
Lying in Bed

It has been a doozie of a year for me and sickness, my friends. I am usually a pretty healthy gal with a rather robust immune system, but this year, not so much. If there is a sickness to be had, I will take part. Monday there was a tickle in my throat. Tuesday I…

It has been a doozie of a year for me and sickness, my friends. I am usually a pretty healthy gal with a rather robust immune system, but this year, not so much. If there is a sickness to be had, I will take part.

Monday there was a tickle in my throat. Tuesday I had a cough in the morning and was sneezing and sniffling through my goodbyes to my parents at the airport. By 6:45, I found myself in bed with the shivers, despite the mile-high mound of quilts I insisted on.

I’m sick. Again.

So if I owe you an email or phone call, please excuse me for another day or two while I recoup.

I’ll be in bed – perhaps trying out some of these moves.

via D*S

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5 thoughts on “Lying in Bed

  1. I am so sorry to visit for the very first time and find you ill. Sleep….that’s the best thing. And maybe some tea and honey, with maybe just a squish of whiskey. I’ll come back when you’re feeling better…oh, and do buy the Brunschwig.

  2. Oh, say it aint so Jenny!! Just when your folks leave and we get you back! Our Joy School group has been having fevers (minus PK, fingers crossed). I hope you feel better soon. We want to have you guys over and play. We went downtown on Saturday and I told Josh that I’m dying to go on a downtown outing w/ you guys when it gets warm. If you need a rest tomorrow, we would LOVE another play date w/ G and C. What else can I add to make this comment longer? hmmm.

  3. This video is the pride of my country, Israel. It has won many artistic awards. Nice to see you appreciate it too Jennica!

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