
A Quick Baby Update

Dear Friends, Thank you for all the kind emails and comments about baby #3. I am so, so grateful for all the love and support I feel from you all! She is still not here. I’m almost a week past due at this point and am trying to keep a positive attitude. We went to…

Dear Friends,

Thank you for all the kind emails and comments about baby #3. I am so, so grateful for all the love and support I feel from you all!

She is still not here.

I’m almost a week past due at this point and am trying to keep a positive attitude. We went to the hospital last night to be induced, but ended up getting rescheduled and sent back home. Frustrating!

I know that she’ll be here soon. Right now, I’m just trying to keep up the energy level and focus on family and Christmas festivities.

Thanks for being patient with me – I promise to post as soon as she comes. In the meantime, I could really use some happy thoughts and prayers!

Lots of love and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!


image from Canadian House and Home, a magazine that is so definitely on my Christmas list.

via House of Turquoise

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63 thoughts on “A Quick Baby Update

  1. Oh, do I ever feel for you …..I have had 4 and never made a due date and still wanted to tear my hair out…..partly so sick of being preggo and so wanting to hold the latest and greatest!!!! What will her name be??? I wrote you with the Jillian suggestion a bit ago…my newest granddaughters name…you seem to have a great attitude and she'lll be in your arms before you know it…easy for me to say,right? have a fab holiday…an avid reader and baby lover..jw

  2. I've been checking in this past week to see if you had the baby..I'm so glad that you posted. You and your family and little girl #3 are in my heart and prayers and I'm sure she will be here before you know you. I guess she'll just end up being the best Christmas present ever! God bless!!

  3. Thinking of you, your baby and your family! Hope your holidays are filled with great blessings and lots of joy!

    This baby is going to be a wonderful Christmas present!

  4. OMG!!! I thought you had for sure given birth already!
    There is nothing worse than those last few days of waiting…. drives you nuts!

    Good luck!

  5. I know it must be frustrating and tiring for you to have to wait any longer, but what a wonderful Christmas present to wait on. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you await this wonderful gift!

  6. That sweet baby already has her mother's good taste…she's holding out for a Christmas birthday!

    Hang in there Mama, soon you'll be in post-labor utopia…

  7. I feel your pain!
    Baby No.1 – 11 days past due (induced)
    Baby No. 2 – 5 days past due (induced)
    Baby No. 3 – 8 days past due (induced)

    I never ONCE went into labor on my own. Ever. I try not to be bitter about this, can you tell?

    Good luck – I know at this point nothing anyone can say will make it better. I'm thinking of you!

  8. Aw Jenny you're the best! Hang in there girl! Your little one just wanted to be as much of a Christmas present as she can! Good luck luvie, happy thoughts headed your way from San Diego.

  9. Thinking of you, Jenny! I went a week past my due date and almost lost my sanity. Keep up the great attitude and fix your eyes on the AMAZING prize. She will be here and then you will quickly forget all of this waiting! Sending a huge hug!

  10. Hope everything goes well. My husbands birthday is Christmas day and he was unimaginativly called Chris! The one advantage is that he is never at work on his birthday. His brothers had fish fingers for christmas dinner that year. My last child was due on Christmas eve but was 'forced out' on Jan 4th 2000 and I had the easiest Christmas ever. My husband just took over and did all the cooking and organising. Fantastic

  11. I hope you are able to relax and enjoy the holidays, despite wanting this baby to come so much!

    A visit to the chiropractor to get everything "lined up" and buying castor oil (i didnt take it… but i think it helped psychologically!) helped the baby come!
    We were so hoping for a Christmas baby last year, but she came 4 days after her due date :/

    I hope you can connect with in joyful anticipation for her arrival, given the reason for the seaon! … at least you're not traveling on the back of a donkey, trying to find an inn right now :D

  12. Oh sweet girl, I feel your frustration. Three years ago, I was doing the same thing. I waited and waited and each day, I got more crazy. My husband kept asking me to wait and not get induced because we believe that the baby will come on it's own time. Five of my friends, all due after me mind you, had their babies before me. I had to wait for the doctor at my appts because he was delivering other babies. Finally, I got into the hospital and they were surprised to see that I was already dilated to a 6. It was finally my turn! But wait, I went too fast but not fast enough because they made me wait AGAIN! while I for two other babies to be born!! But finally, after all that wait, he was born and he was lovely….and big.
    Good luck with your little sweetness! She will be so worth it!

  13. Hang in there! You can do this! Waiting for a baby to make his or her arrival is a true test of patience. I will be thinking of you!

  14. Normal human gestation = 37-42 weeks (World Health Organization). You aren't even overdue yet! I went to term plus 17 days for my first, with regular monitoring in the meantime to reassure us that all was well. We had a beautiful birth-day. Have fun!

  15. I started reading your log recently, and your pregnany reminds me of my middle child. Her birthday is today and she was almost 2 weeks late. Even though it was rough being so close to Christmas she will always be my best Christmas gift. We named her Annliese Noel. Happy Labor Day and Merry Christmas.

  16. my girl came late, well she came late but fast! I hope she comes fast, after all this waiting.
    Happy holidays and happy labor too!
    Cannot wait to see her!

  17. Just recently started reading your blog. I really love your work!!! I'm saying a quick prayer for you right now as you wait for your little one. Have a very Merry Christmas!

  18. Jenny you know that high society arrives late !!!

    I so feel for you and am sending you warm wishes, prayers and nothing but positive thoughts…

    God Bless and Merry Christmas,

    Kathy :)

    ps perhaps her name will be Noel

  19. Good luck, I hope she comes soon!

    I used your pelmet box tutorial this weekend, and it was so easy! They turned out great and I love how my room has been transformed. Thanks!

  20. oh Jennica! Good luck- you're in my prayers (asher was born Dec 20th). I hope you're getting induced as I type. Can't wait to see/ meet the cutie! Merry Christmas- are you all snowed in??? Did anyone make it to town to help out at home?

  21. oh no jenny! i was sent home when i was suppose to be induced w/ taylor and i cried for like a day straight- pregnancy hormones are a real you know what! we are thinking of you and hoping for a beautiful, healthy, baby girl very soon….and a fast labor!!

  22. Jenny, I was SURE you had her and I have been thinking about you lately. I'm sorry to hear she's not here yet. I'm going to continue thinking good thoughts for you and I hope her arrival comes safely and quickly. Merry Christmas! My friend had a baby last year on the 22nd, and we put a little Christmas tree in her hospital room. Make sure your family does the same for you!!

  23. I hope that you can feel all of the good thoughts and prayers that I am sending your way.

    Just remember, since all good things are worth waiting for, this precious little "Baby #3" must be really, really good!!!!

    You truly are in my thoughts and prayers. You can't imagine how much pleasure and great ideas you have given me!

    Best of luck for a quick, easy delivery,

  24. oh, I hope you have her soon! The last little bit is torture. We'll keep you in our prayers. I cannot wait to see pictures!

  25. You are so sweet to take the time to keep your little friends in bloggy land updated. Especially since you must be frustrated beyond belief! Will be praying for you and your family.

  26. Oh ma! I'm so sorry this little gal is making you wait. You guys are definitely in our prayers. She must want to be born on Christmas or something! I can only imagine how difficult this is making planning for the holidays. Thanks for the update. I've been waiting on pins and needles to know what's happenin' over there. I so hope she comes soon for you. If only I could tell her how fun your household is, she'd be out in a split second. Sending our love from Cambridge!

  27. I assumed you had a new baby and that's why you weren't posting. I understand your frustration; I was induced w/ both my kids. I hope she comes soon so you can focus on the holidays! Good luck! I love your blog!

  28. Went 15 days over with number 3, the first couple of days over were the worst. I would say avoid being induced if you can. Best of luck and blessings to you and your family for the holidays x

  29. Oh, yes I feel for you and your readiness! She will come when she's ready…or the need arises to get her finally…
    Think of you all the time and send you good karma! She might be a Christmas baby!

    Happy holidays to you all and a safe journey for you and the little one!


  30. You're almost there! I love your blog and was hoping your baby update was news about your new addition. Any day now!! :)

  31. oh sad! i thought for sure you'd had her by now. that is rough having to wait. good luck. i'll miss your posts in the interim. (PS–got the V. Hagan lamp for a highboy in my piano room and i love it. thanks for the tip!)

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