This post on Rambling Renovators reminded me how much I love it when parents decorate with their children’s artwork.

Sixx Design

Betsy Burnham
This post on Rambling Renovators reminded me how much I love it when parents decorate with their children’s artwork. Sixx Design Betsy Burnham
This post on Rambling Renovators reminded me how much I love it when parents decorate with their children’s artwork.
So gorgeous, best way to decorate! love the first photo especially!
This post is so for me. I love hanging up my kids' artwork, but am always trying to think of a classy way besides scotch tape to do so. I love these ideas.
And brings the budding artist so much joy, too!
Love this! My grandparents decorated the kids bedroom in their house with the grandkids art. I slept under the art I did as a 4 year old until the age of 25!
I love children's artwork. There is something lighthearted and whimsical about it!
i love everything about this post– children's artwork is my favorite
and i love your blog!! I'm going to follow it :)
Will you follow mine too please??
I love this! For one second I am wishing my little girl was old enough to draw so I could frame her art. :)
Really great combination of modern and old, colorful and white.
I love this idea, in fact my husband had our son from ages 2-4 fill up different size stretched canvases from Michaels. We have a ton of them and all different colors, sizes, etc. Megan at Beach Bungalow8 recently did a profile on our eco-house and you can them there!
It is so fun and a great project for the kids! Jenny, if you want to come check out our house, I live outside Philly!
I'm so doing this when my time comes to have children.
So cool! I am such a fan of Betsy Burnham and here's another reason why. Here's another take on hanging kids art: have the kids lay down on some butcher paper and outline their little bodies. Then, have them decorate themselves. Frame the resulting ballerinas, baseball players, etc…..we have some from when our kids were 3 – and they are now 6 – they get the biggest kick out of them and so do I!
Thanks for the link :) Your commenters have some great suggestions – butcher paper cutouts? Love that!
Love the kids art. My sister covered her small entry hall's walls from floor to ceiling with her 3 small children's art. It has such a big graphic (and fun) impact as soon as you open the door.
I love the Sixx Design idea..very graphic and ingenious way to display multiple projects without plastering your walls in them.
It also immortalizes the projects so you don't have to hang on to the originals forever if you don't have the storage space.
I'm not a parent yet, but as a nerdy art kid, I always came home with SO many drawings. My parents usually kept them in a pile until (gasp) they were thrown away. It made me really sad….
I always told myself that when I have a children, I'm going to frame their special work and create a ridiculously huge salon wall of their creative genius.
The first one is SO cute!!!
J'aime beaucoup tes photos. C'est très chic et raffiné ces décos pour enfants.
Oh YES! I saw that Sixx Design idea a while ago and completely forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder! I love it!