I am endlessly inspired by Kate and Andy Spade’s NYC apartment.

As we are looking for our own place in the city to move to next month, I can’t help but want to put ‘french doors’ and ‘herringbone floors’ and ‘knee-high base boards’ at the top of my secret list and just hope those features coincide with ‘great school’, ‘easy commute’ and ‘fantastic neighborhood’ (not to mention ‘affordable’!!).

These images are old news for most of us, but I feel like there’s something fresh to enjoy each time I go through my “Spade Apt” folder.

There’s not a thing I would change about this home. Seriously.

It’s modern, traditional, spunky and fresh, all at once.

Most images via Mrs. Blandings, Habitually Chic, and Style Court
those pics offer some wonderful wall art inspiration!
just stumbled across your blog and i have to say its LOVELY! do drop by mine too when you have some time. perhaps we can follow each other. =)
beautiful- i would love to know what neighborhood it's in.
Nice space! But there is way too much going on for my taste! It made me feel like I was looking through a store show room! I think your own decorating is far more tasteful!
I completely agree with you! Each time I look at the pictures I love the rooms even more.
What an amazing apartment. The dining room chandelier is awesome. Every time I'd scroll to the next picture I'd think, ooh I like that…at that…and that. Your're right, nothing needs to be changed.
some of those images are just beautiful, but you dont think that maybe there is a little too much stuff in the living room? LOL. but yes – lots of great inspiration
Oh my gosh! I LOVE the bathroom with the green, zebra wallpaper! Great post!
Its a bit too much for me in the living spaces. However I love the kitchen and bathrooms.
Will my Kate Spade crush ever end?
Thanks for the beautiful pictures!
so such great inspiration! thank you for posting them all in one place !
http://stylewithinreach.blogspot.com <3
I LOVE their place! So much to see and be inspired by.
Their art collection is downright enviable, too!
According to her designer, it took 12 months to renovate and 3 years to decorate.
The location is "up town"..
I imagine it has changed a lot since those photos were taken though.. in 2004.
There's so much in this home to love. The living room is a little too busy for me but every other room I adore as is – I never tire of seeing images of their home.
so many beautiful things to look at in there. Unbelievable!
so chic,, she was before her time.
still looks so fresh doesn't it?
I love this apartment. I've looked at it over and over and still find new things to appreciate.
so amazing. i am esp. inspired by all the art, both the subjects and how they are hung. awesome!
wow, i just got about 100 ideas from that one post. i've never seen pictures of that apartment…it is gorgeous! thanks for sharing :)
Can you even imagine going apartment hunting and stumbling across this place for sale? Because I SCOUR the MLS in Chicago and NYC all the time, and even the most 'spensive places can be pretty hein on the inside…The wallpapers, and paint colors and fixtures…just everything is perfect.
never get tired of this one!
I would want a calming retreat if I lived in New York, not a place that is so busy, full of visual clutter and garish colors. To each her own though! The kitchen isn't too bad.
It's the layers of life that gets me every time! Thanks for the refresher!
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