A couple years ago I found a pretty beat up copy of the Sotheby’s Auction catalogue from Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis’ estate at the flea market.

I wouldn’t say that I’m more interested in Jackie than the next person (other than her work with Sister Parish on the White House reno – I have another vintage book on that topic and it’s fascinating. I’ll be sure to share later.). But this catalogue is really something else. It’s almost like reading a blog by Jackie. Most of the items for sale included photos of her wearing or using the item and usually a short, interesting personal story about the piece.

It’s not the same thing at all, obviously, but it made me glad for a second that I’ve kept going with this little blog here for my family’s sake. I’m no good at keeping a personal journal, but maybe my kids will be interested in reading these posts when they’re older. And in the off-chance that I’ve kept any of my furniture/clothes/jewelry that long, that they would have a little provenance and family history that make my trinkets a little more personal and meaningful. (And now I’m thinking it’s time to curb a lot of the F21/H&M purchases. Cost-per-wear, baby. Cost per wear.) :)

PS Don’t you ever wonder if blogs as they exist now will still be going strong in, like, ten years? Or are blogs the 8 track of social media? :)
I just quit F21 because I started reading about their sad ethical practices. Google their name (or any store name) and the word 'ethics.' I've just started reading about the employment practices and labor conditions of the stores I shop at. F21 doesn't make the cut. Happily (for my style, not my wallet!), J. Crew does :)
That's what keeps me blogging too! I love having a record of our lives.
I ALWAYS wonder if blogging is going to be another 8-track or what it's going to turn into! This book is pretty incredible. Thanks for sharing!
At the time of that auction, my mother saw that triple strand of pearls and fell in love. Of course, she did not have the means to buy that pair. She did; however, buy herself, my sister and me the knockoff that the Franklin Mint was selling. I love them and get compliments every time I wear them:)
WOW. Such a treasure! I Looove Jackie O.
Beautiful record of an American icon. BTW what's an 8 track?
Wow fascinating read… you are very lucky to have such a book, how wonderful !
Yes I wonder if some other technological advancement will take over from our blogging ? in the meantime we shall be content to blog away :)
I swear you're in my head, Jenny! I was just saying the same thing to another blogger here. I wonder what's next? It'll be interesting to see!
That truly is one of the greatest things about blogging, isn't it? It's a record of who you are and what's interesting and important to you. I hope my kids will enjoy reading mine when they're older. (They're in enough of the posts! :)
I adore Jackie O.
I would love to sit and look through this beautiful book that you have! What a great find!
What a great find! If that book wasn't so special I would say you frame the picture of that painting. Such wonderful colors!
myspace and friendster were the 8-track of social media. Blogging might be the CDs.
My husband's grandmother recently passed away. We've been going through her belongings. It certainly inspired me to edit what I have. I only want my kids to have to deal with the good stuff!
What a fun book to have! I do sometimes wonder what the blogging world will be like in another decade… It'll be interesting to see what comes next.
Mrs. Kennedy Goes Abroad is such a lovely, sweet book. The paintings are delightful! I've quite a few books on the Kennedys and I'm jealous of your find :)
I wonder about the future of blogs myself, they definitely will evolve and in retrospect we may see them as having very little to do with blogs as we know them today. Will be interesting to see.
I hope blogs stay around (in some as-yet-unimagined future form, or as they are now). I think they are a wonderful way for individuals to be able to produce creative content that they can share on as small or large a stage as exists on the Internet.
Your blog will definitely be an interesting record for your girls to look back on. I bet they will like it.
Either way I don't care. I love blogs and their journal like quality.
Thanks for sharing Jenny! That looks like a fantastic book!