
Exciting Times (And A Deal For Boston Locals)

There are some exciting things in the works, ’round these parts. I am getting ready to launch my new website and I can’t wait to share it with you all (so stay tuned). I am applying for all sorts of business licenses and tax ID numbers (less exciting, but still cool). And I am prepping…

There are some exciting things in the works, ’round these parts.

I am getting ready to launch my new website and I can’t wait to share it with you all (so stay tuned). I am applying for all sorts of business licenses and tax ID numbers (less exciting, but still cool). And I am prepping applications for Masters programs in Interior Design (absolutely thrilling).

I have really enjoyed the flexibility of helping my eDecorating clients. It’s a great part of my life and business that I plan to continue doing. BUT…

I’m looking for some new clients in the Boston area to help expand my portfolio. If you are interested in working with me in person, email me for (reduced) rates at

pearlstreetinteriors (at) gmail (dot) com.

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14 thoughts on “Exciting Times (And A Deal For Boston Locals)

  1. Good luck! I just started reading your blog, and think you’re so talented…I’m sure you’ll do really well both in school and with your own business! Your post about the curtains totally inspired me. I have a day off to try to fix up my bathroom, and I’m hoping to put my new found inspiration to work!
    (I posted a link on my blog to your blog…hope that’s ok!)

  2. I wish I lived in the East and I would totally hire you! Can I fly you out to Oregon??

    LOVE your blog!!! Thanks for all the inspiration.

  3. congratulations! I’m so excited for you and am happy to spread the word. Can’t wait to hear more. You are inspiring!

  4. Like all of the others before me, I am so excited for you! You are awesome, and I’m positive your awesomeness will only increase. :)

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