A few days at the beach and some family time cures everything. Life is good again.

Conquering the inbox and the laundry today. Zoo field trip tomorrow am. Client meeting in the pm. Thanks for your patience while I get back into the swing.
A few days at the beach and some family time cures everything. Life is good again. Conquering the inbox and the laundry today. Zoo field trip tomorrow am. Client meeting in the pm. Thanks for your patience while I get back into the swing.
A few days at the beach and some family time cures everything. Life is good again.
Conquering the inbox and the laundry today. Zoo field trip tomorrow am. Client meeting in the pm. Thanks for your patience while I get back into the swing.
Gorgeous! A perfect mix of Grace and Claire, I think.
so true. Family and a little R&R make everything better. glad you're feeling refreshed and rejuvenated!
oh no…. that may very well be the cutest baby ever. glad you had a nice trip :)
way cute swimsuit!!! love it
Oh you are back! Little Evie looks adorable!
oh good grace that is a roly poly heap of perfection! :)
Evie is as juicy a baby as mine all were! (I call them juicy because when I poke my finger into one of the fat rolls, it feels juicy. Ha!)
that is a delicious baby.
I honestly said outloud, "Oh. My. Word."
Is she the cutest or what???
Too cute!
oh mu goodness, lookit her rolls! I just want to nom her. so cute!
Oh the pudge is too die for
Oh those wonderful cheeks !
She is just beautiful !
Welcome back.. now get started posting ! :)
I loooove babys with folds. I had fat babies and loved loved loved em. I hope your not one of those moms that is offended by hearing that…because i think she is the most beautiful little thing. I need to feed my little cousin some more to add some weight on her.
I want that same suit!
Welcome back! Sure you will be in the swing of things in no time!
Look at that cutie pie! What a precious, little doll! Can't wait to have ya back!
Goodness gracious alive! That child is PRECIOUS.
Have MERCY. Those juicy arms are killing me!
How cute is she????
What a cute munchkin…
Oh my, I could eat those little arms :) So sweet. Glad you had a great trip.
so glad you're back! you were missed.
What a doll! Our whole family was gathered around to ohh and ahh at little Evie! She is so precious.
Evie is getting so big! So adorable!
Oh my goodness!!! She looks ADORABLE!!!!
How come my chubby thighs don't look that adorable when wearing a swimsuit?
Look at those cheeks! She's absolutely adorable!
Glad it was great!! Adorable pic!! That bathing suit is ridiculous cute. And I love a rope chair/hammock.
Look at that sweet snuggly baby with those adorable rolls, how do you keep your lips off of those cheeks long enough to get anything done!
How cute!
I gave you an award on my blog. You can go by and pick it up, just go ahead and save the award pic to your computer and then follow my lead!
percious! hope you had a great vaca
I just wanna squeeze those chunky legs! I think she would sqaush Mckenna, she's so big! Love your blog by the way : )
Getting back in the swing is so hard, plus motivating again once you have been on vacation. I am catching up on some blog reading instead of working. Your little one is adorable.
She is BEYOND adorable!
are you even kidding…look at that scrumptious baby.
Stop right now!! She is so cute! Want to eat her arms. :)
YAY you're back!!!! I've been stalking your blog for weeks.. no MONTHS and was going through serious LGN withdrawl.
Your baby has some good chub!! What a doll!!
Does anyone also follow blog.urbangrace or flythroughourwindow blog? What happened to it? Why is it not working?
Oh my heavens! She is crazy adorable! Those rolls!!!!!
check out those rolls!!! So cute.. =)
What an adorable creature!
Love the penetrating gaze. :)
those "rubber banded" arms are to die for. I could just gobble her up, she is so cute. and this is coming from the mother of a nine month old, so you'd think I'd be satiated when it comes to baby cuteness, but yours was too adorable not to comment on!
omg i am squeezing her virtually..the rubber band rolls on her arms are to die for!
What a cutie! I want to pinch those lil rolls
Ok, she is SO TO DIE FOR!!! She reminds me of my Josie! (We call her Buster!) :-) Love the bathing suit!
What a cutie bug and look at that adorable little suit !!!
So sorry to hear about your grandmother..
All the best,
Kathy :)