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23 thoughts on “I hope it's the best one yet

  1. Ack! You are teasing us with a sneak peak of your new home, I see. Well, thank you for that. Hope you and your sweeties have a very Happy Holiday!

  2. MERRY CHRISTMAS JENNY!! You are my favorite blogger hands down. Thank you for all the inspiration! I hope today is a beautiful day with your family. And happy birthday to Evie!

  3. jenny – i've been reading for awhile and rarely comment, but i wanted to thank you for a great blog. also, i loved your daughter's birth story. that is the best christmas ever! blessings to you and your family in 2011.

  4. Yes, I think your story last year was the funniest…i still smile when I think about it…especially delivering the placenta into the casserole dish, and giving birth on THE OTTOMAN.

  5. Your daughter's birth story is the very, very best! I read the whole thing out loud to my husband. Merry Christmas!

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