It’s super easy to change the look of cloth lampshades. I saw this beautiful photo in Better Homes and Gardens (and Lindsay from Everything LEB did a post on the subject here).

They suggested doing the whole dye bath thing, but I was feeling impatient the day I wanted to dye my too-simple Target drum shades, so I cheated a little.

I picked up a bottle of this powder form fabric dye at an art supply store here (Blicks). It’s called Procion MX Dye. There were so many cool colors! I chose Bright Green for this project.

Speaking of family, I put my first post up on Babble yesterday. It’s a little intro on me and my family – maybe some stuff I haven’t shared with you here yet? There also may or may not be a photo of me in airplane pose. Do you play that with your kids?
Anyway, I’ll also be posting on Babble’s The New Home Ec blog every day, so don’t forget to check me out there for more of my home decorating tips!
Thank you so much, ladies! It's such an easy project. The hardest part is choosing the dye color! They had all these swatches out on the display at Blick Art and I was like a kid in a candy store. :)
Dye just looks so much more rich than paint can sometimes look. Depth of color or something…
pretty. you do everything with love and grace.
now play with those girls….I bet they were dying to see you too.
This is just what I needed! Awesome! I'm also excited to hear what you have to say on Babble.
V. subtle and pretty, Jenny. All the colors in your room are so pretty. I dyed a lampshade for my office and love how it adds a dose of color. Can't wait to hear how you added the silver lining!!
that is awesome. i love how you mix colors, and put the unexpected into that room and it looks AMAZING!
Thank you so much, ladies! It's such an easy project. The hardest part is choosing the dye color! They had all these swatches out on the display at Blick Art and I was like a kid in a candy store. :)
Dye just looks so much more rich than paint can sometimes look. Depth of color or something…
I have some jacquard fabric dye but it's not in a powder form. Do you think it'll still give me the same result?
Painting the dye on just sounds so much easier than dipping the whole shade. I'm so glad you posted your short cut! Your lamp shade turned out lovely.
Can't WAIT for the post on the silver lining. I have been wanting to do that for a while :)
I can't get enough of you so I'm excited to see you are on Babble, too!
Fun facts…my husband is also an attorney, I am also a Mormon, I also have 3 girls + 1 more. You should definitely have one more!
I have made a career out of being a mom, but have always loved decorating projects and design, and now I love blogging, too! You have my dream job.
Love from Lori C.
Agh! Bless you! I've had some plain white shades & gray RIT dye sitting around while I've been contemplating the best way to dye the shades. I was wondering though, by brushing the mixture on do you end up with any brush strokes or uneven areas once you have the lamps lit??
I love it! Great idea!
Love the subtle green Jenny. So glad you will be posting on Babble. I love your ideas, style and blog.
Have fun with those precious girls!
im decorating my apt right now on a slim budget, thanks for the great idea definately going to do this!!
Jenny, two things I never knew – that a lampshade could be dyed and that Babble existed. Both wonderful! Great post at Babble – what a fun site. Can't wait to hear about that silver lining inside the shade……love that!
Jenny! just the project i need!!! I have an old lampshade in need of an update. I just need to find a store where I can buy some fabric dye. (i live in the philippines) BTW, LOVE your blog!!!
I just realized something…I know your husband. I was thinking, man, that looks like M. Komenda…I never paid attention to your last name, etc. Just a fan of the blog. I was in a political organization with your husband as a teenager in AZ. Love your blog…tell M Faith Christiansen says "Hello".
Love the arched bookshelves.
This reminds me I need to get a few more shades to dye, I loved this project! Thanks for the shout out, you are too sweet!
can't wait to read your posts!
Well done! Have you noticed that some dyed lampshades change the color of the light, e.g. a red lamp shade emits a weird red light rather than normal, white light? Is the purpose of the silver lining to keep the dyed shade from turning the light a funny color?
Your results are absolutely beautiful. Please take extra care in working with fiber reactive dyes in dry powder form. The little powder particles are very irritating to the lungs. I do my Procion dying outdoors for the safety of kids and pets indoors… Some fiber artists who dye set up a safe indoor spot surrounded by wet newspaper to catch/absorb stray powder, and they may also don a dust mask or respirator. Enjoy your cool shades!
Oh this is a great idea and something I've never ever thought of! This sort of thing would go perfect in me and my husband's new house, thanks so much for sharing the idea!