
Yesterday was a good day…

Among other things, I noticed this magazine at Home Depot… that featured this cool project using an Expedit and some striped contact paper… which made me happy, because I too have a really cool project coming up that features patterned contact paper. Think orange crocodile… Yesterday was also a good day because it was trash…

Among other things, I noticed this magazine at Home Depot…

that featured this cool project using an Expedit and some striped contact paper…

which made me happy, because I too have a really cool project coming up that features patterned contact paper. Think orange crocodile…

Yesterday was also a good day because it was trash day. And one of my neighbors left this mid-century clock in the alley for pick up…

Yes, please. Don’t mind if I do.

Big question: paint or stain?

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77 thoughts on “Yesterday was a good day…

  1. Oh. my. gosh.
    You never told me you have a GARAGE! You have arrived :)
    I was so glad to get your email, I'll write you back soon, this is "the week" for us and finding out about our near future, more on that later.
    Miss you!

  2. Paint!

    I really like the contact paper placed into the expedit storage bookcases! I'd love to find paper that would give a "shadowed" effect.

    And I think my neighbors suck, they never leave me any good treasures.

  3. I have found some of my favorite things "dumpster diving"… free and cool… is there anyting better?!

    P.S. If you decided to stain… please share a few tips… I have never done stripping/staining before and would love to hear your tips tricks (cause you are the master!!!)

    Thanks for all the great DIY posts…. LOVE the ideas!

  4. I bought that mag last week and thoroughly enjoyed it, but must admit that as much as I LOVE that stripe inside the cubbies, contact paper scares me!Once owned a home with contact paper on the kitchen walls. Peeling that stuff off was a nightmare as it took bits of paint with it.

  5. Oooooh…. PAINT! Cant wait to see how it turns out. Are you using the orange contact paper on this? Gosh, I hope so. :)

  6. Absolutely paint…I think it doesn't have enough curves to get away with just a restain.
    So jealous…love that clock!

  7. Another vote for paint. Bring that classic piece up to (modern) speed. What a steal!

    Can't wait to see you work your magic.

  8. this magazine really makes me miss Domino magazine. i still can't believe they let it fold :( i'll try this mag and see.

    the wood here doesn't give off a very trusty look, if you know what i mean. i may be wrong. if i am and the wood is fab in person, maybe strip it and then just apply a coat or two of oil-based poly, say a medium gloss. i've sanded wood before with excellent results, but i'm not sure this wood needs it. but then what about that backing i see?

    okay so paint, yes, this is always a great choice. so many wonderful colors, too! you could high gloss it, or buff a good wood wax over the paint. okay, just high gloss it. after all, this piece of furniture was thrown out like trash, which it obviously isn't. it deserves to shine.

    can't wait to see the life you give this old clock.

  9. I saw a clock almost just like this at the Habitat ReStore today for $20. I looked at it and looked at it and walked out without buying it because I heard my husband's voice in my head saying, "What did you buy that for?"

    I imagined I would paint it and put books on the shelves. What did you end up doing with yours?

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