
Yesterday was a good day…

Among other things, I noticed this magazine at Home Depot… that featured this cool project using an Expedit and some striped contact paper… which made me happy, because I too have a really cool project coming up that features patterned contact paper. Think orange crocodile… Yesterday was also a good day because it was trash…

Among other things, I noticed this magazine at Home Depot…

that featured this cool project using an Expedit and some striped contact paper…

which made me happy, because I too have a really cool project coming up that features patterned contact paper. Think orange crocodile…

Yesterday was also a good day because it was trash day. And one of my neighbors left this mid-century clock in the alley for pick up…

Yes, please. Don’t mind if I do.

Big question: paint or stain?

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77 thoughts on “Yesterday was a good day…

  1. I just bought snakeskin contact paper and plan on covering an old tv stand that I currently use as a dry bar in our dining room…can't wait to see how you use your orange!

  2. I'd hate to tell you what my neighbors leave out on trash day. I really need to get out of the city! Oh and I agree – paint!

  3. Paint! Geez, I wish MY neighbors would throw out something like that. I have this corner, and as soon as I find a new home for my bird it's going to really need some help… :-) Have fun with the clock!

  4. Paint and is that orange paper for the inside?
    I can hardly wait to see this clock tick!
    You certainly will put the tock back in it!
    In the garbage – are you serious?

  5. my husband brought me that issue of fresh home a couple weeks ago from lowe's, and i love it. isn't it great!?

    i can't believe someone was getting rid of that awesome clock! wow. i would say def. paint! can't wait to see the results!

  6. A very sassy color of paint or BM superbright white in high gloss. Please be careful–we worry about you picking up heavy items, no matter how fab!

  7. Why can't my neighbors ever leave anything good out? When is your portfolio going up on the website? I am eager to see it.

  8. You have all the luck! I was just at my church the other day that has a gorgeous old clock and was thinking "wouldnt' that be SO much fun to repaint?!"

    And definitely paint: something bright – yellow, maybe.

    And please do it soon because I cannot wait to see what fabulousness you come up with :)

  9. Love your blog!! I would paint that clock WHITE, but only because it is a reproduction! It's so cute with the shelves! What an awesome find. I too go hunting on trash day. I've found some great things for FREE, love it!
    I immediately took a subscription to Fresh Home after I bought the first issue. It reminds me a lot of Ty Pennington's mag or This Old House, but BETTER!

  10. Oh, you should stain it! It's so nice to have natural wood color in a house. I think it adds nice texture to the room. Stain!

  11. Oh, please paint this clock! It's not an attractive clock as it is, and I'm afraid staining it a different color wouldn't do much to help it, but painted some funky color with some updated hardware on the doors would make it absolutely fab.

    *sigh* I wish neighbors would leave treasures like this by our dumpsters. The only things mine leave are empty vodka bottles and old fence pickets.

    On another note, saw an ad yesterday for what looks to be a gem of a moving sale on craigslist. I can't wait to see what treasures I dig up!

  12. I'd go French Rococo with this. Rich vanilla or soft aqua for the base color. Soft gold (to match the frame around the clock) to accent the edges of the shelves, similar to what you did for your recent laquered office box project. The grooves behind the shelves and in the cabinet doors could be gold as well. Oh, and be sure to ditch those cabinet knobs!

  13. flojindamesa – eBay has TONS of contact paper designs! Cheap, too. Steer clear of hardware stores. The selection at Lowes and Home Depot is pitiful, and they are very overpriced compared to the exact same (if not better) styles I've found on eBay.

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