post and I’ll try to make it extra good!

3) The words “SPONSORED POST” will be at the top of each of these posts, making it easy to skip past if you’re not interested.

4) I am hand-selecting each of my sponsors. I promise to continue to work only with companies that I like and want to support. Not all of them will be design-related companies, but most will. They really will look and feel like commercials.

So there it is. It’s not an easy subject to discuss – money and advertising. But after some consideration, I decided it was worth sharing with you lovely, thoughtful readers. Tomorrow my first sponsored post will go live. Thank you in advance for your support with this. I promise to give you lots of the good stuff in return.


PS Also tomorrow, look forward to a post on making too-small art fit beautifully in large frames!

PPS There has been some further clarification in the comments section, so feel free to read my answers there and ask more questions if you have them. Thanks!

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117 thoughts on “Blogging as a Career

  1. Thanks so much for your post, I really enjoyed it! I have just started blogging myself and getting your input on advertising was valuable. I have a long way to go though, I get excited when I get just a couple of hits, I can't imagine getting as many as you.

    Oh, also thanks for your tips on removing white heat spots from tables. I did what you said and it worked perfectly for me!

  2. Can I just say… ditto! To all of those who are blessing you with appreciation and gratitude for the insight and inspiration you've given all of the rest of us- as designers, bloggers and interior lovers. This advice is definitely something I'm bookmarking and saving for a rainy day after I've had my blog up and running for awhile. Thank you!

  3. Thanks for being honest! I love your blog and want to thank you for how much time you put into making thoughtful, creative posts. And thank you a million times for limiting the sponsored posts to 1 or 2 per month. One of my former-favorite blogs has completely changed into a product-pushing machine. "I'm decorating my (insert room here) with the help of (insert latest sponsor here)" stinks. As long as you keep posting your usual stuff…I'll keep reading. :)

  4. Jenny, your blog is one of my absolute favorite reads! I'm glad there are ways it can make more sense for you, financially. I wish that all commenters could understand just a portion of all that you put into your blog, but I suppose that's part of life. Thanks for your honesty and daily hard work and creativity!!

  5. Hi Jenny! I have been reading blogs for about two years now and I can certainly see how you should make a living at this especially with the hours you put in. Readers can ignore what they don't want to read, we have to do that all the time with other media outlets, no biggie. You do a beautiful job, thank you. This is the first time I have ever responded on a blog. Warmly, mc

  6. Congrats Jenny – you are so deserving of this all and I so appreciate your honesty! I would love to be able to earn a little from writing on my blog about all the beautiful things I love – but I'm at that point you mentioned where it is so hard to put so much time into something that right now for me is just a hobby (one that I am so passionate about) but still one that provides me nothing financially. I'm sure your sponsored posts will be both relevant and interesting to those who love your blog – best of luck!

  7. As a mom to two sets of twins and a part time blogger, I love reading your posts, especially the ones that show the reality of blogging – time, energy, commitment. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who takes over an hour for just a simple post. I would like to take a peak into the lives of the anonymous commentors who think that someone shouldn't make money off of their blog. Maybe they have an extra 20-40 hours a week just lying around? Good luck and I hope you make some darn good money off of everyone who stops by daily for free design advice.
    (and sorry about the deleted comment above – I didn't realize I was signed into the wrong account)

  8. Thanks Jenny! I love your blog and recommend it to others as my favorite. You are so creative and genuine and keep doing what you're doing!

  9. My original degree {and career} was in advertising. It saddens me that bloggers have to justify themselves when placing ads!

    All media is sponsored in some way. The difference being is that we curate what we deem fit. What values we hold for ourselves should be reflected in our blogs.

    Bloggers aren't starving artists, and as one of your commenters mentioned, we are replacing magazines.

  10. Jenny- with all the clicking and scrolling I do all day, having to scroll or click once more to get to your blog is NO PROBLEM! Thanks for always having my favorite posts of the week.

  11. I am so glad to see all of the positive comments about this. Let me just echo everyone else and say YOU GO, GIRL. You are a wonder woman — you do so much! — and your blog is so inspirational. I, like everyone else, think you're so genuine and love that you have this opportunity. Thanks for being so open with us, and keep up the good work! :)

  12. I have no issues with ads, or sponsors. I do however dislike when ads make page loading difficult. I recently stopped viewing a blog because her blog took FOREVER to load on my IPAD. And if she has a link party….well wow!!! I completely understand blogging turning into a job.

  13. It was noce to read this post…as a fairly new blogger it can be frustrating but I actually feel better knowing that I am not the only one that take 1-2 hours on a simple post. I love your blog and don't mind the ads at all. Thanks for the inspiration and hope to have a successful blog like your someday too.

  14. late to this discussion – but this caught my eye:

    Sometimes I feel like others might be acting a little sneaky with how they're monetizing their blogs. I worry those few bloggers in the minority are giving the rest a bad rap and making some readers annoyed whenever they see an ad. Me, personally, as a reader, I get it.

    what exactly do you mean by this? how is a blog sneaky about monetizing. not understanding where you are going with this.

    i'ld love to talk with you about it. but only if you have time and if you ever see this!! haha!!!


  15. If you have found a way to make your blog profitable, good for you! If I averaged out how much I made from ads alone vs time spent, trust me , I would be making MUCH less than minimum wage!

    So I kinda just stopped caring about ads on my blog. I run a few so that kind of pays the expense of the blog, plus a little extra.

    But the blog is like the ultimate business card… so its profitable in other ways, for me, its not the ads.

  16. I know I’m posting on this late, but I read this back when it was a new post, and as an aspiring blogger, it has stuck with me. I’m so inspired by what you do and was even tempted to apply to your internship if it wasn’t for the fact that I’m dependant on the paycheck on my current full time job. I excitedly look forward to your posts every time I check my RSS feed. =)

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