
More Sofa Inspiration

I’m convinced that I NEED this gorgeous four-seater sofa, exactly as it is here. Windsor Smith And probably a little tufted pillow or two. Or more. Tufted pillows for every seat in the house!

I’m convinced that I NEED this gorgeous four-seater sofa, exactly as it is here.

Windsor Smith

And probably a little tufted pillow or two. Or more. Tufted pillows for every seat in the house!
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34 thoughts on “More Sofa Inspiration

  1. Absolutely stunning!! Sofa & room are dreamy. Sofa fabric looks like a silk velvet. After yesterday's pillow post, I took a second look too….all 3 R completely different – size, fabric, shape – but it works! ~Inspired Living

  2. Adore that fabric! Although, with 3 kids do you think it'll hold-up? I also have 3 kids and my couches are trashed. Just curious if you think it's kid-friendly? If so…sign me up!

  3. That whole room is unbelievably gorgeous. Love the sofa.

    *dies* looking at that wallpaper…which makes me wonder, is there such a thing as every so slightly pearlescent paint? Because that could be some kind of dreaminess used in the right way in the right place!

  4. That's definitely a silk velvet. Could you die? Not so kid-friendly, I'm opting for a synthetic velvet I think when we reupholster our LEE sofa. But, my kids are actually pretty good about keeping our upholstery relatively clean (maybe a benefit of having girls?), so I might get a little brave and go for the more sumptuous fabric!! :)

    Anon – I don't recognize the sofa immediately, though it looks similar to some of the pieces you can get through Hickory Chair. Windsor Smith has a furniture line and one of her sofas (a three-seater) has the same arms. I'm sure she just customized her own design.

    I'm thinking maybe my Custom Sofa Design friends could do some recreation magic here??

  5. What a nice sized sofa for a family…it's not too bad on the eyes either….great lines.

    I just read your comment about having girls who aren't too hard on upholstery..true dat!

    My boys are already maniacs.

  6. Here's a design question for you. If I had that couch, I would think I'd have to hang a large piece over it on the wall. I would never dream that something so small as that cubist painting would work. Why does it work and how do you know it's going to? (Same with your mom's room. How did you know it was okay to put that small mirror above her bed?)

  7. I have a girl & a velvet sofa. But my brother, visiting 4 the holidays, spilled a drop of eggnog on it. I tried 2B so careful removing it but because of the nap, left an obvious mark:( I adore velvet -esp silk velvet – but w/children & a dog, have realized that it's not so family friendly. What about an indoor/outdoor fabric in chenille or velvet?

  8. This is a great sofa but I can't take my eyes off the wall. What is that on the wall? It's beautiful whatever it is!

  9. I love the tufted pillow. I'll have to be on the hunt for them now!
    p.s.- i was thrilled when i first read you live in delaware. i grew up in wilmington/hockession and have a special place in my heart for the first state :)

  10. Please, please, can someone tell us who makes that amazing wallpaper? I think you could put a park bench in front of that, and it would still look fabulous!

  11. The wallpaper is hand-painted chinois panels (read:$$$$). The most famous makers are Gracie and de Gourney, there are others that make similar quality panels for much less money though. I'm actually working on a post about them, so what for that soon!


    PS sorry no post today. Busy, busy couple of days. We went up to NYC on the fly yesterday afternoon to view an apartment (LOVED it!!) and got home at 3:00 am. Going back up to NYC this weekend for a nursery installation. phew! Can't wait for Monday.

  12. Thanks for the info Jenny. I'll be looking out for that post. Good luck this weekend!

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