
Traditional with a Twist

I am really loving this dining room, decorated by Barrie Benson, a talented designer in the South, who was named one of the Domino 10. I love that the room is traditional, yet completely unexpected. I can’t get over the chairs and those mirrors are perfection. Here is another room Barrie did. Love it. I’m…

I am really loving this dining room, decorated by Barrie Benson, a talented designer in the South, who was named one of the Domino 10.

I love that the room is traditional, yet completely unexpected. I can’t get over the chairs and those mirrors are perfection.

Here is another room Barrie did. Love it. I’m really digging the whole love-seat-at-the-foot-of-the-bed thing. In a big enough room, I think it is a really sharp look and so functional. Honestly, who can strap on a pair of heels while sitting high up on a bed?

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2 thoughts on “Traditional with a Twist

  1. So true about the shoes and the high up bed. Josh puts on shoes while I am still sleeping on the bed and I get peeved because he wiggles so much to get the shoes on. I’m a brat! The couch would be so great for that though!

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