Hi friends! How was your holiday break? I feel rested and pumped for the new year – I have hopes it will be our family’s best yet.
I’ve been thinking a lot about resolutions lately. Normally I’m all about making elaborate lists. Unfailingly, the long lists are forgotten pretty quickly (you know how that goes). So this year I only have one broad and easy-to-remember resolution: to live a less busy life. I want to drill down on the important things rather than getting distracted with opportunities, slow down, find more beauty in the creation process and find more ways to laugh with and show love to my family. I want to blog better and smarter, and focus on what works for me here on LGN. Busy is now a four-letter word to me!
I’m working on editing photos of our living room to share tomorrow, but for now here are some snippets from our Christmas and New Years. We stayed in New York this year and my sister Heather and Michael’s brother and his wife all left to go to Arizona for the week, so it was just us for Christmas day. We missed the party a little bit I think, but there’s something peaceful about going solo as a family for the holidays.

This year I finally gave in to the reality that I have an allergy to real Christmas trees. I decided that if we had to have a fake tree, that it would be mega-fake! So we went with white. I loved the white, and found I was really only missing the smell of a fresh tree. We burned lots of this candle to replicate some of the piney scent and now I think I’ll be burning it all winter. It’s down right intoxicating!

The girls and I went a little tape-happy with the gift packages this year! Neon and gold duct tape is awesome.
We celebrated Evelyn’s birthday on Christmas Eve and told her all about how she was our special little angel, born under the tree three years ago.
For New Years we trekked up to Westchester to celebrate with good friends. My darling friend Jenna had a kid’s craft table set up for making party hats.

We stayed up far too late that night. :)

Then, what better outing than Times Square on New Years morning? (worst idea ever). Evie absolutely could not contain herself when she saw the so-called Hello Kitty. Aren’t these the most frightening costumes you’ve ever seen? Triple yikes.

Here’s to a healthy, happy and slowed-down year! And as always, thanks for all the love and support that you show me here. I have the best job in the world. :) See you tomorrow. xo
PS Follow me on Facebook here and on twitter and Instagram at @jennykomenda.
Happy New Year, Jenny! One of my New Year's resolutions: comment on blogs that I love to read! Thank you for sharing your fantastic DIY projects and design inspiration. I'm sure it takes much time, effort and thought to produce your posts, and the fact you continue to share with your blog readers after becoming a well-known designer is pretty awesome. Also, thank you thank you thank you for maintaining a focus on affordable design ideas. Wishing you and your family all the best in 2013!!
It is so special Evie was born on Christmas Eve. We have one born on Easter Sunday and we always tell him he was brought by the Easter bunny. I enjoy following you on Instagram and always love your blog. Best wishes for 2013!
What a perfect way to wrap holiday packages! Happy 2013.
I still remember reading your blog 3 years ago when you had Evie! What a great birth story!
We had a fake white tree growing up. It was all I knew! :)
Wow! Just read your Christmas 'Evie' birth story…so sweet! Not much I can say that 472 others haven't already said…haha! What an amazing great story. All the best!! xo
I can't believe that baby is 3 already! Here's to a happy, slower-paced new year!
Happy New Year Jenny!
What a lovely memory for your family, Evie must feel so special to celebrate her birthday on such fantastic time of the year :)
Wishing you and your family another amazing year!
Wow Jenny, what a heartwarming birthstory for Evelyn. I am also a Dec 24 baby and my mother always makes a point of retelling my birthstory at every Christmas/eve family gathering. I love it, makes me feel special. I am now expecting my third child and excited at the unpredictability of the birthing journey. Wishing you a wonderful and more mellow 2013. I really enjoy your blog, thank you!
Mutaleni (Windhoek, Namibia)
Happy New Year and cheers to realizing that slowing down life can actually improve it and make it better.
I think you are wise beyond measure. Now that my twins are 19 and home from college – we enjoy slowing down together.
Happy New Year! I have been a long time reader but somehow missed the story of Evie's birth. Wow! I'm pregnant with #3 and cannot imagine that happening. How neat that it was Christmas Eve. I look forward to more LGN in 2013!
I somehow missed the story of Evelyn's birth, too! That's absolutely amazing. And on Christmas Eve. Incredible! What a special story for Evelyn and your family. Happy 2013, Jenny!
See the photo of the creepy characters made my day. I was crying I was laughing so hard at work this morning! Thanks for that!!
Hi Jenny! We also have a white tree, I love it so much, no one else I know has one, other than the occasional ones I spot on decorating blogs. I should give you a heads up, though that they yellow if exposed to sunlight for too long. I made the unfortunate mistake with my first white tree and now we are onto our second one!
I think your resolution to slow down and live thoughtfully is a wonderful idea! Enjoy your daughters, your home, and Happy New Year!
Um, is Mickey giving the camera the finger? Inappropriate Mickey, inappropriate.
Just signed up to receive your emails. Loved reading how you spent the holidays. Happy New Year to you and your family
Have you tried the Thymes frasier fir candle or soap products? I recently bought the dish soap and I LOVE it, it really does smell like Christmas trees!
Wishing you a slower year more abundant in beauty and happiness Jenny!
Now THAT is a birth story. So special! I can't think of a happier way to come into the world. Happy new year!
Happy New Year Jenny
I wish you lots of happiness and good health