We bought a piano as an early Christmas present! It got delivered a few days ago and I’m loving how it looks in our music room (which is still not painted – I need like a week of nothing to do but house projects).

I wanted something small since we have other big pieces of furniture going in there (the chesterfield and probably the tiger chest?), but I didn’t want the smallest spinet size piano either.

This one is just a hair bigger than a spinet – it’s like a small console piano. The back top opens up so the sound can be louder if you want it to be (the kids will not be taught that little trick though).

It’s a touch more feminine than I had in mind originally, but I like that it’s still very simple. And I really love the bow-like music stand.

It was a really great price since technically it’s a starter piano (we only paid a couple hundred dollars and they delivered it, which was huge for me!). It has a really beautiful sound though – not at all tinny like some smaller pianos can sound. It’s been so fun to sit down a play and to help the girls with their practicing. Lessons start for them after the holidays!

Melissa – We're going with the California Blue! Post is coming on the details!
Gillianne – That's a mohair fabric we're reupholstering our roll arm sofa in! It's at the upholsterers now actually! Should be done in the next week or two! So, so excited! I love how it looks with the blue walls.
Jennifer – We went to My First Piano in Mesa after getting recommendations there from a few neighbors and friends. They were super nice and arranged for delivery. Milanos piano store had some good sales going on right now too.
Thanks, Colleen! So nice to say. :)
Such a sweet piano! We have a small one as well, and some of my favorite memories of my babies will be watching them listen to their daddy play!
And have you decided on a color for the walls yet? I'm loving the darker blue against the black!
Such a good idea to go with a lustrous rug with light-bouncing interest instead of color and pattern in a room that will be a sultry darker blue. What is that intriguing bolt of velvety looking fabric by the doorway? Curious readers want to know. :)
Love the piano! Neither of us play, but when the church I grew up in (and the one we got married in) was getting rid of their piano, they offered it to us for free since they knew about our restoration project. I am in love with it, just because of the sentimental value. But I think I'll have to start some lessons now! :)
I love how the keys line up with the moulding….the black is perfect since you will be able to see the piano from your foyer. As Emily might say, they will speak to each other :-) The music room is going to be such a jewel when it comes together! Yay for progress and Happy Early Christmas!
Would you mind sharing the store name? We too live in the valley and are in the market for our first piano. :)
love your around the house posts… they are my secret favorite as they are so true to life. In looking at both blues in a differtent way now… either one will look gorgeous!
Love it! What a great sized piano!
Hope your kids enjoy the lessons!
Melissa – We're going with the California Blue! Post is coming on the details!
Gillianne – That's a mohair fabric we're reupholstering our roll arm sofa in! It's at the upholsterers now actually! Should be done in the next week or two! So, so excited! I love how it looks with the blue walls.
Jennifer – We went to My First Piano in Mesa after getting recommendations there from a few neighbors and friends. They were super nice and arranged for delivery. Milanos piano store had some good sales going on right now too.
Thanks, Colleen! So nice to say. :)
Love the piano!
Can I ask you if you know the name of the chair on your last picture? I love the shape.
Thank you :)
Yay! Love! We always had a piano or two or three while I was growing up–my parents are both big-time piano people–and I desperately wish I could fit one into my little apartment!
Scrolling through this post I had a vision of your giant periwinkle chandelier hanging in this room. I'm sure if you brought it with you you already have a plan of where to use it, but in that last photo it somehow superimposed itself where the little hanging light is and BOOM! Gorgeous. :)
For some reason a piano really makes a home for me. We don't have room for one now, but I hope we will in our next home! My parents have a baby grand that I would love to inherit someday.
The shape is great and the music stand is really special!
It seems like every room is really coming along! It would be nice to get a whole "house tour"update now that you have moved in more, maybe after the holidays?
Love! How wonderful for your girls to grow up with a "music room"! Have a wonderful Holiday season in your new home:-)
I have a black upright piano (that was my parents growing up). It has some of the same slight wear that yours has. When you do give it a quick refresh, can you share the details? I'm afraid to damage it.
Nice Christmas gift! In a perfect world all houses have a piano. :)
How pretty!!! I love the rug and dream of getting our own grand piano in the countryside, where we actually have space!
The lighter blue wall, Califorina(?) really makes the black piano pop! Can't wait to see which color you go for. That room will be gorgeous!
Oh, I want to wallow in that huge roll of mohair! About the piano… I know your husband plays guitar as you've mentioned that in prior posts so I was curious if you're the piano player–or everyone in the Komenda household. Nice buy! Enjoy it and Merry Christmas to you all.
Oh, I want to wallow in that huge roll of mohair! About the piano… I know your husband plays guitar as you've mentioned that in prior posts so I was curious if you're the piano player–or everyone in the Komenda household. Nice buy! Enjoy it and Merry Christmas to you all.
Jenny! I live in Phoenix and would love to know where you found the piano:) I would love a small one but with good sound and the price sounds right:) Thanks!
Gorgeous and I agree the bow music stand is perfect! My 3 year old starts lessons in a few weeks and this post is inspiring me on how to style our piano. Thank you!
First time i reading a blog. I think you are a music lover. If you found musical instruments. Checkout this site http://www.indianity.com/musical-instruments.html
I just love it all. It's amazing how it's coming along. It's so fun to do it slowly and really love each piece you bring in. It's really fabulous. You're a genius. I too would love to know where you bought your klismos-type chair.
Hello, do you know the model of your piano? I love that it is small and short! I see it is Jacobs Brothers but can’t figure out how to find the same small model without more info!